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Everything posted by Eolhin

  1. In response to post #55792936. Screenshot please? What I see there is very light grey text on a dark grey background (better then in the comments here). The light grey text over the purple buttons is not ideal, but they did darken the purple down a bit, and it is readable now. However, it was very annoying before they darkened it some. Try shift-reload to make sure you are not looking at cached content when you look at that page. Edit: I do see, however, that the mods displayed under 'New Today' on the front page of a game are not displayed when you go to the Mods tab, and select 'Today's Mods'. The latter is nearly empty (2 mods), while the former shows 17 now, for Skyrim. In SSE the 'Today's Mods' page is entirely empty. *sighs* One more bug to report then.
  2. In response to post #55701616. #55704816, #55706386, #55706836 are all replies on the same post. Sorry, I didn't mean to imply I was adding it to that list. I was just putting that in along the lines of 'if you are going to the store anyway, could you get...' As something that would smooth out the flow of use a little. Thus my ending with saying it would probably be way down the list. I am trying to focus on how to improve the new layout, as I know it has been stated that we are not getting the old one back.
  3. In response to post #55701616. #55704816 is also a reply to the same post. It makes no sense to me that you can't get to the game-specific download history from the overall download history, and vice-versa. If I am looking at my Skyrim download history, it should only be a drop-down and click to get to my Skyrim SE download history. As it is, it takes several clicks (assuming I have the game in my favorites), and is counter-intuitive, having to go through the main page for that game. Now that I know where it is, I can find it, yes, but it is inconvenient and not intuitive. Still, I am sure that adding a drop-down to navigate between games for download history is way down the list of things to add/smooth out.
  4. For future reference, I really don't think periwinkle-purple and neon-orange go at all well together... (Skyrim SE/stickied post) That is personal opinion, of course.
  5. In response to post #55681471. #55682106 is also a reply to the same post. I also can't clear the "New" number on Notifications. I submitted a ticket on it on Github.
  6. In response to post #55671511. All I can suggest, until they fix the navigation, is when browsing mods, right-click on one you want to open, and open it in a new tab, thus not losing your place in the tab you are using for browsing.
  7. In response to post #55654246. #55654521, #55654601 are all replies on the same post. @cypher27 There are many mods with more then one possible main mod, for different conditions, so you can't assume that there will always be one mod file that is the main one.
  8. In response to post #55654246. #55654521 is also a reply to the same post. I just took a look, all the files under Main Files and under Optional Files default to expanded, so the descriptions are visible. It is only the Old Files section that defaults to collapsed, with the description not immediately visible. That isn't too unreasonable. It is the download link on the front page (without going to the Files tab) that will mess people up, when there are multiple versions, for different conditions, or flavors of the mod. I haven't checked, but there may be some way to turn the front-page download off on a mod if you check the management options.
  9. In response to post #55653076. #55653371, #55653481 are all replies on the same post. On the Forum side, all posts, regardless what they were in reply to, go in sequential order by the time/date it was posted, and it can be hard to find what a post was in reply to. On the web side, if you have the correct configurations set in your settings, a reply to a post gets nested under the post it is in reply to (indented), and also bumps the post it was in reply to, thus keeping conversations much clearer, and making troubleshooting several problems at once much easier, which is usually what I am doing (in support of a mod). Thus it is a non-Forum feature I really can't do without. The Forums have much better color/size/image features when posting though, so I will venture to the dark side (literally, the background is much darker, not an insult) when I have to make a more graphical post. I wish the bright white posting box here was more like the nice dark one on the Forum side.
  10. In response to post #55653076. Yes, many people that commonly use the Forums are not really aware of the other view of the posts, and many people that usually use the web-pages and are not comfortable with Forums are not really aware of the Forum view. For myself, I can't live without reply nesting, which is why I rarely ever use the Forums, even if the layout and coloration there is now better.
  11. In response to post #55652381. "Uh, nothing changed on the forum site..." Why would you assume they were looking at this on the Forum side? I, and I am sure many others, have been commenting under the news post, and so are not seeing the Forum layout, but rather the new one.
