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About chidosity

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  1. In response to post #66625896. Tell us where the urbie hurt you.
  2. I can take any mod from the Nexus, and in a matter of hours or weeks, make enough meaningful changes to it to make it unique enough as to arguably make it my own mod, available for sale. The reason that doesn't happen often at this point is that there is no serious motivation to do it. Once thousands of dollars are at stake, the motivation exists. This is just one of many serious issues surround paid mods. Thinking that the only reason we want modding to be free is because we're a bunch of cheap 14yr olds is naive.
  3. It's a smokescreen argument. Modding has existed because each successive modding effort is borne on the backs of previous works. Nothing is truely "original work". The tools used, the techniques developed, are from the evolution of modding since the early days in the 90's. Not a single mod on the nexus was created without the use of freely provided tools and techniques freely shared among community members. To ask for compensation is bare naked theft. You are stealing not from a single entity, but from the community at large that provided you the resources necessary to create the work you produced. This has always been the grand bargain. We give you the tools for free, you give us the end work to recycle back into the community. Those of us that so strongly oppose mods for profit understand this deeper issue. If you want to make money, make an iPhone app. If those of us that pioneered modding 20 years ago had charged for our work, none of this would exist today.
  4. My disgust with Valve and Bethesda has been replaced with a broken heart after reading the responses from prominent modders such as FavoredSoul. I have been modding video games since Quake. I have modded over 100 games. My Skyrim Mods are minor, but still took some time to create. Never in a million years would I think of charging for these mods, or any mod. I have been a part of total conversion projects that all told accounted for thousands of man-hours of development time. Some of you are calling end-users entitled brats for wanting something for nothing. I am calling all of you mod authors that wish to be financially compensated for your work entitled brats. When you started your project, large or small, you never envisioned being paid for you work. No matter what your motivation was, money was never one of them. Once that possibility became a reality, suddenly you're entitled to compensation? Horseshit. You are a disease on this community. Myself, and thousands of others, have been happily donating our time to provide content for the games we love for over 20 years, needing nothing but a "thanks" once in a while. This community has survived on the fuel of good will for it's entire life-span, and will continue to survive in the face of your misguided sense of entitlement and greed. Our community is so much better without modders that require financial compensation for their time and talent. When you go, a thousand young bright minds will replace you. Modding is a stepping stone to games development if you choose. If you choose not to go the route of professional games developer, then you do not need to be financially compensated. We mod because it brings us joy. You soil us all with your delusions of grandeur.
  5. Just a little advice from an old computer nerd. You never want to use a program to automatically make deletion decisions for you. You even want to review what an antivirus has found before you let it delete stuff. Programs are made by people, so, they're imperfect. You start letting them delete things for you, you're going to have a bad time.
  6. I use a gtx 760 4gb comparable to what you're looking at. I've found it to be more than adequate for heavily modded skyrim. It's only limitation is when I try to use performance heavy ENB's. As long as I tone down the DOF in my ENB, I get very playable fps. When I bought my card, it was almost twice the price of what you're seeing it at now. As for everyone telling you to wait. That advice could be used for every electronics purchase ever made. As soon as you buy anything, whether it's a v-card, a phone, motherboard, processor, television, whatever, the next best thing is always just around the corner. I say go for it.
  7. Nvidia cards only! Fixes the grass and water bug. You can use in-game or driver-forced MSAA with AO enabled now. A little FPS boost as well.
  8. Thanks guys. Your replies got me to re-read the posting rules more carefully. I saw this: "You must always get permission from the creator of the work first before you upload it to the site. " at the very bottom of the file upload page. I'll wait to hear from the author.
  9. I've created a derivative work of another artists work, and would like to post my work on the Nexus. I respect artists effort and talent, as I severely lack the later, and do not wish to disrespect anyone or be viewed as a thief. I have messaged the original author to request permission to use their work, and to release my mod publicly, with full credit to them for their effort. How long is an acceptable time period to wait without having received a reply from the author before I can post my mod?
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