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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. You're right. I've set "W" as companion order hot key from sharing and caring mod. Thanks so much for the reply. Issue solved. Kudos to you!
  2. Has anyone ever encountered such a problem before? I can't move front (press W) and attack (mouse click L ) together. It's the second time this happened to me. I'm not sure if it's mod related bug, but I'm definitely sure it's not hardware problem, I've switched to different mouse and keyboard to test. This only started after patching to version 1.1. Any idea guys?
  3. My water treating pot seems to be broken. I can't treat dirty water or any kind of water. I have Rad-X and plenty of energy cell with me and a few dirty water. When I drop the treating pot or activate it through configuration menu, the menu only shows "back". Everything works fine but this. How do I fix this? RI - primary needs mod users, please reply.
  4. Companion modders out there, could you please make more male companions.... Currently most of the are female, I bet I'm not the only person that's tired of having only female companions.
  5. I would really love an immersive camera mod. So far there's none at the moment. Even if you change opacity of HUD at display menu, during v.a.t.s mode it comes back. :confused:
  6. Is there a way to remove V.A.T.S highlights without typing command "tm" ? I like playing the game with HUD totally off, but when I enter v.a.t.s mode, the HUD shows up again.
  7. Could someone please make a mod that totally removes the main screen hud (no compass, no crosshair, no weapon condition, no ammo count, no radiation indicator, no health indicator) but still shows item names when you look at them and context sensitive messages like quicksave/autosave screen. During v.a.t.s mode, all you can see is the name, hit chances and AP count ( No ammo count, health indicators, no compass). Turning off hud opacity only removes main screen hud, v.a.t.s mode still shows all the highlights which really breaks immersion.
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