  12. In response to post #55652056. I believe my posts, at least, have been constructive.
  13. Sizing, contrast, and page space suggestions: I know, for various reasons, the new layout is here to stay, but is there any reason it can't have the sharp edges sanded down, and colors and format adjusted to make everyone happier? Width: I get it, the background image for a mod scales now, and it can get huge if the browser window is wide. But I don't want the background image taking up half the page, so that no content is visible below. Possible solutions: Either restrict the scaling, so that the background image does not expand beyond a certain point to take up half the screen (and it gets all fuzzy, as it was not meant to be that size originally), or make it so that a user can minimize the background image, the Tags section, and the Thumbnails section. If someone is coming back to a much loved mod to read comments, they don't need those elements, they want to see the comments. Width 2: The width of the text area is too large for comfortable reading. The human eye does not want to track that far from one side to another for each line and it causes eye-strain. Possible solutions: The maximum width of the text area should be restricted further. There is a reason columns of text usually are not that wide. Yes, the user can squash their browser window to force the text into a more comfortable column, but I, and most others, have other tabs open on other web sites that need the wider format. (YouTube videos, for instance.) Confining the width of the columns for text a bit more, along with being able to minimize overly-large and currently unneeded elements on a page would go a long way to calm the complaints about things being huge/over-sized. Also, the reason the user-icon and information was to the left of the text field of a post before was both to better use space (reduce height of post) and to help reduce the width of the text field to something more readable. Contrast: Shades of Grey is good, I like shades of grey, but the background for much of the text (the replies, specifically) has gotten brighter then it was, which makes reading light text over that background harder, and more of a strain on the eyes. Also, the light-grey utility bars going across the pages in various places are TOO light. The contrast with the rest of the nice darker page is painful. The buttons and banner with the custom colors for the various games have varying degrees of brightness. The change in colors from game to game is good, but some of those colors are too bright, like the light periwinkle purple for Skyrim SE. Highly distracting. The blue for Skyrim is nice, but still a little too bright. Possible solutions: Just darken things down a bit all across the board. There is a reason the contrast levels were set to where they were on the old layout. It was comfortable on the eyes. Overall: If you adjusted the width and space taken up by those elements, as described, and darkened down some of the glaringly bright elements, I bet you a lot of the people complaining would meet you halfway, and be better able to accept the new layout. Allowing categories of things to be minimized, along with reducing brightness, would go a long way to calm the complaints of things being unbearably cluttered, huge, and hard to read. Hopefully my suggestions are of some help.
  14. In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596, #55633931, #55641576, #55645616 are all replies on the same post. Yeah, the Mods of the Month are never going to get voted on where they have it now. Seeing it on the front page would remind me to check out the contenders, and vote.
  15. In response to post #55642786. On top of the background image for the mod, at the lower right of that section, should be both types of downloads. Either that, or go to the Files tab.
  16. In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596, #55633931 are all replies on the same post. Adding to the above... The tagging system doesn't extend to the thumbnails, from what I can tell. And many of the thumbnails are very much NSFW. I remember that on the old site, if I had those settings on (Hide Adult Content, blocking all of the tags for SEXY/SKIMPY, NOT SAFE FOR WORK, NUDITY)(excuse the caps, that was copy/paste), I would not be seeing even the thumbnails for the mods that should be being filtered out. Because the thumbnails are still, obviously, NSFW. In the old layout, the Mods of the Month were in a list format, without thumbnails, so it was never an issue there. It is now.
  17. In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236, #55633441, #55633476, #55633746, #55633951 are all replies on the same post. Yes, sorry, when I said 'Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks', I meant select Top Files under Mods, then under Top Files, on that page, is the option for 'Most endorsed files in the last two weeks'. They hid it well.
  18. In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596 are all replies on the same post. I had marked "Hide Adult Content", and I am still seeing mods that are very much not safe for work. I had found the hidden link to the Mods of the month, and both September and October have explicit pictures as the image for mods from those months. When I say "Hide Adult Content", I expect it to be hidden, no matter whether it was chosen as a mod of the month or not! The adult content filter is something that really needs to work correctly! (Specifically, the image for the mod 'Harem - 18 followers'.)
  19. In response to post #55626551. #55630901 is also a reply to the same post. The Mods of the Month no longer seem to appear on the front page of the game at all, even scrolling all the way down. What is the point of having mods of the month, if the list isn't somewhere visible on the front page?
  20. In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236 are all replies on the same post. You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.
  21. In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471 are all replies on the same post. Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
  22. In response to post #55631881. *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
  23. In response to post #55630956. Near the top of a page, in the little Search bar, type a one-word search, and hit the 'Search' button. That will take you to a page of results that also has options to refine your search, and a drop-down labeled "Refine results". That should get you most of what was under advanced before, I think. Harder to get to though.
  24. In response to post #55626551. Perhaps add the option to minimize certain elements of the page for a mod, like the Tags section, and the thumbnails (things a returning user likely won't be so interested in, after using them once), in order to actually have the text visible without excessive scrolling? That would give people the option to reduce the clutter somewhat on their own view of a page.
  25. In response to post #55629476. #55629726 is also a reply to the same post. It looks like it is under "Logs", just after Posts and Forum, from what I can tell.
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