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Everything posted by KingGsterUK

  1. Hi guys, Just thought I'd share a couple of screenies of a new mod I'm working on. It's the helmet Dragonborn is using in the trailers for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Not sure what the real name is, so for now it will just be called Dragonborn's Helm. The 3d model is complete just gotta UV map and texture it then it'll be up here for peeps to enjoy. http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/2859/helminmaxuntextured.jpg http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/5998/screenshot66y.jpg
  2. It's finished and you can get the file here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39046
  3. Hey peeps, Just thought I'd share a couple of pics from a new mod I'm making. It's a remake of the Banded Iron Shield from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dragonborn's using one in a few of the trailers. I've spent a long time making the mesh in 3ds max all last night. Encountered quite a few challenges on the way being new to modelling, which I managed to get around without compromise. The big thing that made me scratch my head and think was when I exported my full model as a .nif, max would crash because there was too many polygons so I had to detatch and export in smaller pieces, then bring them all back together in Nifskope. At first I suspected it may reduce framerate but I just checked it out fighting several guards, everything seems fine. Now all I need to do is UV map it and texture it. Screenies: http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/8358/screenshot45se.jpg http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2422/screenshot46c.jpg http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/5963/screenshot47x.jpg
  4. you could maybe have a gate and lever with the lever on the opposite side to the NPC and just lock him in there like for example the arena training room mod.
  5. Fixed it, Needed to give the mesh the texture path in nifskope. I also had a problem with collisions. I originally tried exporting collision capsules I made in 3DS max but in game if I dropped the sword out of my inventory it wouldn't hit the deck. I got around that by copy/paste branch and using an existing collision from a standard Ebony Longsword. I've also been playing around with my model and textures for a better look and finish. Here's the finished product, and my first ever finished custom sword mod :woot: Oh and also made the icon have a transparent background using the correct colours on the alpha channel which isn't shown in these screens. http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/2793/screenshot5sxa.png http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/1026/screenshot6nn.png http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/7440/screenshot9d.png http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/6107/screenshot10lit.png
  6. Hi guys, With Skyrim on its way and gameplay videos all over the net, i thought I'd have a bash at making the sword out of the trailers. I am still a noob at modding, been working on it since midnight last night, no sleep. Anyway, I thought I'd finally finished but it seems when I put the sword in game, and equip it, it doesn't have a texture on the inventory screen but when I close that and whip it out, my texture is working........ Nightmare. It's probably something and nothing, maybe you guys can point me in the right direction. Cheers, here's a few screenies: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5306/screenshot0mm.jpg http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3078/screenshot1ia.jpg http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/7295/screenshot2bj.jpg http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/3733/screenshot3iw.jpg
  7. Im trying to create a basic sword and put it into Dragon Age. I want to learn the process of making simple mods like this so I can go on to making more complex items. Currently i've been playing with 3ds max 2010 to create a basic model of a sword. I've got a texture that i've mapped to a uvw template and is now on the model sword. Now im stuck on the part where I get it from max into the toolset. So yeah. need to know the process of getting: greatswordtest01.max greatswordtest01.dds .... Into my game. Cheers.
  8. Thank you mate, you've just made me a very happy man :D
  9. Nice, its good to have another pair of eyes to look over it, thanks i'll give it a shot *big smile*
  10. Hi guys. Wondering if anyone with experience with the toolset and scripting can help me with this one. I recently downloaded the additem script by hdhd. It works perfectly, don't get me wrong. But i'm having no success moddifying it to include other peoples item mods. His instructions for doing this: I followed this set of instructions and when it comes to compiling the new script i get an unknown error at the lines i entered. Because I get an error, the .ncs file isn't generated, so I have nothing to put in the overide folder. I deleted the lines i added and compiled it, and it works, but whats the point, its still the same as the original. The lines im trying to enter look like this: if (sTemplate == "wr_black_chestplate.uti") return R"wr_black_chestplate.utii"; if (sTemplate == "wr_black_gaunlets.uti") return R"wr_black_gaunlets.utii"; if (sTemplate == "wr_black_greaves.uti") return R"wr_black_greaves.utii"; if (sTemplate == "wr_black_helm.uti") return R"wr_black_helm.utii"; if (sTemplate == "wr_black_longsword.uti") return R"wr_black_longsword.utii"; if (sTemplate == "wr_black_roundshield.uti") return R"wr_black_roundshield.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_lovely_abom.uti") return R"hsli_lovely_abom.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_new_sister_robe.uti") return R"hsli_new_sister_robe.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_queenofpain01.uti") return R"hsli_queenofpain01.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_app01.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_app01.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_app02.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_app02.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_app11.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_app11.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_app12.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_app12.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_arc_robe01.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_arc_robe01.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_aw_armor01.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_aw_armor01.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_der_robe.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_der_robe.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_des_robe.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_des_robe.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_enc01.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_enc01.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_enc02.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_enc02.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_light1.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_light1.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_light2.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_light2.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_light3.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_light3.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_light_boots3.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_light_boots3.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_light_gloves3.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_light_gloves3.utii"; if (sTemplate == "hsli_sexy_sloth_demon_robe.uti") return R"hsli_sexy_sloth_demon_robe.utii"; I obtained the item codes from unzipping the dazip's and opening the .erf files in the toolset. Does anyone have any ideas why I can't do this?
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