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Everything posted by Scorch621

  1. Dear Mudcrabs It has come to my attention that I have offended you in some obscure way, perhaps I clicked in the wrong way, maybe I moved sideways inappropriately and for this I humbly, Humbly apologize, but can you please forgive me? I am unfortunately not well versed in appropriate mudcrab etiquette, if you would please be so kind as to teach me, or guide me to a place of learning so I may verse myself in your esteemed culture. This is starting to get rather silly Mudcrabs, I am much, much larger than you, yes there are usually more of you than me, but please mudcrabs, please...just leave me alone when I walk through your stream or near your small stagnant pond. Thank you Yours Sincerely -Brandon No toes.
  2. I'm Wizeacre621, I like playing Recon, but I'm not the most skilled sniper, but I'm getting better now that I have a straight pull bolt. I'm a good medic, and will revive team mates without second thought, I'm a fairly good jet pilot as well I prefer Rush games. shoot me up, I'm on the PC
  3. That is a VERY interesting idea...I like it, if so this would open up some very interesting conflicts, and it would really mess with the player as regards their power. it would also make sense, considering that there might be dragon mounts who else are we gonna fight up in the sky besides other dragons and maybe silt striders...
  4. My Nord character is part of an old noble bloodline cast out from society for various political reasons, mostly involving treason and supposed deadra worship. This bloodline eventually turned itself into a small guild of Druids and Rangers, dedicated to putting the undead to rest and stopping necromancers from conducting their deeds, during the great war the Dominion saw them as a threat and decided to hunt down and eliminate each and every member just as they did the Blades, My Nord was a child when he was taken by the guilds servants to a small enclave of refugees hiding out on the eastern borders of Cyrodill, here he was raised like the old Rangers and once he was of age carried out raids and sabotage missions against the Thalmor and their allies, until eventually the Thalmor found the enclave and purged it of its inhabitants. He tried to save as many as he could but eventually he had no choice but to run, during his escape he was hit in the face by a Thalmor wizards fireball, he now has a horrendous burn scar on the left side of his face...a constant reminder of the Purge. He then made his way from the East of Cyrodill to the north, making his way to Skyrim where he was hoping to find his family's old estate, he was then caught in the battle between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks and was captured along with Ulfric Stormcloak. He still continues looking for his family's old home, he knows not what it looks like or what it is called...but he knows the secret markings that dot the estate, which is his only way of knowing his family's home. A bit long, but I wanted him to fit with my old oblivion character who was a part of the same guild. My other character is a Breton Smuggler, caught trying to smuggle items from Cyrodill into Skyrim
  5. In hearthfire I hired a bard, Sonir...she doesnt sing to well so just to keep her quiet(and mainly for a sadistic giggle) I shot an arrow at her and she of course...died, unfortunately my characters daughter ran into the room and just plainly asked, "what happened?" what was funny was that as soon as the bard died and stopped singing, Faendal my steward and Lydia just started clapping :D
  6. Considering how well the bards actually sing (Sonir anyway) one could say they are trainee bards...or banshees in disguise...
  7. Valenwood, tall trees, Rangers, druids, pretty rivers and elven ruins! sounds like home for my character(who is a Nord Ranger, so maybe not)
  8. Valenwood, tall trees, Rangers, druids, pretty rivers and elven ruins! sounds like home for my character(who is a Nord Ranger, so maybe not)
  9. I think we'll have to wait for the next dlc to find out what happens, it's probably gonna be thalmor based, so perhaps it will be resolved there
  10. Hmmm... I haven't actually started a Mage character yet... But yeah that's a fair enough point... Didn't ulfric ride out the gates on a horse? Somehow... But I agree with sfbryan on one point, Beth did make it so both side are right in their own ways, but I still prefer The empire, a unified tamriel is in my opinion better for skyrim
  11. Okay, I've reverted to an old avegame and that seems to have fixed the issue, but looks like I'm doing the dawn guard quests again, no matter I enjoyed them and I missed a few things along the way
  12. Whenever I try and click on the Items button when I press Tab, my game crashes to desktop I'm using wrye bash, boss NMM, all have given me no idea of what the problem is. at first I though it was Jaysus swords, because I activated each one individually to try and systematically find out which one was causing a problem, as soon as I hit Jaysus Swords, and loaded up skyrim and tried to access my inventory it crashed, which was really unusual considering I've been using it flawlessly since the latest version came out in february, but nevertheless I deactivated it, and activated all my other mods and loaded up skyrim again...and to my extreme annoyance...it crashed again when I entered my inventory So now I'm absolutely stuck... heres my load order in wrye bash: http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr49/Scorcher_2008/loadorder1-1.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr49/Scorcher_2008/loadorder2-1.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr49/Scorcher_2008/loadorder3-1.jpg http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr49/Scorcher_2008/loadorder4-1.jpg so can anyone help...I'm on the verge of a clean install...which is really, really irritating since this will be the sixth time since I've got skyrim...
