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Everything posted by KingGsterUK

  1. Have no fear! What you need to do is: 1) Create a shortcut for the CS. 2) Right click on the shortcut and select properties. 3) Under the "shortcut" tab, in the target box enter the filepath for OBSE in quotes "" 4) After the quotes, hit the space-bar and type -editor What you should have is something like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor Happy modding :D
  2. I had a similar problem where on the inventory screen the weapon was black but in the game world it was showing correctly. This was due to me having the texture open in photoshop. Closed it, everything was alright. If you havn't got it open in another program then I'm not sure what's causing it to appear like that. With the weapon equipped, in 3rd person mode, can you see the textures at any zome level?
  3. I've managed to get a working armour piece in game. The nif file ended up being pretty big due to everything being separate. I made 2 very basic textures so it would actually show up in game and this is how it turned out. http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/4253/progress6.jpg Now that it's in there, you can see there's a lot more work needs doing on the vertex weights and I think the shoulders shouldn't be 100% to the shoulder helper bone from the Maximum Compatibility Skeleton because they don't move with the arms whatsoever. I'll have to play around with it, there's a hell of a lot of work still needs doing, I can't even see the end of the tunnel yet! :unsure:
  4. Your model looks fantastic, I'd also be interested to know how it's done.
  5. I think this is a great concept. I'm not religious whatsoever but the idea of eventually becoming something like a god and travelling between heaven and earth is awesome. It would be cool to organise a community release, monthly or something. We get an idea like this, people submit work, whether it's models/textures, scripts, voice acting, sounds etc to someone who will tie it all together in an esp and then release it. I reckon we'd end up with some decent content.
  6. I figured out what it was I was doing wrong. I hadn't made the envelopes big enough on the other bones, so when I came to paint weight, it automatically assigned it to 100% for that bone because no other bone was affecting it. Duh! :wallbash: I also didn't reset xform, which apparently can be a big deal if you've moved, rotated or scaled your object. Another thing that I've been scratching my head over, is how to set keyframes. I tried a few times and just moved on to something else but I solved that as well. What I needed to do, after I made a pose, was to put the bone roughly back into it's original position and it worked. Without doing that it seems to fail to animate. - I still can't get this to work. When I did, it must have just been coincidence. After I sussed all that out and spent another few hours playing around with things, I've started to achieve some good smooth results in the animation. Which is absolutely wicked! I'm going to see if I can get a full suit of armour weight painted correctly now and in game before I create any more and start texturing. If I can grasp this process, then I'll be off making everything!
  7. I've just been trying my hand at weight-painting. I've got the gist of setting the weights soft and hard and even setting it to negative to remove weights I've painted but some vertices are always red meaning I can't remove the weight that way. I've tried selecting the affected vertices and setting abs. Effect to 0. Still it doesn't remove the weight. I must be getting this all wrong. What I had in mind was taking a screenshot of the weight colouring of the spine1 of Robert's male body, which is here: And then try and replicate the the colours on my vest by weight-painting. It seems when I apply a skin modifier to my vest and add the spine bones, then click on edit envelopes, most of the vest is already coloured in red and I can't remove the weights. Here's a pic: While writing this post, I remembered from a tutorial I watched about the checkbox "weight all vertices". It was checked, so I unchecked it and removed/added the bones once again, then started to paint my weights. Using the "painter option" dialogue box (the one with the ... in), I set the max strength to 0.1 and just clicked once on the vest and it completely coloured it in red like it was 100%. When i used this method to set the strength of the brush with the "weight all vertices" checkbox ticked, I noticed I could control it. With it unticked I can't. So for either way I try I'm not actually getting anywhere. Is there anyone who knows a little about skinning/rigging who wouldn't mind helping me out, just a bit. I can model, uvw wrap and texture. But I'm new to animating of any kind. You know to be honest, I would welcome someone who knows a bit about this to skin it and release it themselves, if they wish. Because at the moment, if I can't learn how to paint the weights properly, it'll never get released. At the end of the day I just want to give people something to enjoy, something Skyrim related until it's release date. Cheers.
  8. I havn't tried it but if you back up your distant LOD folder, then go into the CS and generate full LOD. Can't you then simply search that folder for your cell and obtain it that way?
  9. I have windows 7 also and it says vista. All I do is run as administrator and say yes at the dialogue box you see. Everything works fine.
