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About Gligamesh

  1. Dunno about the movie, but it was a kickass game.
  2. It was cool until people started cheating/hacking. Then, the pubs sucked. That, and getting kicked for stupid reasons. Explore a custom map and get too close to a spawn? /kick pwn the wrong person too much? /kick hop in a vehicle and start blasting the crap outta the enemy? /kick Snipe people too well? /kick Fart? /kick The /kick feature as well as cheats/exploits/hacks have made me come to hate online MP games. Call me ancient, but gimme good ol' splitscreen any day. My friends are too broke or too busy for LAN. lol
  3. Any "ism" is bad for relations, in that there is no other "way". There is no flexibility between either side. Israel is not completely Zionist either. The Arab world is prepared to accept and recognize Israel if it can hammer out something, ANYTHING that would recognize Palestine as an autonomous state. The problem with this is Hamas blocking every effort, and Zionist settlers fanning flames. The more level headed Fathah and Kadima parties were making progress. Sadly, Likud seems to be making a comeback (thanks to Hamas' aggression), and the skullduggery has already begun in preparation for Ehud Olmert's downfall. This is the war that doesn't end/ Yes it goes on and on my friend/ Some people started fighting it/ Not knowing what it was/ And they'll continue fighting it/ Forever just because/ This is the war that doesn't end/ Yes it goes on and on my friend...
  4. I vote for C) "All of the above"
  5. If the situation were reversed, and Hamas possesed Israel's hardware, it's my opinion that Israel and the (Middle Eastern) Jew would be a thing of the past.
  6. I'm sure they will. Israel only enacted the cease fire for calm during the U.S. presidential inauguration. They were still being hit by rockets after Hamas "agreed". This is an opening, though I doubt it'll lead to anything good. Edit: Wow, that sounds kinda conspiracy-theoryish... lol
  7. Willy Pete is a tool like any other tool in an arsenal. I know from personal experience that burning isn't painful. It's surviving and the healing after the burning that hurts like hell. So anyone dying from it isn't dying in unbearable pain anyway. Very few people die with any sensation of pain. Most scream out of terror, not pain. It's very disorienting not being able to will your body to do something which is normally an easy task. Nerve agents and biological agents can bring about death in a very slow and painful manner which is one of the contributing factors as to why they're banned. That, and their utter effectiveness. Like spraying Raid on ants. Anyway, enough of that. I'm not defending any particular weapon, or slamming it. Just giving a perspective from personal experience. Hamas has as it's stated goal the destruction of Israel. It seeks to wipe Israel (and by extention, Israelis) off the map. Ask yourself. Is it justified in crying foul when Israel flips their rhetoric on it's head and gives them a first hand look at the reality of the hate they spew so casually? Israel SHOULD tone down their operations. It would be a step up w/regards to their media image. Of course, it SHOULD rain hundred dollar bills...
  8. My only gripe (and it's minor) is the captioning only displayes one person's line at a time, and sometime's you miss part of an npc conversation. Still, pretty much everything said is captioned and it's nice to have it, especially after enduring games with only selective captioning or none at all...
  9. I would imagine that living surrounded by governments and thousands of people who want to wipe you off the face of the earth isn't very nice either. ..which didn't have ideas about wiping them off before the manifestation of zionism in the 1920s/1930s. Philistines and orthodox Jews in the area now known as Israel and Palestine lived in relative harmony before zionism came into the picture. With hardline Zionist referring to nonjews as cattle, I've never been partial to them. And a convenient scapegoat. There's an easy way to avoid these things... Only buy what you can afford. ;) Too true. I dunno about informed or wiser. I just felt the need to play devil's advocate. Can't say I'm fond of either, personally. I'm really not too fond of Israel roilin' the waters with quite a few of my buddies still in Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Iraq. So it does have the potential to effect them. It's just not imminent at the moment. The ripple is there, but it's not yet a wave. I'm just keepin' watch on how things play out, really and runnin' my idiot mouth because I've got nothing better to do in the wee hours. macmert... Once again. Smart bombs are guided by stupid humans. It could have been an accident. Even if it were deliberate (which I doubt, though it is not outside the realm of possiblity, and as such, must be taken into account) it can't be said to be officially sanctioned by Olmert's crew. Give military kids with a grudge some hardware, and they're bound to do things you never intended them to do with it. And blacken your eye with their idiocy, cruelty, and short sightedness. Maybe a unit loyal to Uncle Benji was persuaded to be overly prejudicial in their prosecution? Maybe Hamas units in Israeli uniforms herded their comrades into a building that was a known target? Who knows? We may never know. War is hell.
  10. Krusty the Klown! haha Yeah, more variety in voice acting would have been nice. I'm deaf though. I mean, I can hear... Very very VERY loud noises... hahaha So I guess text only is a bias o' mine. I have to say, the subtitling was well done.
  11. Wait... so... Jews have to be granted land on which to live... Supported heavily by sponser nations... Yet somehow they control the world economy? Uh... Right. How does Israel lock women and children in houses? Please explain that one? I know Hamas takes over houses and keeps the inhabitants there through coercion, force, and fear. When a Hamas operative is nuetralized, the civvies go with him. A common tactic throught the organization. Even the smartest smart bombs are directed by stupid humans, so yes, UN shelling is unfortunate, but an accident all the same.
  12. Two op-ed pices I read yesterday that may appeal to posters here. http://sfchronicle.us/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../EDOS15ABL8.DTL http://sfchronicle.us/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../EDNV15AQDQ.DTL Both overly rosy, I'm afraid. Interesting, nonetheless.
  13. I think if they'd have spent less time importing culinary wares from Elder Scrolls games, they could have focused more on the story. Same with limiting voice acting to only integral characters who had something to say. If they'd have spent more time on dialogue and the long term consequences of your actions, and you, know... actually finishing the game, this would have been an instant classic. As it is, every playthrough, I feel like something is missing. Meh. That's what mods are for. :D
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