  13. Hi! I'm fairly experienced when it comes to modding, I use BOSS, NMM, Wrye Smash etc. but today I tried playing skyrim and I try and enter my items menu and it inatantly crashes, Wrye says I have no conflicts, I've avoided NMM for the past few days because its kinda screwed up right now, as I'm sure most of you know... BOSS also comes up with no errors Tried validating game files through steam, still no luck looting bodies also makes the game crash Can anyone help me? I'd really appreciate it EDIT: damnit, I've posted in the wrong forum sorry!
  14. @SFBryan18 Back to the fair fight thing: A fair fight I believe is if both participants have an equal chance of winning, I'm pretty sure you'd agree. Now if Ulfric had a fair fight with Torygg he would not have used the voice because Torygg cant use the voice, or any kind of magic for that matter, he was defenceless against Ulfric's power Ulfric also did NOT challenge Torygg, speaking to the court wizard and several guards on the matter reveals that Ulfric walked in and start using his Thu'um on Torygg right off the bat. It is also revealed that Torygg respected Ulfric, and if Ulfric simply asked Torygg to join his cause, he would have. Instead Ulfric chooses to kill Torygg (fair fight or not) and causes a civil war. Nordic Tradition does not like magic, if you talk to several nords, hell even having a spell out in front of the guards in Skyrim reveals Nords dont like magic, they see it as evil and malevolent. So even if Ulfric didnt use the voice but fried Torygg to a creamy clemintine flavoured sauce with various spells...it still would not have been following nordic tradition. An example of a fair fight to the death would have been with axes, swords etc. using strength, and skill, rather than magical energies and the voice. Also as my own side note, I'll back up Kraetens views on the empire not abandoning Talos If you speak to Alvor in the beginning after escaping Helgen he says when he was young, all boys used to have small shrine to Talos, considering Alvor is around his thirties or early forties, he was a kid during and after the Great War, this shows that the Empire never Enforced the ban on Talos and turned a blind eye to it and only in recent years with the civil war, has the Dominion been strictly enforcing the Talos Ban. Tullius, Elisif and several Imperial Nords I've ran across during the story all still worship Talos, albeit secretly, they are not puppets of the Thalmor, they all hate the Thalmor. Another thing I'd like to mention SFBryan is that your policy of isolation will not work, the Thalmor hate the race of men, not just the empire, considering Skyrim is the home of man then they would go out of there way to invade Skyrim. They also probably do not seek to conquer the world at present time, considering Nirn is like 12 million square miles in diameter (I'm not sure this is just what I've heard) and that the only really inhabitable places on Nirn are Tamriel and Akavir (Yokuda having sunk during a cataclysmic event and Atmora being a cold barren wasteland) they're only real interest would be Tamriel, perhaps if they conquered Tamriel they would try and invade Akavir but I doubt that would work...considering no one knows anything about Akavir, and the last invasion attempt was a catastrophe that resulted in about 90% of the invasion being completely wiped out by Akaviri warriors (The Tscaesi who are reputed to be snake men who ate the human population of Akavir, ate probably meaning assimilated in my eyes) just my thoughts on the matter, sorry for rambling
  15. I'm running avast and I've never had any problems liek that before
  16. I haven't actually played morrowind (please dont kill me) back then computer gaming in SA was...kinda non existent at least in my family and circle of friends I started with oblivion, and loved it so... wonder if Steam has got it The empire is so poor...they couldnt afford friggin pants for their legionaries anymore now that IS a sign of a crumbling empire...
