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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. What's so special about being president of the Lounge?
  2. It's not a mod. Just an edited picture. I can't seem to remember the website for those pics.
  3. There's 2 ways of doing this. You can remove the sound by going into G.E.C.K and doing some editing. Delete file UIFaceGenRotateLP and UIFaceGenZoomLP. Then save.Both are found under sound category. Not recommended method. The second way is to make your own silent slider sound. You can do this by using any recording software for example audicity. Just record an "empty" sound. Rename it as UIFaceGenRotateLP.wav and UIFaceGenZoomLP.wav, make sure sound files are wav format. Then copy and paste both sound files to Fallout 3 install directory, E:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\ui\facegen. If you don't have the folders then create them yourself. Locate your Fallout.ini file within My Documents/My Games/Fallout3, change bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 to bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 As for compensating effect for sliders, it is not possible in-game. But possible if you make a character with G.E.C.K. It can be quite complicated though at first. Read this to further understand how to use G.E.C.K. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page Hope this works for you. PM me if it doesn't work, I'll make the sound fix for you. Edit: Sorry, read your post wrongly, ignore the first 2 parts of my reply.
  4. Image not found. What add-ons do you want?
  5. 2 days a week? What course are you taking?
  6. Don't you guys have jobs or school? (Please do not misunderstand my question)
  7. I choose Xbox 360 since it has better price tag, you get Xbox live, the games are rather nice. Graphics wise not as good as ps3 but you pay for what you get. The games are rather nice. I'd still choose to have a PC though, hands down.
  8. I don't think the date is exact or even close to accurate. It might happen one day, no point worrying about it now. People around the world having different time zones, would be really confusing. I can honestly say I would be excited to see what's going to happen on that date though. Edit: So sorry for double posting.
  9. I don't think the date is exact or even close to accurate. It might happen one day, no point worrying about it now. People around the world having different time zones, would be really confusing.
  10. I'm nursing a pregnant queen right now.
  11. Having MMM mod and increased spawns, fighting in the DC area you actually get a "warzone". It's a common problem with huge mods. If you install manually, make sure you don't drag and drop the whole data folder, drop and drag one by one ( texture, then sound, then meshes, etc...) to make sure all files are moved correctly. If you install using Fallout Mod package, that is even better. Remember to toggle archive invalidation after installing.
  12. I approve of this one too. As long it improves immersion.
  13. Being evil sucks, less gameplay. same goes for Dragon age origins.
  14. Darn's UI is what you're looking for, the karma, xp statics, etc... Something is definitely wrong. Are you using 1.1alpha, you can check by scrolling mouse to bottom left screen, point at the vault dude's head. I know in the previous versions you don't get the edit menu when you pause game. Try reinstalling, go for the FOMM package manager instead of the manual one.
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