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Everything posted by ilDuderoni

  1. Megaton Contracts went faulty for me when I tried it.
  2. Technically it is possible, but you'd have to go change things for every one-handed firearm in F3... Atleast, thats what I've been told.
  3. Depends greatly. Bethesda's not developing New Vegas, so lets first hope there'll be a system to create and implement mods in the first place. I think, more or less, if they want to rely on the content Bethesda made for F3, the odds may be high anyway that your favorite headgear would be included.
  4. You forgot the link. Also, it might be troublesome if you use body-mods.
  5. You aint alone. If I were you, I'd start hoping Fallout: New Vegas will have it. Get on Gamespot and find the Fallout union, we do our best to keep everyone updated on it. Oh, am also an Offcr there :P
  6. I second this, having a thing like that like in Oblivion would really make the game only so much deeper. Tbh, I had hoped, first time I picked those perks, that it would be like that.
  7. Fellout makes it alot darker, especially if youre not using the SotD (Scared of the Dark version, which kinda clears up the night a little, but still very dark). Also makes the sky and generally the atmosphere alot better. Zombie Apocalypse generally just makes it more dangerous. But not just at night. Hey, a suggestion's a suggestion.
  8. You're probably referring to something like in Oblivion, right? I agree, in Oblivion, you had that penalty to doing that chatting trick if you had your sword out, but in Fallout, I think, aside (maybe!) a speech check chance penalty, there's little penalty to having your gun out.
  9. Reminds me of Locust, a discontinued comic series by McGibbs. Aka "Path of McGibs" (NOT The Locust from GoW) The Locust comic serie involves some sort of powerfull but extremele discriminated race with Elven-ears. Think they were called Durus, see the fourth part (03: Cohort), somewhere on the first pages, for that. The universe of that series (or atleast, outside of the city) bears a few resemblances to the Wasteland, imo. The two links are outside of the Nexus, but are both to McGibs website.
  10. You can't imagine how much this has been suggested already. I hope this time it sticks in everyones head lol: Its an animation issue. Bethesda somehow liked programming its games that you can't add animation. Animations are like your or an NPC holding a gun or firing it or anything. Modders can only make their mods replace them. Hate to break bad news to people...but its not gonna happen anywhere soon. And if it does, not in Fallout 3. Probably a successor.
  11. Self-defence is important when your gear breaks down and a bunch of molerats are in the vicinity... Would this limitation also remain if these moves were only to occur in VATS? Paralyzing-palm, anyone? Wearing a distinct weapon thats scripted to do it all right...who knows? Thinking this weapon would be in the lines of some special Brass Knuckles variant. Maybe a "legendary ring of Bruce Lee" or something?
  12. (stuff marked in Red has already been resolved in one way or another - IM with questions if you want) Okay, here's some idea's I have. I actually have more, but these idea's just happen at the MOST random moments of the day, its hard for me to keep remembering them. Custom gun Okay, first things first, yes I know thats a vague name. But CRI squad and 187_gurlz have inspired me for this idea. So, the CRI Squad mod has this pistol where you get an aid item to attach a silencer. Psi from 187_Gurlz has a m16 variant (don't hold me on that name) where you can command her to attach or remove stuff. See, this is something I'd like too. A whole weapon system. Preferrably starting with a m16 or m4 variant, and a ak-74 variant too. And perhaps some pistols too...Anyway, you get the point, right? (again, don't hold me on those names) Now, I know what this'll take. This'll take making a gun version for EVERY variant. But come on, once a mod like this gets done, I believe I won't be using much other guns at all anymore. Who will? Special God Mode This title even describes it worse. Lately, I've come to despise the God-mode cheat in games. Not for the sake of cheating - I use VATS then consolekill Muties who caught me at a bad time :P. Thing is, Fallout 3 is a big game. Takes alot of my CPU or whatever, and I end up crashing alot, especially with all my mods. (I'm already working on that guys, no worries) But I still love the realistic stress around losing. And I don't want to sell off all that food just because I can't lose health... The times I almost can guarantee a crash is when I load a game. Now, with my recent mod-cleaning work, this has gotten better, but loading a savegame that was in a big open space has still a big chance. So long story short, I hate dieing, but I don't hate losing. So what I did, was used console to make my character Essential, this way circumventing Auto-load. Thing is, the AI probably has to do something to escape unconscious mode, because my char isn't waking up. And when I use resurrect 1 (don't wanna use resurrect for fear of losing inventory), the animation gets kinda weird. This for an NPC you fix with trading equipment or something with them...well, thing is, I dunno if this'll work myself too. Either way, I find it too annoying to use console like that. What I want is that, if I die, I go unconscious. For maybe a longer period then NPC's. This'll make the value of a companion raise too. Also, I assume escaping unconscious doesn't affect limbs, right? Now, I know that the AI tends to shoot an already losing NPC, so going unconscious will still have a penalty since your limbs will suffer. (like dieing in Fable 2 makes you lose all ungatherred exp and get a scar) Something else I'll gladly settle for, and