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Everything posted by Sugarbean

  1. Just wanted to say... Hi Sunshine :)
  2. Just stoppin by to say hi!!! :wave:
  3. Hey you!!!!! BOOOO!!!!!
  4. Hiiiieeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! hugs! :D
  5. I did!!!! I did!!! shoot you caught me :D Its nice to see a fellow lady here!!! :D
  6. Beana on TESA :wave:
  7. bFaceGenTexturing=1 ... change it to bFaceGenTexturing=0
  8. I highlighted that part because the font was white on a pink background.. for whatever reason lol...
  9. I got this pop-up as soon as I came on today... Now I come on everyday for a long time now and I have never heard a peep from my AVG.. I was on earlier today on a different computer and nothing happened.. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k24/sugarbeanalena/what-2.jpg ****edit.. I realized after the post that you cant really read that LOL!!! Well at least I cant :lmao: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k24/sugarbeanalena/what2.jpg
  10. I second twhat the Whelp said!!!! :hugs:
  11. Mods are art... treat them as such. If you dont like it... make something that you do like.
  12. :hugs: Hello!!!
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