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Everything posted by antonkr

  1. Sign the petition here if you want to see Dark Souls for PC. Already 10,000 signatures, in only a few hours. http://petitionbureau.org/DarkSoulsForPC
  2. I think rebuilding Solstheim would be an amazing idea, but to the lore of what it would be in the time we are playing Skyrim in. According to the lore, a lot of Dunmer fled to the island after the argonian invasion. I think seeing a talented modder make this would be amazing.
  3. I already did, look at a previous post :biggrin:
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTdnW6rvGZg Garrus: Do you ever miss those long elevator rides? Tali: No. Garrus: Come on. Remeber how you'd tell us about life on the Migrant Fleet? It gave us a chance to share. Tali: This conversation is over. Garrus: Tell us again about your immune system. Tali: I have a shotgun. Garrus:...maybe we'll talk about this later...
  5. Masterpiece! Knife-gun! Now with a brand new tacticool version!
  6. Finally something worthwhile. Yet another conversion this time, m249 converted for shooting 30mm grenades! EDIT: Combining the best of both worlds, I introduce to you. Underbarrel AK-74!
  7. Love the H&K stock! Another one of my conversions. This time F2000 is rechambered for 9mm rounds. Why? Well a better question would be why not? :P
  8. My failed coversion of 98 bravo into a bullpup. :biggrin:
  9. Err just give me an hour or two or three :biggrin:
  10. Pfft monarchy is dead. I am the ruler here. :biggrin: Fine you can keep your palace. And your ice-cream. But no, no power! :tongue: Welcome back!
  11. one of his sons go gambling abroad, the old man himself used to watch foreign movies, they know what the deal is i think it has simply come down to an "acceptance" of basically owning a country. just like a business. businessmen will own a business, and wont shed too many tears when people are laid of en masse etc, i think its the same way with the kim-family. they know their country belongs to them, like a business, they know people suffer, but its of no major concern to them as long as it stays their private, personal property. like a heir the younger son now owns the country, and starvation or no starvation, hes not gonna relinquish power without a fight. From what I've heard the successor went to Switzerland to go to a university under a fake name.
  12. I think calling this a milsim is rather silly at best. ArmA 2 would be considered a milsim.
  13. I agree with you Campaign was meh at most. It wanted to be Modern Warfare 2, but it wasn't. I liked Bad Company 2 campaign over it much more. I mean at least Bad Company 2 had memorable characters with at least some funny dialog here and there. Battlefield 3 was press a button something awesome has to happen sort of deal, and the characters weren't as memorable, and I didn't quite care for when one of them died. Battlelog at release like you said was garbage. Now with each patch it is becoming better and better. From about having 50 percent success rate on connecting to server it is around 95. I can see why they did it, but a lot of people don't like it as they are not used to it. One thing pissing me off however is that I cannot change settings while not ingame.
  14. Thalmor want you to go against the empire so Skyrim is weakend, therefor is easily taken over by them after.
  15. Stormcloaks Crappy capitol with rude people and racism No way to defend themselves Try to rebel even after the war overly insane leader who is too sure of himself. Imperials Glorious Solitude as a capitol, which even with a war is pretty, and is amazing Army capable of defeating Thalmor but not with the silly stormcloaks Banned Talos temporarily, because of Thalmor. Are not racist unlike Stormcloaks How are you people still choosing Stormcloaks?
  16. Not really someone that is addicted to it or anything xD, but useful if I forgot what a homework was etc.
  17. For most disappointing game of the year I would like to vote. Well minecraft. It took itself in too many directions without fulfilling any of them completely. NPCs are still useless at the release. And Notch is too stressed to work, so he is once again on vacation, and when he is not, he is working on his crappy card game that no one really cares about. Can't quite 100 precent agree with Battlefield 3, but well it might be because I have a different view as a fan of the series, but coming from someone that enjoyed both BC2 and BF2, I find it rather good.
  18. Wait women? I saw one of those in Skyrim, but women exist in real life? :biggrin:
  19. Does it remind anyone else of the guy at Megaton? :biggrin:
  20. antonkr

    MLP debate

    Notch likes it and so do you! http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-notch-is-now-cooler.jpg Notch should for once work on his game instead of going on vacations and start internet dramas. :rolleyes:
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