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Posts posted by balmz

  1. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Thief_(Character)


    on here it says that the thieves will only appear after you join the guild, before that you may randomly get attacked by them but other then that they don't appear, would it be possible to have it they appear regardless of if you are in the guild? It makes no sense for the stall stealing ones they only appear when you are in guild. Anyone want to make it so they do appear regardless and add more immersion?

  2. i saw this one mod called sun rune and what it did was do sun damage to undead creatures so it made me wonder, could a moon rune be made? What it does is if a lycanthrope touches the rune it takes massive damage. The rune would only affect lycanthropes i.e werewolves and werebears so you can safely cast it if followers are nearby. An extra idea i had is the rune may cause the werecreatures to revert back to their humanoid form which would make them far weaker





    anyone want to take a shot at this spell idea

  3. in skyrim i always liked the barricades and how they could help protect you, they were also fun to smash but sadly they aren't craftable. I know two mods that let you craft them but one (deployable traps) is outdated it appears and the other (woodcutter) is too overly fancy for me.



    Here's my idea, you can create barricades in skyrim at a forge using 5 firewood and 5 leather strips then when crafted they are found in miscellaneous, you can then drop them when you need them to protect you, great for archery characters




    anyone willing to try this?

  4. I was thinking when you kill alot of enemies there's often alot fo corpses and if fighting a necromancer it can be annoying. Also if you just like to tidy up but can't then here's an idea




    a new lesser power or spell which when used turns all dead npcs in the area to ashes or to ghostly remains therefore cleaning the area up nicely





    anyone willing to try this or know a mod where does this?

  5. anyone seen any mods that make the vanilla master spells for all spell schools not require you to do the quest? like you can buy the spells regularly or find them as loot and your don't need to do a quest if you don't want to? looked around but didn't find any mods that do that



    if not anyone willing to make a mod so that you have the options of doing the quests if you want or you can buy the spells from stores or find them as drops?



  6. I was thinking, with the kill cam and combat and how combat irl is quite scary it lead to think, what if when ever you perform a kill move or just kill an enemy in a group of enemies there is a small chance that the nearby enemies may be stricken with fear? I was thinking of this because think about it if you saw someone in your group get torn in half or burn to death or whatever wouldn't that scare you?




    here's the main thoughts


    on killcam moves there's a 5% chance of causing fear

    regular kills 3%



    I suggest this to be low because most people you are fighting are battle hardened people so it should be harder to scare them, alot if you kill someone in front of civilians or people that don't generally fight there should be a higher chance of scaring them


    also another idea is that instead of enemies fleeing in fear they would instead be shaken and what happens then is that they take penalties in combat but still fight regardless

  7. was discussing this in chat and had the idea for a while


    The idea is if a werewolf or vampire enters or comes near a city, the villagers will flee but seconds later an angry mob suddenly appears. The people in the mob are peasants who use torches and pitchforks in combat and wear farmer clothes. The mob will then go after the creature and attempt to kill the creature. The pitchforks could basically be reskinned daggers or some other weapon. When in combat the mob will stab the creature and set it on fire with their torches. The mob has a decent chance to stagger or knock down the enemy and then they move in for the kill. The mob could just be random farmers that only appear during the mob part if you don't want to kill npcs or the npcs could form the mob. The mob would also have mob dialogue. If the player is a vampire or werewolf and is transformed the villagers will attack you on the spot, however if you are not transformed they might leave you alone, however there is a chance they might realize what you are and try and kill you.



    also there could be a Frankenstein monster that randomly appears that the mob will attack if they see it





    I thought of this since it's halloween season and also from different things i have seen.



    any takers for this mod?

  8. hi there i know there are some mods that add more ranged weapons but i thought i would suggest some of my own

    here's a few ideas

    light crossbow: faster and lighter then the regular crossbow and quieter but it is weaker and has less ranged

    heavy crossbow: has higher ap, range and damage but it is slower and louder

    greatbow: has longest range of any bow type in game, stronger, has nice ap but slower, heavier and louder. i am aware a mod exists for this but it's not quite what i want

    anyone here willing to give these a try?

  9. Ahoy there, I was looking over paper mario 64 I believe i found some abilities that might be cool for use in skyrim, they'd need to be retouched a bit to avoid copyright problems but i think it could work here they are, not entirely sure how you would obtain them though


    Refund: An passive ability that makes it when ever you use potions, poisons or food items you get 50% of the value of the item back as gold . So say i use a potion that is worth 400 gold, i would after using it get 200 coin back. could make for a cool new playthrough where you don't collect gold and you only use gold you get from refund, might make alchemy important


    cloud nine: power: when activated for 60 seconds all attacks toward you have a 44% chance of missing. To obtain you must pickpocket it from nazeem or kill him and loot it. Also maybe nazeem could use this ability in combat as well


    close call: passive ability: when the player is low on health, maybe 15% or less enemies attacks have a 25% chance of missing


    mega rush: passive ability: when you have less then 10% health all damage you deal is increased by 40%


    pretty lucky: passive ability: all attacks on you have 5% chance of missing


    Pity strength: passive ability: when the player takes damage they have a 7% chance of regaining 33 stamina


    Pity mind: passive ability: when the player takes damage they have a 7% chance of regaining 33 mana


    i know it seems strange but i think with this the new effects could make for a fun and more interesting skyrim, any takers?


  10. Hey there, I had an extensive idea for a new mod I call NatureBorn. Basically what it is is a rework of skyrim's plot.


    In nb skyrim is an uninhabited empty wild area that is untouched for the most part ( sorta like the mod alone but more empty and natural




    You are the natureborn charged with protecting the natural beauty of skyrim. The main enemy in is the different people and races who wish to take over skyrim. When they do so they would likely clear cut forest, attack wildlife, and wreck the enviroment. You must stop the encroaching civilzations at all costs. So you would enter different camps and locations and kill the people there to stop them from destroying skyrim.


