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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. That's really strange, using 1.1 official patch too. I'm using Audicity, my sound files have correct format ( wav microsoft 16bit pcm, mono ). I can successfully tweak sneaking sound volume, geck reads the new sound but when I tweaked crouching sound volume, it still remains the same. I've checked sound file name and directory, all are correct but geck still doesn't read my new file, instead it still reads the default file. I have FOMM, already activate/deactivate/active archive invalidation. Is it possible that not all sounds can be tweaked? Even the volume.
  2. How do you really name sound files/replace them? For example wind sounds playing on certain regions, I would like to add more wind sounds instead of the vanilla (only 2 for each region, not so sure) ones. Sounds for NPC, I know how to add like ant_injured_01, and_injured_02, by adding _xx at the end you can add new sounds, but for ambiance sounds (wind_plains_lp for example), adding _xx at the end don't work. I need help guys...
  3. Have you tried updating sound card and video card drivers? Download and use the latest ones. I really helps.
  4. I've never heard or use that mod in oblivion before. What does it do? Lets you have 3rd person view when you sleep? While the time fast forwards? I know that there are poses mod that allows you to pose "sleeping".
  5. Uploaded new ui and pipboy sound. Anyway. I'm working on death screams, hopefully it'll add real screams to NPC when they die. Even if their heads have been blown off, lol. Currently in the progress of recording and gathering screams, I need to know if it's possible to add screams to all npc in the game and is a script required?
  6. I know how to add sounds to stimpacks and such now. New question, I plan to add death screams to male and female NPC in the game. How do I apply it to NPC? In geck, you get to alter creature death sound but not category for humans. So, is there a way to do so besides using a script? ( still a scripting noob, may cause major headache to me )
  7. Must it be in big gun category? You can try Classic Fallout 3 weapons. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2307 Some of the small guns are unbalanced and can kill you in a few shots.
  8. Sorry but this might disappoint you. Doing a Cnc project would take a really long time even if a modding team was to be assembled. People are slowly losing interest in playing Fallout 3 day by day, you can tell through the descending number of members online with each passing month. I just don't think modders will be up to the task to make this, it's way too vast. My guess is the most you'll get is a few Cnc weapons amd a zone trooper armor if lucky.
  9. Game of the year edition or Non game of the year edition? What are your system specs, have you downloaded/use any mods before, mod load order?
  10. Ban everyone who stopped playing Fallout 3 due to boredom.
  11. My character has been stuck to level 3 for months due to countless modding and testing.
  12. Get Darnified UI or any UI mods. Should be able to fix your problem. Darnified UI - http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...owtopic=1063937 For other UI just search it on Fallout 3 Nexus and download the one that you like.
  13. Done with the food and drinks, available for download now. How do you add custom sounds to stimpacks, jets, buffout and such?
  14. I want to change/add more variety of sound effects. For example the sound that plays when you use a stimpack. Need your help guys.
  15. Lol, I'll see what I can do. Still open for more requests/suggestions.
  16. Is anyone interested in having a better consumable fx mod? If there's a request I'll try to make one. Now what I really want to know if you guys would have any requests on any ideas/improvements for Fallout 3 (only related to sound files excepts weapon fx and music). Then I'll try my best to see what I can do. I have a little free time on my hands and I want to contribute some of my time to further improve the game.
  17. You can't really say it's overkill. Awesome graphics card doesn't mean you'll have smooth game play with high graphics settings. Lots of stuff matters, for instance, what screen resolution are you going to play on, your ram, cpu, etc...
  18. Try to uncheck all mods first. Then check them one by one to see what mod conflicts with which and see which is causing the freeze.
  19. It's a mod only can be found at Fallout 3 underground website. Link: http://www.f3underground.com/
  20. Another thing that I hope for is that the whole game would be twice the size of Fallout 3 and it'll take you twice as much time to complete it.
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