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Everything posted by Scorch621

  1. Interesting, but it doesn't contradict the common and probably boring argument that the Empire is collapsing. For two hundred years, the Empire has been falling slowly. But since the Great War, the Empire has been getting worse. Now it has come to the point where Skyrim is in a civil war, Cyrodiil is plagued by riots and gang wars (Cicero) and High Rock has probably returned to its system of fighting itself. When the Empire collapses, it will bring Skyrim and High Rock down with it. Unless, Skyrim and high Rock where to leave (ironically, causing the fall of the Empire early). Furthermore, while I have not met Ulfric in Sovngarde yet, he may have been referring to it helping the Thalmor by remaining undecided, not by it causing (or seeking) Skyrim's independence. The Empire is collapsing yes, this is why it needs Skyrim, without it the Empire is damned, that is the truth of the matter I agree. The empire only got into this position because of the Oblivion crisis which left the Empire with no emperor, just like Skyrim however civil war erupted in Cyrodiil, which resulted with Titus Mede taking the throne, then look what happened, The Thalmor invaded after Cyrodiil was getting its bearings, think of what will happen to Skyrim if Ulfric wins, he will assume position as High King(much like Titus Mede assumed position as emperor a hundred years earlier) then the Thalmor will have no excuse NOT to invade, the Empire is holding the Thalmor at bay by saying, "look we're in Skyrim, we'll handle things here dont trouble yourself" So if the Empire loses control the Thalmor will say, "You dont have things under control there, we're stepping in..." Skyrim will come under extreme invasion in a few years if not a few months! and Skyrim will crumble just like Cyrodiil... Ulfric is a very fickle sort of person, he leaves his support of the Empire when its down on its knees, and then starts a rebellion making it even worse! thats like you leaving your best friend when he's being beaten up by the big guy at the bar, then hitting your friend over the head with a plate because he's probably going to lose. You seem completely sure that the Empire WILL crumble, it will...if Skyrim secedes from the empire. If it doesnt, the empire could well be on its way to actually winning the war with the Thalmor, and after that new leadership will step in...you are Dragonborn after all, you have the most claim to the throne out of almost anyone we know so far, even Titus Mede II...and he is the emperor As for Ulfric in Sovngarde it remains debateable, ghosts speak very in a very archaic way, makes it difficult to understand them...stuff rhymes too!
  2. download in ten minutes as well, played for a bit going to bed, its really sweet though!! love my new Crossbow
  3. I must now leave Elsweyr to save skyrim!!! TO THE DAWNMOBILE!!
  4. and heres me thinking I wouldnt be able to play until next week...or the week after since my illustration course is next week
  5. @Shogun perhaps...but we shall see, I think that was the fastest purchase I've made on steam 1 minute..I've outdone myself! :P
  6. Favourite hold is probably Falkreath!! hahah Ranger character and I feel really at home in Falkreath, still exploring it though least favourite is probably the Windhelm area, kinda boring not much to do Markarth is cool as well though, but I tend to forget about it because its so far to the west so it remains largely unexplored for my character I love witchunting!
  7. Indeed it doesn't, at least allow us to lie to the blades and say, "hey I killed paarthurnax and stuff..." How are the blades supposed to know that you did or didn't, not like they can go to the throat of the world every now and then...the grey beards wouldn't let them granted though, Esbern isn't as bad as Delphine, he seems less fanatical But yeah I'm still hoping we see more blades in any expansion or DLC, like what happened to the grandmaster of the blades during the great war? Knowing the blades, they would have snuck him out of cloud ruler temple, then agan he's probably really old by now...or dead just due to old age. I mean it's pretty likely that we'll get a thalmor based dlc, so hopefully we,ll see more of the original blades
  8. Yup, he says skyrim was betrayed by war, blood of the sons of skyrim doomed against fate Something like that anyway, ghosts tend to speak very archaicly(sp?)