    Some things that are different are these features


    1. the natural wildlife will not attack you unless you attack them first. The main enemies are human, mer and elves


    2. Undead do not exist as well as graves and most dungeons


    3. dwarf ruins still exist as they lived underground more



    4. The land speaks to you, Instead of regular cities and towns, there are special groves across skyrim which are meant as bases to restock, heal get new quests to defend the land and craft.



    5. To get things like leather, alchemy ingredints, materials needed for armor and leather and spells there are new ways instead of hurting nature


    * when you kill a race you can skin them instead of animals, use their bones, body parts and what ever equipment they are carrying to craft different items. I know the idea of using skin of people is nasty but it;'s meant to be different


    * you can use whatever loot the enemies are carrying on them as well if you wish


    * as you level up and protect different areas the land at the different bases provides you with items given freely by the land and new spells and powers so you don't need to hurt the land




    so you get the idea, long story short you must protect the natural land of skyrim



    anyone want to give this a try?

  11. Hey there I had some ideas for making heavy armor more different and interesting then light armor. My idea is with heavy armor your body is a solid fortress and enemies run the risk of being hurt. here's the ideas

    New perk: solid wall enemies that attack you in melee while you are wearing heavy armor run the risk of hurting themselves. Animals and unarmed fighters have higher chance of being hurt.When they attack there is a chance that the attack critically fails and 1 of a few effects happens

    1. They injure themselves for 1.5x the amount of damage they would have caused you, so if someone would have done 5 damage they suffer 10 damage to their self, animals and unarmed take 2x damage

    2. They are drained of a fair bit of stamina from the shock of the solidness of the armor

    3. If using melee weapons the weapon they were using is dropped on the ground from them being stunned

    4. The melee weapon breaks from the failure and is destroyed

    5. The enemy is jarred from the resistance and falls to the ground stunned from the failed attack

    6. The target injures themself and attacks more slowly and with less power for a few seconds

    this would be different from reflect blows because even if you don't take damage the possible effects and damage will still affect the enemy so if your armor would protect from 5 damage the target would still take damage it would have otherwise caused you

    anyone here interested in trying this mod idea?

  12. here's an idea i thought of for fun, a new spell that when cast it places a banana peel on the ground, if something walks on it they slips and fall to the ground, got idea from mario kart and other different things with banana peels.



    anyone want to make this?

  13. In dungeons and dragons i remember that there was a special sleight of hand skill for arcane tricksters where they could use magic and telekentics to steal items magically from npcs. For magic using characters sneaking around and pickpocketing might seem unmage like so i was wondering, would it be possible to maybe make a spell you cast and then you can try and magically pickpocket items from npcs with the same risks and chances as traditional pickpocketing?

  14. In kingdoms of amalur reckoning they have both curses and diseases in the game, diseases act as a natural thing while curses are more supernatural, it made me wonder, would anyone here be interested in added curses to skyrim? They would work as follows



    the following things can cause curses


    enemies that use magic

    failing to pick a lock, maybe it was warded that way?

    ward traps

    failing to pickpocket someone

    fighting dragons, they are magical and have powerful shouts, maybe they could curse you?



    I am not sure of skyrims limitations but maybe they could act as a disease for simplilty sake? then it gives a reason to be careful and carry cure disease potions




    here's a potential list of curse effects


    randomly burst into flames for no reason at anytime taking fire damage

    randomly freeze and fall to the ground at anytime taking ice damage

    randomly get struck by lightning and take shock damage

    unable to sprint

    skills are halved

    randomly get staggered for no reason at anytime even in combat

    randomly fall to the ground for no reason at anytime even in combat

    health, mana and stamina are halved

    unable to regen health, mana and/or stamina

    unable to restore health, mana and stamina by any means, no magic, potions, powers will restore it

    you get randomy bounties for no reason

    npcs become hostile to you for no reason

    unable to summon



    someone also suggested that you can curse enemies, not sure if anyone is interested



    anyone willing to take this suggestion and any ideas for curses?

  15. I am aware of skyrimredone and that it has the feature that health now affects carrying weight instead of stamina allowing magic users to carry more, two worlds 2 also had a system where health affected carryign weight, my request is this



    could someone make a seperate mod that allows you to use health for carrying capacity instead of stamina? or alternatively you can use both stamina and health to increase carrying weight



    could anyone do this for me please?

  16. In several games there's alot you can do with corpses besides reanimate them like in skyrim, in two worlds there's a spell called corpse conversion which destroys a corpse and heals you for x amount, in diablo there were spells that caused corpses to explode violently or release toxic gas in the area




    does anyone know any mods that add effects like these to corpses? if not could someone make one?



    here's a list of possible spells and their uses





    corpse feast: heals you for a certain amount by draining enrgy from corpses, maybe it could resotre stamaina or have a different spell


    corpse burst: causes a corpse or corpses to explode doing damage to enemies nearby, may knock enemies down


    rotten burst: corpses explode in a poisonous cloud


    cycle of life: turns corpses into alchemy items or plants




    anyone willing to try this out?




  17. hi I was wondering is there any mods that add antimagic spells or items or abilities to the game? what I mean by this is things like



    spells/items/abilites that when used on magic users it removes any magic effects they have on themself or around the area.


    spells/items/abilites that drain enemy magic and possibly their health as well and also maybe prevent them from using magic


    spells/items/abilites that unsummon things and dispel magic aoe




    i remember dragon age had templars which specialzied in antimagic abilites to stop enemies from using magic at all or on the templars



    anyone know any mods like this or would be willing to make one

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