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Everything posted by Dark0ne

  1. No problem! You had me worried that my last 25 years of mice purchases were a lie! On that note, are you aware that if you hold CTRL while (normal) clicking a link it will also open it in a new tab? Not sure if you can do both at the same time with your setup but just thought I'd tell you in case you didn't know.
  2. Say whaaaat? I'm fairly certain all the main mouse manufacturers and main mice that people use have middle mouse buttons on them. I certainly haven't had a mouse without a middle mouse button since I got my first Intellimouse in the early 2000's and never looked back. Since then I've owned Logitech's, Razer's, SteelSeries and Corsairs and they've all had middle mouse buttons too. What alternate universe are you living in? Unless you're on a Mac?
  3. Well done and congratulations on all your hard work, @darkelfguy. Your service to the Morrowind community over the years has been phenomenal.
  4. RIP Vissenekku5746, I didn't know you particularly well, but I know you had a fantastic attitude and enjoyed the friendships you made here. I hope you are at peace now.
  5. Oh no, I sent him a message only a couple of weeks ago to let him know I was glad he was still with us. How did you find out, @Pagafyr? Edit: Just seen the message on his page. How very sad. He was a lovely character. How he spoke and his attitude towards his illness was an inspiration.
  6. This functionality/page does not currently exist. It is definitely on our to-do list as it would be super useful.
  7. Thank you for the reports. We have identified an issue and are now working on a fix.
  8. I cannot reproduce this issue. Is it still happening for anyone?
  9. Aren't you comparing two different pages? Your "My Nexus Files" page is at https://www.nexusmods.com/users/myaccount?tab=files and has not changed. You can still see and use this page. Your profile page is https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Qrsr/mods and has changed, but you're comparing two separate pages. The previous profile pages on the site also had pagination and showed less than your "My Nexus Files" page. Please can you clarify what your issue is?
  10. It is fantastic to still have you with us, VisseNekku.

  11. Thanks for the report. We've sent it to our ad provider straight away for review.
  12. Thank you for the report. We're currently performing maintenance on the database that contains this data. Hopefully this will return once the maintenance is finished. For more updates please check our Status page: https://nexusmods.statuspage.io/
  13. You have 3 files on your page. Their UDL counts are: 8 3 4 This means that the maximum your mod page UDL stat can be is 8 + 3 + 4 = 15. If it was 15, it would mean that none of your users downloaded more than 1 file on your page. Your UDL stat is actually 11, which means that 4 of your users downloaded 2 or more files on your mod page.
  14. Because they are showing different things. The UDL stat on your mod page shows you unique downloads on your entire mod page. If your mod page has 5 files on it and someone downloads every single file then each file will get 1 UDL, but your mod page doesn't get 5 UDL, it gets 1 UDL as well.
  15. From https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues: We cannot help you with Vivaldi browser. Sorry.
  16. Thanks for considering supporting Nexus Mods. I cannot speak for every variation of prepaid card so I'm sorry I cannot answer your question specifically. However, if it doesn't work directly, try using the PayPal payment option at the checkout screen instead and seeing if that works. If it doesn't work via PayPal either then I'm going to guess it's something to do with security on the card rather than something on our end. I'm sorry I cannot be more help.
  17. Confirmed, this does not seem to be working. The devs are off for the day now but hopefully they'll have a fix for it tomorrow. Thanks for your report.
  18. Confirmed, this does not seem to be working. The devs are off for the day now but hopefully they'll have a fix for it tomorrow. Thanks for your report.
  19. Confirmed, thanks for the report. I imagine this won't get fixed until tomorrow when the staff are back in the office.
  20. We removed the easy way to add broken game support into Vortex for the masses.
  21. https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14733 Read the bottom two paragraphs. It's still relevant today. Outside of the fact we don't want to host mods that actively work to undermine groups (of all types), even more so for us, it's about not wanting to moderate hundreds of purely evil, hate-filled mods, comments and posts from neo-nazis, far-righters and generally deranged people. We were regularly having to deal with individuals sharing how they want to murder their chosen hated group, how they would actually do said murder, why said murder would be justified, and so on and so forth. That was probably the worst stuff, but the problem was, it wasn't and still isn't rare. The absolute state of some of these people. Nor do we want to provide a platform for those who wanted to encourage and empower such individuals. It's far easier for us to say "fuck off" to these people than it is to do the impossible - to provide a place where people can share "whatever they want" (i.e. including mods that deliberately target groups they don't like) without the site turning into an absolute hole of a community filled with the dregs of society that pushes away anyone not crazy enough to be onboard with such ideals. I, as the owner of this site, really couldn't care much less how others think I should be moderating my own site. All I know is, when I wake up on Sunday morning, I don't want to be dealing with another cesspit of shite caused by pure hatred posted to my own website. As per the news post linked above, I've removed the other comments and locked this thread. When we say we really don't want to argue it, we mean it. I tend to leave one of these up every now and again to remind people we mean it.
  22. You're not showing as Premium here - are you sure you don't have more than one account and you're on the wrong, non-Premium account? You will need to email [email protected] with as much information as possible (ideally your payment receipt, or the email address you used when paying, or the date you paid) and they can try to help you.
  23. I still see your mod in the hot files: Are you blocking any tags? Is it possible you're blocking a tag that your own mod has, and that's why you're not seeing it?
  24. Our statement on what we do and don't want to host in regards to inclusivity and diversity can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14733 I recommend taking particular note of the last two paragraphs. I'll lock this now as it will simply be a circular tit-for-tat that has happened countless times already.
  25. Hello, If you are getting a redirect ad you need to provide the information I requested earlier in the thread, link below, else I will not be able to sort it.
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