this inspiration I got from Borderlands, is that you'd, upon death, teleport back somewhere. Its probably not a big problem to let a script calculate a percentage of cost from your caps for this service. new Enclave Commander Okay, 'word on the streets' is that this mod is dead. Creator won't work further on it. But I got the idea, so lets get it over with lol. Imo, having Enclave Commander from the start is very game-breaking when you aim for some realism or something. I mean, I love the idea to command these forces, but when I'm fresh out of the vault, I'm not sure this feels appropriate. So, a balance between realism and EC-fun is needed, and Quests are a great way to have things tidily set-up. So I thought of this: When you first start out, you've got nothing. No troops, nothing. Now, in the Wastelands, you meet a guy or something, who has a Vertibird. Make friends etc...maybe give that Vertibird a paintjob so it doesn't look too Enclave-ish. Sake of realism, y'know. Now, several points in the main quest line will give you different kinds of troops. Saving Megaton will give you some weak-like troops with weak weapons. If you blow Megaton up, you'll get the same equipped people, but with more posh outfits. Doing something big for Rivet City will give you the Rivet City security. Doing the main quest line (or somewhere near, lets keep the non-Broken Steel users in mind) will give you the BoS if you do it in the Good way Doing the Broken Steel main Questline will let your BoS buddies have better equipment, again, in the good way. (aka lvl 2 BoS) Causing the FEV poisoning will give you the Enclave soldiers instead. Unrelated to above, if you finish Broken Steel in the bad way, you'll get lvl 2 Enclave Doing a whole lot for the Raiders or something (or maybe a NEW Questline for this) will get you raiders. Doing the Pitt in favor of the raider boss will get you lvl 2 raiders, or if you do this one first and then do the Wasteland-raiders the above-said favor, will get you lvl2. y'know, stackable or something. A big quest to make Reilly's Ranger alot more popular (and perhaps expand their HQ) would allow you to have these too. The Operation Anchorage optional version of EC already requires the DLC, so after doing the simulation, wait a long time, (maybe a week/month?) will create a new faction or something in the spirit of "Anchorage Purists" or something. A short Questline of some sort to gain their favor and you'll have them too. Let us not forget the outcasts! A custom Questline will probably be in order to get these guys... Anyone remember the "MERC -Combat Currency" mod? Great idea, but perhaps buggy for some? Would be the first custom faction! Besides that, seeing the list, that's a whole lot of new factions... So some will odd out the other. Say, if you've got BoS, the raiders will stop doing the service for you or something... Combing Outcast-BoS-Enclave is a given that they won't mix. But, with more idea's coming, a pre-set max should work too. You can have maximum 2-5 factions ready at your disposal. (I'd go for 3) Talking to your pilot, or to faction leaders, will let you set up what ones you want ready. Next is something MERC inspired me on. A base. I mean, I really miss having a base for EC. A set spot to get my captives to, maybe implement the MERC system in. With the MERC system, you'd have money flow...now, with moneyflow, perhaps you can consider putting cost in getting EC soldiers. Droppings bombs, just aswel. Idea for that: maybe use the pre-war money for that? For the building complex self - again, just an idea - how about a system that goes like the RTS - Real Time Settle mod? This way you can put up your own place and system. RTS has very much proven to have a good setup of AI on travel between the separate parts you can place. Or - even better - make it compatible with GTS - Global Travel System. Have a remote location hosting your Base. Blank or pre-set, why not have a choice in that? Maybe use the Placeable Equipment system to let random attacks occur. Maybe let that work together with the difficulty your on. As a closing note, if you need inspiration on a name for this...all mentioned mods are on the Nexus available, why not call it the "Wasteland Nexus" project? Or something catchy, lol. Anyway, like always, if you don't like the base idea, don't stop it from letting it inspire you into something greater.
  13. I'm not nagging about the Underground forums, and I'm okay with the ten-post idea, but... I've been trying too look around on it, and either I've somehow fallen back to a newbish mentality, or something is wrong, but I can't see any posts when I click that link. Been clicking about, went to the base site (just http://www.f3underground.com/), nothing to see, no topics, no forums. And yes, I've registred and the whole nine yards. :S Somebody got any idea? Did I miss something that puts my eight years of internet-experience to shame? :P
  14. Tracking this topic. Hopefully this'll atleast be made available SOMEWHERE. Those outfits look stunning. And I have plenty of female companions to outfit them with. ^^
  15. Multiplayer can take even more loading and the like if you'd have customisable outfits. Though, if you'd let Fallout 3 Multiplayer (for ease of typing i'll call it F3M for now) be a jump-in ish thing, you could set so that you only retain certain stats in the multigame, but no looks, whatsoever, like they say Fable 2 on xBox live (I never played Live though with Fable, though I got SE :P) and thus get a basic set of unequipable clothing. Just throwing in an idea, brainstorming is where the greatest idea's were born from.
  16. Though I really appreciate the idea, I'm afraid that updating mods will become way more difficult this way. I'm just gonna stick to disabling mods I don't need. Thanks for throwing in the idea though!