  17. I let him live, my characters not in the position to be toyed with a deadric lord...plus, I follow Sheogorath...
  18. No problem, I'm tired as well... and there all valid points, I suppose beth wanted it that way so that no matter whose side you chose it could end being successful knowing by the time the next game comes out it will be set another hundred years or so and the whole outcome of this war will be forgotten I honestly just think Ulfric waged war on the account of the Legions steel greaves being taken away...shameful! thats what I'd wage war one dangit!
  19. You have good points, very good points indeed, but a Thalmor invasion of Skyrim would not be impossible, remember, Elves have very strong magic on their side, something which Nords have trouble dealing with, especially the ones that follow Ulfric's cause, not to say they would cower and fear, but they would be defenceless when it comes to magic, I can imagine that during full scale battles, with thousands on each side Aldmeri mages would be casting rains of magical death down on Nordic soldiers. The use of magic could also aid them in an invasion by Sea, and I'm sure a Thalmor war ship can handle a few pirates. The Thalmor would have problems with the land, its cold tempratures would probably be the main cause of it though. but the Nords would also have their own troubles, much of Skyrim's food comes from the Empire, Skyrim has it tough when it comes to growing crops and breeding cattle. I'll use the Boer war as an example, the British had great troubles dealing with boer commandos and raids, The Stormcloaks would likely use similar tactics in an invasion due to smaller numbers and knowledge of terrain. The British then resorted to burning farms and taking civilians hostage and putting them in concentration camps.The boers eventually lost because they ran out of food and knew that their families were being held hostage by British soldiers. The Thalmor would likely do the same, burn down farms, take people prisoner and ransom Skyrim back to the Nords and we're back at square one with Skyrim encountering even worse problems than the empire. Elves take a long time to mature yes, but they live very long as well, Sinderion lived almost 200 years and he still went to Blackreach... so I'm sure the Thalmor have battle hardened veterans on their side as well. Not to mention Bosmer scouts, Khajiit warriors(look at the caravaneers, they do fine navigating Skyrim) and probably Deadra considering magical powers again. but yeah, its difficult to tell how Skyrim would handle itself in an invasion like this, Skyrim could definitely handle themselves, but it could go either way. We could go on for a while debating this, so I'll leave invasion plans there Can I also ask why you think the Empire is failing? like you said they obliterated the forces of the Thalmor at the battle of the Red Ring and they control High Rock, technically Skyrim, what's left of Morrowind and I'm sure Hammerfell would agree to joining in war against the Thalmor and would be the Empires Ally in the aftermath, if the Empire could find a better way of ruling Tamriel(New dynasty incoming, definitely) it would take a very...very long time to fall, all Empires fall though, I will agree with that, but I dont think the Stormcloaks are doing the right thing by aiding its progression.
  20. Well I just called him from the middle of the Rift...albeit, dont do it in combat
  21. yeah, bandwidth must be pretty tight considering Beth surprised us like this
  22. ooooooh...well...pretty sure Dovahkiins relax works on mine, so I'm sure that would work as well, considering it messes with animations and stuff I think you should only really be worried with stuff that messes with Vampires or werewolves or the area around Stendars Beacon
  23. FNIS? sorry just curious I might have it :P
  24. hmmm...its not only textures but meshes as well if its a big Red blob with an exclamation mark in it? try verifying your game cache in Steam might work
  25. Well my Dawnguard is running fine with SKSE ACE OCS several house and armor mods, including Immersive armors lots of weapons mods including Jaysus swords Hell...I even have Belua Sanguinaire running(I cant get rid of it with my current save, but the potion and stuff should still work, havent tried yet) Monster Wars V5 still seems to work, albeit I am running slower when I reach the city gates but this happened before I installed Dawnguard Also SkyUI works fine you can disable by ticking the necessary box in whatever mod manager program you use hope this helps! :D
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