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Everything posted by gsmanners

  1. Actually, I think this is a fix for that: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6240
  2. You need to do the troubleshooting rite of passage (so to speak): http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=890373
  3. I do have a Rivet City brothel mod I might post, but it won't work the same way. You go in and pay via a computer and go through a kind of toll gate. At that point, it's up to you how you play (although "Favors" will shut off if you overstay). :D
  4. The first step is to understand how both mods work. In particular, look at what resources they use and how. This should show you the conflict. From there, you can figure it out logically, but there isn't any one surefire way to fix all conflicts. It really depends on the individual mods and the way they are constructed.
  5. Will that really affect the voices? I've used agerace (and even sexchange) without noticing any difference in the voice. The weird thing was listening to an adult talk like a child or vice versa.
  6. I get the feeling your game is freezing for some other reason. The karma level bug was level 21 before Broken Steel and 1.5 came along. This is where it would be a good idea to have a previous save you could fall back to. (I wonder how many times this advise has been given in the history of this game.)
  7. AFAIK there is no way to go above level 20 except with Broken Steel, and I don't recall anyone complaining about being able to go beyond 30. Then again, I'm not sure what the status is of Fake Patch and Point Lookout, so who knows (I don't think it's a good idea). Maybe just to be safe you should list all your mods so we all can double-check whether you really don't have a level mod.
  8. Well, you could just "setscale 0.85" on an adult. How would you know the difference if they're wearing power armor?
  9. ToggleAI by itself turns off the AI to all actors, thus stopping their anims (although their navi anims might take a few seconds to stop in this situation). Animation bugs has always been a notorious rumor in Gamebryo. I imagine they might have trouble with null-pointers or garbage collection (or something like that), and in that case it would be surprising if the application *didn't* crash at some point, with all the animation going on in FO3. I think this particular problem can be mitigated by tweaking the settings for when Actors and Objects appear, although that's just my personal experience. I haven't seen any confirmation of that.
  10. Shouldn't you be able to just remove the (I assume they're .kf) files and revert to a previous save? Anyway, the original anims should be in the (probably meshes) bsa file, so unless you changed that you should be fine.
  11. More good news: not much coding required for that. You just apply something like a Stealth Boy effect on your stealth suit, and your basically done with that. The real work will likely be the animating and modeling. Good luck! :)
  12. If you're really into Sneak, I highly recommend the Combat Shotgun early on. It can be tough to find if you don't know where to look for them (*ahem* traps), but once you do have that in good condition and you have high enough Small Guns skill, it can be your go to weapon till at least level 10.
  13. The DC metros make a nice "dungeon". Lots of ways to get from one place to another and real easy to get lost. Buildings are fairly predictable.
  14. There are legal issues, so take it up with Microsoft.
  15. According to the spoilers (which I never hesitate to read thoroughly), you will be getting your gear back at a point where like ammo and stimpaks.
  16. Go through the main quest as fast as you can the first time, then start again with a new character and really soak in the scenery (ignoring the main quest) on the second time around. That's what I did.
  17. Odd, how GECK and Fallout 3 exhibit the same exact random crashing problems on a lot of systems (many of them with no driver problems at all). They both seem to use some heavily modded Gamebryo 2.2 code. Hmm. Coincidence?
  18. Excuse me, but you need 1.6 to run that DLC (or so I understood). I understand if you're reluctant to "upgrade" because of issues, but it stands to reason that you will crash and/or freeze at certain points without the patch that was the stated prerequisite to playing that very DLC, owing to lack of features (or lack of Fake Patch).
  19. Yeah, I had thought about that. Combat targets are easy to track, and you'd obviously put that dialogue on a nice long timer so you could accumulate a lot of loot between getting nagged about it. Works great for in those areas where it's like a vanilla FPS, but if you happen across some Mercs fighting it out with Super Mutants, then you'll still need to do some manual looting (because some of them will be dead before you get there). Even better, if you have FOSE you can use GetCrosshairRef to track whatever you're pointing at, so it doesn't even necessarily need to be a combat target. I just need to do some testing on that (someday :P).
  20. It goes without saying that "Fallout3.esm" should be at the top. Other .esm files should probably also be at the top just under that. Aside from that, you need to look at each specific mod and read whatever descriptions they provide. There may be instructions on what their preferred load order is (with respect to other mods).
  21. I wish I could hand-draw navmeshes, but that and $1 will get me a cup of coffee. :P
  22. I think a list of names would be more helpful, but I have no idea whether any of those will be problematic. FOMM does not do anything automatically. When you see the file list, then you will probably need to drag some files down (if they need to load later).
  23. I don't have any DLCs and don't plan to get them till GotY edition, but I use 1.6. Works just fine on my (admittedly old) machine.
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