  17. I use the Package manager to install mods, then manually see if there are conflicts (some mods have multiple .esp versoins, that sort of stuff). I somebody has a guide to the GECK, and I mean IDIOT-PROOF, please help me get my hands on it? I have no experience whatsoever using modding tools. If not, guess some mods'll have to go. :down:
  18. I don't guarantee it'll fix Elder Lyons not talking to you, but if you wanna get loose of the 'cinematic grip' they put you in, go to console and type in enableplayercontrols This will let you move again. Maybe running to and talking to that Elder dude will fix it. Bethesda's games sometimes like to leaving you hanging like that. Had it happen a few times in Oblivion too.
  19. I heard Quicksave's can easily be subject to corrupting. Even without a CTD. Think it has something to do about saving while still in the middle of gameplay. Whereas a normal save sends you to pause-menu, which pauses gameplay, and can save data more 'peacefully'. But I'm just guessing. I always say to keep an ultimate backup handy. I got one WAY before I got any DLC, and one at the end of BS's main storyline. Btw, uLti, did you do the AII thing? Archive Invalidation Invalidated? Its pretty easy since you already have FOMM, which can do that for you. Well, hardly ANY mod would function if you didn't, so I'm just gonna assume you did... But just in case... Its the button 'Toggle Invalidation' in FOMM.
  20. What perks do you have or did you take around that time? Some perks add precision, though this seems very extreme. Maybe look through your perk pack and see if any of them affects your precision. If not the case...can't help ya then. Sorry.
  21. Okay, you'll probably need to level with me to know how my situation is like. I spent ages playing Fallout 3 with the 1.5, not realising that Fallout 3 for pc isn't normally such cr-p. (1.5 would limit the ammount of loaded .bsa's...and I had then three DLC's running...go figure) But now I'm updated to 1.6. I use everything to perfectly use mods with F3. AII, FOMM, FOSE, LB, name it, I have probably worked with it to get it all going fine. Since I use Vista, it is NOT installed in Program Files. It runs fine that way, except for mods made by, as someone aptly named it, 'Nifskope noobs'. Anyway, I love mods of Nexus. I started off with Oblivion, having a whole load of mods on there. Never had much trouble except for faulty ones. Anyway, 'the age of F3' comes and I download a whole gallon of new kick-ss mods. Now, here comes the tricky part. Suddenly, my load order got so long, mods reached at D6. And then it happens. Okay, so I get into Fallout to play, I was in Bigtown. Everything seems fine. Before, through SCC, I equipped all of them with white Anchorage Power Armor and SAW's from a gun mod. (I just like Bigtown alot, keep it on that) I fast-travel to Megaton, and suddenly I get <!> errors on the inhabitants. Those imply that there are missing meshes. I killed the guy with the error, searched through his inventory, took the gun he was wearing (which was another mod one, that was working fine before) and it was indeed that gun that had the <!> error. And I went through other mod things, they all had mesh <!> errors. My idea is what that the game suddenly had no access to the mesh files and like. Is this what it looks like when AII isn't enabled? Odd, AII was one of the first things fixed before I used mods. And of course FOSE and FOMM. I'm an Oblivion veteran, I'd be stupid to not cover these first before getting modded up. BUT, the insanity doesn't end. I want to make a new save, to then narrow down the problem (assuming at first it was a mod). I arrive at the Savegame screen, and what do I see? My saves are gone cuckoo It's asif Fallout couldn't load any information anymore at all. And as formerly mentioned, using Vista, and NOT installed it in Program Files. I experimented around, and with lots and LOTS of 'Trial & Error', the cause didn't come from a mod... It came from my load order. As soon as one mod would reach D0, the formerly mentioned would happen. The screenshot has just been made. I don't even need to change Cell to have my savegames look...yugh... One positive: This isn't permanent damage. Upon starting Fallout, my savegames look normal again. And when my load order doesn't reach D0, it stays good. I lived with it for a long time, hoping an update would fix it. 1.6 fixed my DLC's, but sure didn't fix the mods' esm's and esp's. So, fellow folk of the Nexus forums. Can any of you tell me WHAT IN HECK IS GOING ON??? Oh, and if its not too much trouble, how to fix it? I can't keep pushing off mods. Now I got lucky I could disable clothing mods whereof neither me nor any of my companions wore any of. I moved alot of guns away from my precious collection... But it has to stop, this needs to be fixed. I did a few searches and couldn't find a topic with a similar issue described. So don't bite my nose off for that, please?
  22. I think I have something similar happen in the Citadel. When I near the Laboratory doors, the walls and related decoration (including the stairs to the dorms of the Trainee's) disappear of sight, but they are still very much there in collision. This only happens when my draw distance for objects was put on its ultimate minimum. Holding LMB (to zoom or look closer) oddly enough would show it, and exiting this would hide it again. If you recognise your problem in this, try attack one single tack to the draw distance for Objects. This fixed it for me, but version 1.5 kept resetting that to its minimum at odd moments. Luckily I got update 1.6 now. Fixed alot of issues with DLC (.bsa listings being limited and stuff. So VERY very confusing...)
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