  10. I've just took a look at your nif in 3ds max. You have a skin modifier on your mesh but there is no weight whatsoever. I imported a skeleton and an upperbody as well, seperately. When I moved the bones the upperbody moved with it but your mesh stayed in the same place. Screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/5557/noweights.jpg What you need to do is weight your mesh to specific bones but I lack the knowledge to help you further. I haven't even scratched the surface of that subject yet I'm afraid.
  11. All right, so after quite some time thinking about it and my anticipation for Skyrim at it's peak, I've started modelling one of the armour pieces in 3ds max around Robert's Male Body. I'm a rookie still so progress is slow but it's on it's way! I just thought I'd have a breather from all the clicking and dragging and being glued to the screen. Here's 2 pic's. What I'm aiming for: http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2383757-1307229340.jpg Progress so far: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4813/progress5.jpg The only pieces I have so far is the vest and plate. There's a lot of other bits need adding too like the spaulders, belts, back plate and a bit of fur maybe but I don't think they'll be that hard to make. With the way I'm working now I plan on having a few variations of the armour. For example, I'm keeping elements separate in Max so I can have everything interchangeable, mixing and matching different pieces to form new armour. If i keep breaking things down and concentrating on the little things, it'll all come together, hopefully. It may take a while though, I have yet to learn rigging and skinning.
  12. Excellent thanks guys for the input. The way I have it now, when you first meet the adoring fan he's naked haha but the first time he's in a fight he will get his gear and keep it. Renewing his gear every time he starts combat as well, eliminating the worry of broken equipment! Here's my working script: I am however curious how to tell him to cast a heal spell on himself. What I have in mind is when he drops below 25% health, he will cast his first heal and another every 5 seconds. When he's not in combat, he heals up to full. How would i go about doing that? Because he's not actually using his heal spell I gave him at the moment and he has enough spell points and restoration skill points.
  13. Hmm... I've tried disable as well instead of remove but the same happens. Maybe it's because the item is broke he drops it and then doesn't get chance to remove or disable it because it's not in his inventory. So that leads to to a different question. Is there a way to check item health using a script. If there is it should enable me to remove it before he drops it.
  14. NPC's don't repair their gear so to for a workaround what I'm trying to do is write a script that will check to see if the item is in the inventory, if its equipped then add or remove. Take a look. The script works, it doesn't keep spawning weapons in his inventory or removing them, I've checked his body. My problem is the RemoveItem command makes him drop the weapon instead of actually de-spawning it. To test it I made the item have 2 health, he hits a guy, the weapon breaks, he drops it, he spawns another weapon. Checked his body on death and there's only one weapon there so everything's good except from him littering the place. I thought of having like 50k health on the weapon but he would be using it for ages on low health/damage before It broke if you get me. Is there anyway I can get it to completely de- spawn? Cheers.
  15. I can't believe I missed this thread! Even though this script wont work as it stands, I managed to get it working. So for anyone reading this having trouble getting your OWN music to trigger. This is how it's done! Assuming you dont have a mod like Better Music System because apparantly the StreamMusic command won't work. First of all you need a cell. Create one in the CS. Right click on any cell in the cell window then edit. Right click again then new. I made an interior. Note what the music is set to, Default, Dungeon or Public. Choose either Dungeon or Public. Remember which one you chose! Next you need a music file, I'm using an mp3 file (Length: 1:15, Audio: 64 Kbps, 44,100 Hz, 16 Bit, Mono, MP3) Navigate to your \Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Music folder. Remember which one you chose. I chose Dungeon. So open that folder up. Right click and create a new folder, call it after your mod and put your mp3 in there. This step is paramount! Now you need a trigger. Back in the CS, in the Object Window, locate World Objects and click on Activators. Find "TrigZoneANY01" double click it. Change the Editor ID to something unique with a prefix, Hit OK and create a new form. This will close the window. In the object window search for your unique name and double click it.Where it says script, click on the SQAURE box with the full stops in. Go to file, new and copy/paste this in there: All you have to do is change the bits inbetween the asterisk's - these ***. Make sure to remove these *** as well. Make sure you don't delete the Data\Music\Dungeon out of your filepath! click on the red arrow in the toolbar to save and confirm, you shouldn't get any errors, hit OK and save your new esp. It works 100% on standard oblivion. Credit to Kevin Woodman.