  9. Did anyone know that if you meet ulfric in sovngarde if he died in the civil war quests he regrets his decision to rebel against the empire? If you can talk to him after you defeat alduin He says his rebellion only weakened skyrim so the Thalmor could regain strength
  10. anything like Oscuros overhaul, that was essential in my oblivion mod list, and I refused to play it without it :P But really I'd like to see an awesome Ranger guild with random rangers patrolling the wilderness and protecting cities with a really kickass armor(Natterformes ranger armor, somewhere in his gallery) along with some cool quests involving killing the Thalmor
  11. I think after dawnguard comes out(for PC and ps3) the next DLC is going to focus on the Thalmor, maybe we'll meet some new Blades agents? ones that aren't so quick to say DRAGON!!! WHERE!!! KILL!!! Esbern and Delphine cant be the only ones left...I mean come on, where did the grandmaster go during this whole thing? Maybe go to the Sumerset isles (its round about the same size as the shivering isles geographically I think) and punch some Elven faces in(no offence to non Thalmor elves of course), maybe then we'll get a proper cinematic ending, with you being crowned emperor or something, maybe the elder council will just say at the end, "You will be emperor, in time, but It will take a very long time for us to organise the provinces to recognize your claim blah blah blah... But it would be complicated however, I mean for non DB characters the emperor would have to die some how...
  12. Despite the climate in skyrim...many people do not wear pants... The Silver Hand do not only kill werewolves...but people who arent werewolves too...so thats basically everyone The people of skyrim are very emotionally cold, able to stand firm and completely apathetic to the death of a loved one (Alvor doesn't really give a sh** if his wife dies for some reason) Town guards can indeed withstands a shot to the head...but keep complaining about that knee injury...
  13. Who and how? Skyrim is on the opposite side of the world to the Summerset Isles It's pretty much impossible for the Aldermeri to attack Skyrim without first taking Cyrodiil or Hammerfell. Not really...just go along the coast of High rock at the top until you reach the docks of Solitude... Anyway, I support the Imperials through and through... When I first started Skyrim I chose the Stormcloaks, one because they wore pants and two because I did some reading prior and discovered the Thalmor beat the Empire into submission... as I kept playing, completed the Stormcloak campaign, disregarded the racism in windhelm and the markarth incident. But when you go to Castle Dour and defeat Tullius, he says that the Empire aren't the bad guys, and that this is exactly what the Thalmor wanted...It suddenly didnt feel right being a Stormcloak, Tullius was right...The Empire arent the bad guys, They're just stuck in a very difficult situation and are trying their hardest to get out of it, plus the Dossier you read on Ulfric by the Thalmor in their embassy, tells us the Thalmor consider him a dormant intelligence asset. The Dossier also says the Thalmor were going to intervene in Ulfrics Execution at Helgen, that's why they were there! explain how they don't put Ulfric's head on the block first...he's the most dangerous one there. In my opinion if there was no dragon, The Thalmor would have escorted Ulfric away and said they were going execute him for heresy...but what they would have done, was let Ulfric go... Why? because like the Dossier says...he's an asset... And dont give me the, "If Ulfric wins he'll kick out the Thalmor from Skyrim"...yes I agree, and I'll applaud him for getting rid of as many Thalmor as possible, but all that will do is piss them off, the Thalmor consider a Stormcloak Victory bad yes, only because it means they will have to spend resources invading Skyrim themselves and lets face it...they would kill or enslave every human in Skyrim if that happened... The Imperials have a plan... even in the Dark Brotherhood quests, The Emperor lets you kill him... I think its because he knows its time for Tamriel to have a new Emperor...someone who will stand up to the Thalmor...someone like, The Dragonborne
  14. Indeed, needs to be much more lively and busy... Not just with the amount of people, but what happens as well, I mean when your done with the civil war quest it like the only thing that happens is the guards get a new uniform...thats it. I'd like to see a DRAMATIC change in lifestyle, I mean the Stormcloaks want to enforce the old nordic way of life, why dont we see that!!! or like public executions and stuff, when the imperials take over riften , just a change of uniform, we dont see thieves guild members being arrested(we see thieves attacking things) but no executions or public humiliation.
  15. The Shadow Ranger mod in more epic detail and life than what was in oblivion... Same guild, same items and stuff...just more life to it, actually seeing patrols of Rangers across Skyrim and little random encounters involving them... like an ambush on the Thalmor or hunting down other nasty things...
  16. tis was mods are for... but yeah I think it would be even more hilarious if you picked up Meridias beacon as a vampire and she would just tell you to put the F*** back!
