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Everything posted by KingGsterUK

  1. Yeah great idea. I'm sure other modders would consider using this method if it was available and done well. I also like the idea of encouraging modders to make everything compatible! Good luck ;)
  2. You don't need the armour in game to see how well it deforms, you can do that in your 3d program. The thing is with armour is, it's not a static object and needs to be rigged to a skeleton but I guess you knew that right? Before you do that though, you'll have to import a skyrim upper and lower body (if they still do them separate) as well as a skeleton. The body parts so you can see how well your armour fits NPC's and adjust if necessary (which I'm sure you'll have to do) and the skeleton so you can rig your mesh to it. If you don't paint your weights it wont show up at all in game or it will be stretched all over your screen. During the weight-painting process you should have your skeleton in extreme poses anyway, so then you can see how well it deforms. Also if you don't have any texture what-so-ever it won't show up in-game either so you'll have to apply basic UV mapping and assign a basic texture to it before exporting. Open it up in nifskope, tweak it. Then you'll need the creation kit to put it in game. I think there are workarounds for getting new items in-game because the creation kit hasn't been released yet but I've never tried any of them.
  3. Great idea! Skyrim is full of Dragons now, so if the people didn't use spears before, they should now! To put spears in the game though, they need to be done properly. New models, lots of variety, New animations and death executions, new recipes. Maybe new types of wood/ore and respective nodes. A new perk tree, named pole-arms that could include 3 specializations Spears - Pikes - Halberds (to do this properly your looking at tripling the amount of work needed doing). Populate Skyrim with them. Create some new combat packages/AI for NPC's to choose from. You could go to town on the idea! But I like!
  4. I think when the people who make those kind of tutorials read a comment like that, will be less likely to release them. You should get involved, do some digging or maybe figure it out on your own and be the first to make a tutorial about it.
  5. I am also going to need to figure out how I can convince my girlfriend that I'm not a dork. Just be nice and polite and if she gets upset give her a big hug and tell her you love her ;)
  6. The current set of companions are shallow indeed, so I think it's a good idea. You should definitely get stuck in! Now where's that new construction set!?
  7. What your trying to do requires the creation kit, which isn't out yet.
  8. Hmm. If you don't have your speech perks and don't mind to cheat a little you could use the console to give you those perks which should ease your suffering.
  9. You guys are awesome, I read your comments and I get that feeling again where I want to start modding. I havn't done anymore work on this for a few weeks. I think what stopped me was trying to animate the skeleton so I could more effectively weight paint the models. Anything else in max can be animated so easily. But when I came to use the Oblivion skeleton, the keyframes didnt log the the position of the skeleton. So when I moved the time slider it just snapped back to the original position and didn't move. And it just got a bit tedious to do it the hard way, like weight paint a little bit, then move your skeleton to see the effect. I fell out with the idea. Everything I've done so far, is still on my hard drive. I've been playing other games, you know how it is. But if there's anyone that wants to continue my work, just PM me.... You'd need 3ds max though as the file main file is .max. There may be a chance that I'll finish it off before Skyrim but nothing is certain. When Skyrim gets released, you can bet your ass that I'll be back modding!
  10. Just installed deadly reflex and it has a new skeleton for 1st person view. If I use it, I can't wear some armour meant for the maximum compatibility skeleton. If I don't use it, I loose my arms in 1st person view and end up taller than everyone else. I've searched but found no skeletons that are a combination of both. Is there such a skeleton? Or would I have to make it?
