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Everything posted by antonkr

  1. In a game such as Space Marines, and Call of Duty, clans are really not necessary. However some games can have very useful clans and clan tactics such as the Battlefield series. You feel safer knowing that someone you know is piloting the plane you are going to be gunning from, and that it is not a clueless 13 year old recon idiot that will flip it over, killing both of you. However Battlefield can still be played in a lonely fashion mostly. However if we get to more tactical games (talking ArmA 2 here) playing without a clan on multiplayer is close to impossible. However when you have a team of 30 or so guys organized into few fire teams, and some support players also, it can be a lot of fun for everyone.
  2. don't let him borrow your car nor your girlfriend :rolleyes:
  3. That sounds rather creepy actually. :unsure:
  4. A phone that insults you and attempts to murder you hmm :rolleyes: I'll buy two
  5. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2826564925967583255/ :thumbsup:
  6. That is sad indeed. Rest in peace. :(
  7. Yes, Now bring this man a bottle of AK vodka! http://englishrussia.com/images/19/1.jpg :thumbsup:
  8. Pardon me, but staying in one position and laying cover for your team to move up does require skill :rolleyes:
  9. I wonder how much fun playing hide and seek will be :teehee:
  10. good point brought up here The only reason nuclear weapons were never used is because during the Cold War was of fear of the other side having them. If I knew that half my neighborhood has a shotgun loaded under their pillows I would not exactly want to break into the house overnight.
  11. He played Metro and didn't play Caspian Border :facepalm: You do realize that it might end up being the worst map in the worst mode? :rolleyes:
  12. Honey, if I wanted to be private I would have lived in some third world nation rather than Aus and never use any technology again. There is a huge difference between stealing private info to what EA's doing. Besides, I don't use digital downloads nor want to buy BF3 so I have nothing to hide. If you're so up and arms about it, then talk to your rep in parliament or a consumer group but don't assume that I know nothing about it. Also Thor, I think Crytek is still independent but working with EA, so they may not count. Well said. Many companies already have most of your information since not that many usually read the eula :rolleyes: Honestly, think about it this way. Every time you skip through terms of agreements you might have the company have your hard-drive your phone, your address, your name, and your favorite pizza shop in their data base.
  13. I am going to just leave this here. :facepalm:
  14. Besides that it is a sequel to Battlefield 2 and will have conquest maps in which not having prone is quite ludicrous? And besides, its easy to get head shots on people that are in prone. It would be quite ludicrous if they only put it in conquest modes.
  15. To be honest I really don't care much if someone on EA goes on my harddrive. It's not like I have anything illegal on it and you shouldn't either ;)
  16. This isn't Bad Company 3, it is rather of a mix of Bad Company 2's modes such as rush, team deathmatch etc, and Battlefield 2's grande conquest with 64 players and jets. Not including prone would be rather... silly.
  17. Drowning. Wouldn't hurt as much. Would you rather have no internet connection or no video games ?
  18. I've done stupider things for fame :biggrin:, so dancing Would you rather have 5 billion dollars and one man always trying to kill you who will be revived every time he is dead, or be poor for the rest of your life, but get 50 more years to live then normal.
  19. UberKommando, add me up :thumbsup:
  20. Beta just in time for Jewish holidays (no school) and I celebrate them by playing this amazing beta!
  21. Played metro and damn that was incredible. Although gonna take a bit of getting used to holding to aim. But still. Amazing. Gonna play Caspian Border tomorrow if I find the code for it.
  22. Buying BF3 for single player is like buying an ice cream cone without icecream
  23. Before you do it send a copy to my email and I'll get you an extra bar :thumbsup:
  24. Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. Have it on repeat for the entire day to deal with parent's divorcing. Sort of helps. :turned:
  25. Why does this make me want to get an EVE account, save up a bit for a ship and a smartbomb :teehee:
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