  16. I started getting back into Oblivion as soon as I heard a new Elder Scrolls game was on it's way. I've not been modding that long but I've tried my hand at a few things. I started off with 3d modelling which isn't the easiest thing to jump straight into and texturing. But I find the tutorials out there for them really solid and easy to follow so you can learn a lot. But most recently I've been working on a castle mod, my vision is to have it go all the way up the hillside, like a Minas Tirith style citadel. Obviously it hasn't got that far yet but I've just finished my first quest which involves you picking up the quest. heading up the mountain, rendezvous with a scout party. helping them cull a vampire hideout in the lookout tower, if they survive they will help you kill a nemesis giant land dreugh on a bridge. now depending on who of the scouting party survive, you go back to the quest giver and he will reward you accordingly. Granting you a new faction title, access to the smithy and horses outside. I plan on introducing you to the smithy now and send you off to find some raw materials so he can craft you an item, a new one. The quest contains lots of dialogue, and if the leader of the scout party dies, you have to encourage the rest of them to fight, which depends on your disposition. I literally walked straight into this without having any knowledge whatsoever on scripting, but when you look at it closely, it's just really basic, step by step, ifs, buts, commands blah blah. It takes a lot of time to actually understand what things you need in a script and where to put the script to achieve the aims you have. I just thought it would be good to throw a few ideas around. If you come up with some kind of character script/background of some npcs you want to add, then look at where you want them to come into the quest, will anyone help you as accomplices? Things like that. I take it the actual death of the count would be the climax but how are you going to build on that and even build up to that. I find the best motivation for modding is inspiration, have a look around, see what you want to include in your mod then pull it apart, see how it works.
  17. Welcome to the forum but I can't say I've had the same problem I'm affraid.
  18. Hmmm. I've tried that, it needs a space between ontriggerplayer, it stops the original music and starts it again, or another random one. I've downloaded the plugin for obse EMC (Enhanced Music and Controls) searched for example scripts but I just can't seem to get anything working. What I'm aiming to do in this mod is set an atmosphere by having specific tracks play in 1) certain interior cells and 2) certain exterior cells that I've made/modified. I'm just really struggling to implement this into game by StreamMusic or EMC. I'm pretty sure I need a working script but I'm not sure what to use it with. At the minute I'm trying to use a triggerzone but is that right? What about a door, an item, an NPC, I mean you can put scripts on them can't you. What's the difference?
  19. I'm with you. I changed it to begin OnTrigger Player, tried it didn't work BUT I went back into it and removed the StreamMusic "filename" and replaced it with a player.placeatme command. When I went into the zone like a thousand dremora spawned and continued to spawn so If thats happening with the StreamMusic it will just keep starting to play it but you won't hear anything because it doesn't get chance to actually play something.
  20. Hi guys. I'm trying to make a soundtrack play when enter a certain interior or exterior cell. Just getting the soundtrack to play when I intend to is the hard part. I can set the cell to public or dungeon, put a soundtrack in the public or dungeon folder and it will play on random occasions which isn't what I want because it might not fit well with another cell. I've been doing a bit of searching but there's not any good documentation or articles on this StreamMusic. As I understand at the moment, a script has to contain: StreamMusic "the location of the soundtrack" OK, so what I've done is in the CS, edit "trigZoneANY01" give it a new ID, create a new form, ok. Open the new one up, where it says script, I selected none then clicked on the grey box next to it. In here I typed: SCN StreamMusicScript begin StreamMusic "Location of the file" end That, didn't work. So what is it I'm doing wrong? Is it the script? The triggerzone? I've tried various locations for the filepath. I'm not using any of the music extender mods or whatever, But I am using OBSE. That shouldn't be the problem right? Cheers in advance.
  21. Hi guys, Is there a mod that prevents NPCs from "freezing" when you are distant from them? Cheers.
  22. Here she is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39158
  23. Have you tried splitting them all up into separates instead of just deleting the shoes? Select the cuirass, copy branch, open a standard cuirass in another window (from your BSA file or another mod), click on the standard cuirass, remove branch, click on NiNode, paste branch. Save it as a different name and put it in game as a new cuirass? Maybe it will work not sure. If it does rinse and repeat. Definately worth a try if you haven't done so already.
  24. Hmmm I've never tried it but just try it again and don't delete anything else apart from the boot mesh,
  25. Great work! I've never used Blender so I don't know how hard it is to unwrap uvw. In Max there's a lot of nice tricks you can do to get a good result. But I'd say just keep at it. I've spent the past few weeks pouring over tutorials learning how to model and texture. Right now progress is slow and you'd probably think I do everything the hard way. I enjoy modelling, hate uvw mapping and don't mind texturing. but I won't be beat by any of them, I just keep on attacking it. Keep it up!
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