  11. If I import the mesh in 3ds max (like blender) and re-export it, the NiTriStrips block (which is what you want right?) will be exactly the same as the original except the tangent space data, which isn't a problem. The point is, it's not going to make any difference. I've never used nifskope to reposition/rotate/scale meshes. Only collisions. I think your a little unclear of what your trying to achieve. From what I can gather, you're trying to make static clutter/furniture, made up of armour, that you can decorate your armoury with. You've attempted to combine all the meshes in nifskope but your struggling getting the gauntlets in there? Hmm. In that case then the only option I see is to import ALL the armour meshes in blender/max, arrange them into a scene (like an armour stand) and export the lot with collision. It might sound daunting, but it's not. Your only re-arranging stuff and importing/exporting. Blender is free and there's tonnes of tutorials out there. Once you've grasped the basics, you'll be kicking yourself why you didn't try it before. If you do decide to give Blender a shot, I hope you keep at it and I'll look forward to seeing some of your future mods :thumbsup:
  12. Well the nif tools exporter for 3ds max allows you to choose from oblivion or morrowind, this would suggest there's differences in the structure of the nif files. Since nobody has replied yet, I'll give a suggestion: 1) Put the texture in the Oblivion directory along with a normal map. 2) Import your old nif file it into 3ds max and re-export it as an Oblivion nif. 3) Open your newly exported nif and a standard Oblivion dagger. 4) Delete the "NiTriStrips block" for the standard dagger. 5) Copy and paste YOUR "NiTriStrips block" into the standard oblivion "NiNode" at the top. 6) Set your flags for your "NiTriStrips" collision detection to continue. (block details window) 7) Check the "NiTextureingProperty" is pointing to your texture in the OBLIVION directory! 8) Check your names and collisions. 9) "save as" In your Oblivion meshes directory. If it doesn't work or you don't have 3ds max or niftools, send me an email with an attachment and a PM on here and I'll do it for you. Knowing nifskope and how versatile it can be there's probably an easier way you can do it all in that program. I lack the knowledge but, there's also no reason why this shouldn't work either.
  13. No worries. What I was trying to say, is you might be able to use the save from your 360, bring it to pc using that software, then whack it into your PC save folder. It may need some kind reformat not sure. But it's better giving that ago rather than starting a new game.
  14. I remember seeing a video on youtube on how to mod oblivion. The process involves editing your 360 save on your PC with various software. I'm not sure but maybe you can use that save also on your PC. I'm not sure if the video is genuine, the ratio of like/dislikes suggest people have tried it and it works. You'll have to do a little digging but I hope this points you into the right direction. Good luck ;) -EDIT: The links for the software is in the description of the video on youtube.com
  15. I'm hoping someone sees this who knows a little about animation with oblivion skeltons in 3ds max. Earlier in the thread, I posted that I was able to successfully set keyframes in max, I thought I had it sussed. But when I moved on and decided I wanted to give the arms set keyframes as well as the body, I was unable to. This was my method to make an animation. 1) Select a bone 2) Click on "Toggle set key mode" 3) Make sure slider is at "0" 4) Click "Set key" 5) Move slider along 1 6) Move the bone 7) Click "Set key" 8 ) Move the slider along 1 9) Move the bone back to roughly original place 10) Click "Set key" 11) Click "Toggle set key mode" off again. That should be animated but when I move the slider, the bone kind of like "jumps" or "snaps" back to the original place and there's no animation. Damn this is really making it tough to paint weights efficiently :facepalm: -EDIT: Figured it out, needed to be in "auto key".
  16. Excellent, thank you very much! :thumbsup:
  17. Is there such a mod that allows you to preview a rendered item from a store so you don't actually have to buy it to see it? I've searched but found nothing so far.
  18. ...... I have no idea. Although maybe you could write a script that tells the actor to jump, (i don't know if there's a command for that but maybe there's a work around) IF the actor IS moving but HASN'T travelled any distance AFTER a certain length of time. If the guy's just running into a table or small wall, say for about 3 seconds, the script would trigger. I think it's impossible to do it with the AI but it should certainly be possible to do with a script. Then again, I am no scripter.
  19. I just did a search for "poison dart frogs", now that you've brought up Argonians, I think one would look pretty cool with a texture like those frogs, and there's a lot more variation of colours compared to lizards.
  20. We was talking about skimpy clothes, but now your on the subject of sex and retards, which is off topic and can be offensive.
  21. I was told when I wanted to switch race to a custom one I downloaded, in the middle of an existing game, I had to save the game while the race menu is still open, don't close it. Then load up my new save. It seems after doing just that, and wandering around for a bit, I couldn't load up my autosave. Oblivion would crash everytime. So I started a new game.
  22. I think this has gone far enough now though to be honest.
  23. Your post was well said, but in particularly, these 2 above lines are very true. If the OP wanted some kind of explanation as to why I like skimpy clothes on females. Theres one huge reason: I'm a 25 year old male.
  24. How did you make the esm, did you do it with wrye bash? Maybe it left them out for some odd reason.
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