  17. Like Thalmor Assassins being sent after you? or you being sent after Thalmor? either way I dont really care as long as I get to kill those assholes...
  18. hehehe, The Empire actually retook Cyrodill...albeit at a hard price. point is though, they took it...he gave up because they didnt have much left to fight with, and if they kept fighting the only humans in Cyrodill would either be slaves, or dead... I respect Emperor Mede...he has the common sense to know when to step down, plus it was time for the Empire to have someone else in charge...that will screw up the Thalmors plans so badly! I really hope the DLC is about taking the fight to the Thalmor... but yeah thats not the point of this thread
  19. Indeed...Bad guys to us, never see themselves as bad guys...hell, when I was playing some of the brotherhood quests I actually felt like I was doing the world a favour sometimes...truly... when I killed the emperor I knew it had to be done...why? Because the Empire needs a new one to step in line so they can get a new perspective on how to stop the Thalmor... my opinion anyway...
  20. Legion/Stormcloacs isnt good or evil. Its just a different angle. Also Companions arent really "good" or "evil". They are mercenarys after all and they do for what they get paid. There arent many factions out there, that i woud count as "good". Probaly only the priests of the nine (k, eigth), like the Stendarr guys. But thats it. Even the Vigilant aren't completely good...they're Zealots...the fight for good don't get me wrong...but I can definitely see somewhere along the line there have been cock ups...
  21. Falkreath, my character is a ranger, its also quiet...perfect for keeping hidden away from those pesky Thalmor... either that or Solitude...Cos I'm a- FOR THE EMPEROR!!!
  22. hehe, these topics are great... I was talking to Esbern about hunting dragons and he's going on and on and all of a sudden a dragon lands right in the middle of the courtyard and starts torching everything...and Esbern is still talking and I cant break the conversation...I can just imagine my character pointing and signalling to the dragon behind Esbern while he rambles on and on... Aela was my wife with this one character and her and I went exploring and we eventually ran across some Forsworn and proceeded to attack them, she died during the battle(hit by and arrow whilst she was DBNO) once the battle was done I dragged her body all the way to this shrine near old Hroldan...I placed her body on one of the benches, left some flowers, her weapon and shield by the corpse, paid my imaginary respects and left... I return to whiterun after a very long time of not visiting the companions to find she's alive, sitting at the dinner table in Jorvaskr eating...and not my wife...I'm thinking...what the f***? you were dead! I was stalking a Thalmor patrol up a road once and I kid you not, 5 werewolves! (Skyrim wars IV mod) ambush me and the Thalmor patrol and try and rip everyone to shreds...I escaped...barely...but the Thlamor didn't :D I was hunting dragons and Lydia is one of the blades who was sent to help me, with the blades I also had Eric the Slayer with me, Lydia died whilst trying to kill the dragon...when the battle was finished I told Eric to go home because I just wanted to go somewhere alone...he leaves walks past her corpse, bends down, checks her corpse or something like that, stands up and says, "What a shame..." then continues home... I felt kinda sad when that happened... My Shadow Ranger character despises the Thalmor, he was an initiate when the great war started, he spent most of the war hunting down Thalmor agents in Cyrodil and helping the legion fight, he never completed his training as the guild went into isolation in the later years of the war, now he kills every Thalmor as soon as he gets the opportunity, anyway to the point, the Thalmor who pace up and down in Markarth died as soon as I could get to them, I literally just pulled out my bow and just let fly my arrows...when the guards approached me for some reason it glitched out and I only got the Cidnha mine arrest line...I couldnt get out of it without fighting the guards so I ran for the gate and now I simply tell myself I'm no longer welcome in Markarth as the Thalmor know who I am now and want to kill me and capture me etc. etc. I still hang out in Markarth though...I just use an invisbility spell and hang out in the tavern :D
  23. Favorite pastime...I kinda made a new character that was dedicated to killing Thalmor as they systematically hunted down and murdered his guild members;My character in oblivion was a Shadow Ranger, from the mod. So yeah my character in skyrim was a Shadow Ranger trainee when the great war started, he pretty much spent the war hunting down thalmor even though he wasn't fully qualified as a Shadow Ranger... and killing that douchebag thalmor in markarth is extremely satisfying...
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