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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. I want some different tinted bound weapons as well. And "neon" enchantment effects. And glowing weapons and armor. In fact, if there was somebody as obsessed with vibrant, glowing things as I am, and managed to make a series of mods like this, I would die from the amazingness.
  2. You mean like.... Summoning an Oblivion Gate? Well hot damn son, I'm hoping for that too. Too bad J3X is probably out of modding for good, otherwise I'd love to see Daedric invasions take place in Skyrim.
  3. Message the maker of "28 Days and a Bit". If they haven't planned on remaking for Skyrim already, he'll/she'll probably do it if people want it. (More than likely EVERYONE will get Skyrim, and port their mods)
  4. Lol. Just walk along the trail one day, and hear a fox say "VINCEY-PRINCEY!", startling you and making you kill it. Then you're beset by a hungry Macho Man dragon, and two swearing mudcrabs.
  5. Are they mods? Because if so, that'd be awesome. No, just drawings/concepts. Probably not doable even with the CK, but I can dream.
  6. I'd like to see some toads added... Mainly cause I have two amphibian creatures of my own I made up, but still.
  7. Morrowind and Oblivion pretty much had the same combat system(Morrowind had dice rolls though but still...) I'd like to see VATS in Skyrim, it was pretty cool to use in Fallout with melee weapons(teleporting at lightning fast speed to the other side of a chain fence to attack an enemy was awesome and priceless.) :biggrin: Slightly off-topic, there was a lot of cool stuff that Fallout had that they for some reason removed...(throwing weapons, VATS, ammo crafting, survival, karma), kind of sad and odd. :psyduck: We need a Fallout 3 combat mod then! Melee, ranged and magical VATS! Grenade-like weapons such as Alchemist's Fire and Acid Flasks! Kill-moves for EVERYTHING!
  8. I think that's what they were going for with the whole "Wards" thing.
  9. http://www.skyrimnex...ile.php?id=2932 It's not some snazzy ring, but it does control the weather.
  10. Elsweyr is better for DLC IMO.
  11. The Khajiit traders have a system like that (Although they don't have any pack animals to carry their tents and stuff), so it's possible. Also, hunters and bandits trade off ownership of different camps around Skyrim, so no camp will be populated all the time.
  12. Anybody out there familiar with Discworld want to make some campanions to test the water? How about a test town? Start with the Shades and work your way around. Or better yet, just make an inn (The Mended Drum) and build around!
  13. I'd like to join it, but I've no idea what I could do aside from providing ideas and concepts. I'm hoping to learn a bit of modding when the CK comes out, but as of right now, I don't know jack.
  14. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/477281-water-monsters/page__view__findpost__p__3911261 Since I'm too lazy to retype my idea
  15. This too. I suppose if you wanted a perfect trap, a chest where all the enchanted weapons and heavy loot fly up and hit you in the face when you open it would be the way to go.
  16. I have a few new ideas for this after reading about True-naming and demonology in the D&D Tome of Magic. Basically, True-naming is a magic system built around the concept that the true word for something grants you power over it; However, if you were to say these words backwards, it would create an opposite, and sometimes bizarre effect. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060303a&page=8 I'm wondering if this system can be applied to the Dragon Shouts. Then, there's the fact that Dragon's names are made up of Shouts. Demon summoning works similar in D&D; You learn the demon's name, and summon it to bind it to your will. However, getting the name isn't easy, since the abyssal demons keep their true names secret, and kill anyone who knows it. So what if there were some Dragons that sought to keep their names secret? Such as an ncient Dragon Titan (Like Alduin) who is forcibly summoned by their true name (much to their displeasure), and so kills anything that meets it in person, or goes by the name of a single word such as "Tempest" or "Glacier". Or take it a different direction, to where a Dragon cannot become a Dragon Lord of a hold without asserting their dominance through their name? Maybe they like being challenged by those foolish enough to call them? Or mayhaps the other Dragons won't serve a nameless Dragon Lord? Finally, I have an idea for a greater power/shout to make fights with Ancient Dragons and Dragon Titans worth it: Say you've defeated this Dragon Titan who only calls himself "Ember". He's a gargantuan beast, his scales are made of magma and brimstone, and his breath reeks of sulfur. After defeating him, he realizes how powerful the Dragonborn is, to defeat Alduin, as well as himself, and reveals his true name. Well, when his name is spoken regularly, it functions similar to Call Dragon; Summoning him from the skies to rain down fire and meteors from above. However, when inverted, he bursts from the ground to devastate all land opponents with earthquakes and searing magma spikes. Essentially, one would call the Dragon Titan to the air, and the other would call them to the ground (or even to the water), depending on what the Titan is to represent. It doesn't even have to function like a summon spell. It could simply be a called air-strike, or a terrifying shockwave attack. I'm hoping that with the addition of other flying beasties besides dragons, the Call Dragon and other aerial-assault shouts will be more useful.
  17. I'm hoping that out of the undoubtedly many necromancy mods that are sure to come (Mine included if I can learn the CK), undead mammoths, trolls, and other things will be possible.
  18. Hope you like all your loot clipping through the chest and into the floor like housing items.
  19. I mainly want the armor as well. I find the lack of glowwy armor to go with the Magicka Sabers mod disturbing. Maybe, for the lore nuts, call the tron armor "Akaviri Dragon Slaying armor" or something, since the Blades draw their weapons and armor from the Akavir warriors.
  20. Psst. -Enters sneak mode- Guy. It's kinda like Fallout 3. Since your sneak skill is so high, you are nigh indetectable and don't start combat right away. slit slit slit slit slit slit slit slit slit slit
  21. I've seen a couple of hunters going after deer and rabbits somewhere Southwest of Whiterun. They were riding horses, and when they'd see their prey, they'd get off and kill it with bows. It was really cool to see that kind of behavior out of an otherwise horseless world. Moar horses, travelers and caravans please.
  22. Does anybody even search the Nexus before jumping to the forums? EDIT: I apologize. It would appear the rain ripple mod I thought was there is now gone. However, Realistic Water Textures does the same thing, and then some.
  23. A lantern type light that turns on if you hold down TAB would be cool. Kinda like the Pip-Boy light in Fallout 3.
  24. IT'S A BIRD PANDEMIC! A... , if you will! But yeah, I want birds. As long as they're not as shittily animated and made like the hawks.
  25. Mmmm, I love me some guro in Skyrim. Hell, if there's furry, hentai and f***ing tentacle rape mods, then why not this? If anything, this is more realistic than the Estrus or whatever, so I approve!
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