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Everything posted by Anikma

  1. Exactly, have a trigger box in the same room/area as the main NPC. Have this trigger when NPC 2 enters and advance the quest stage (requires a script).
  2. I am having serious trouble trying to understand what you are asking. Slow down, take your time, describe EXACTLY what you are trying to achieve in a nice understandable way.
  3. Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Spell Property MySpell Auto Event OnActivate(Objectreference akActionRef) if akActionRef == PlayerREF PlayerREF.AddSpell(MySpell) Debug.Notification("Dude! You got the spell") endif if PlayerREF.HasSpell(MySpell) Debug.Messagebox("Dude! You already have the spell, technically the script is trying to add it again but seeing as you already have it it doesn't matter. How cool is that?") endif EndEvent Doesn't matter if it already has an attached script, they will both run. By the way I didn't test this script out or even see if it compiles so yell out if you have any problems :)
  4. Yes it's probably cause they're pirated, something which is neither encouraged or supported here on the nexus. Expect the ban...
  5. At the moment yes, I have set up a moddb page (link in signature) but it hasn't gotten any attention and I've found it a bit hard to manage so it's basically inactive. If there is anywhere else you would like to suggest posting feel free to share!
  6. Try using the attack AI package with the target set to the person they are sparring with.
  7. Each grid represents a cell in you worldspace. Hovering your mouse over each square will reveal its respective coordinates as well as the cell name. For example what I did was name four or more cells MyRegionPointOne/Two/ect. Then I would write down their coordinates and find and mark them in the region editor. I don't believe you can get a proper visual representation or if your even supposed to but unless someone else has a solution this is the best you're going to get. :P
  8. Thanks a lot, I did manage to figure this out by looking at the TG quest but thanks for the help anyway.
  9. Sorry if this is a noob question, did a quick search of google and couldn't find anything. How can I raise water in a dungeon via script? Using TranslateToRef on a water square doesn't work properly. In the meantime I'm going to dig around in dragonborn as there is a dungeon there with changing water levels, I just need to find it.
  10. Turn the difficulty up? There are plenty of mods like combat overhaul which make combat more challenging. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56147 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006/? There's also Requiem which adds a nice twist to combat. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281/?
  11. Normally a crash after the Bethesda logo means missing master files. The fact that it works without NMM is troubling, but are you using the same mods when you launch with each option?
  12. For a good budget card try some of the AMD stuff. For a while I used a R9270 with 2gb of Vram and it was able to run skyrim at ultra with plenty of mods (mind you I didn't have a HD screen.)
  13. I have a similar thing done on a ship which is currently managed entirely by scripts. Because of how large the pipes are the enable/disable fade would be quite noticeable and therefore I will be probably following that tutorial. Thanks,
  14. Number 2 was definitely my first idea as well, maybe you have a certain timeframe to break all of the pipes before you fall into the grinder. This leaves the questions now of how do you break the pipes. Any ideas? That's also a very good idea, there will probably be more than one solution so keep the ideas moving!
  15. Hello community, I need to call on your amazing imaginations to help design a particular trap/puzzle for my upcoming mod Suhriem. As the title suggests it involves the player falling off a balcony down onto a ramp which slowly slides them towards a intimidating grid of grinding dwemer gears to chew them up. http://i.imgur.com/BNGsgOS.jpgView from the balcony http://i.imgur.com/QVRmc2S.jpgThe Gears http://i.imgur.com/N25Dsbq.jpgBirds eye view (Yes I see the gap). Anyway I've got so far as the player falling down onto one of the ramps, but I want to hear everyone's ideas as too how they would escape so I can choose the best option. Another way of saying it is that I want the player to actively think and try to escape, I don't want the solution to be obvious or scripted. Thanks in advance for your inputs! Every idea counts!
  16. Here's a good tutorial regarding creating a new book in the Creation Kit: http://tesmods.blogspot.com/2012/02/tutorial-creating-new-book.html. More tutorials can be found in the mystical place known as google. Go to the Creation Kit wiki for tutorials on how to use the program, what your trying to do should be incredibly simple (albeit tedious) as long as you don't intend to go to far into quests.
  17. For the best old-school experience i would go with Requiem. It won't be perfect but it's probably the best out there.
  18. I wouldn't touch any actor values that are used by NPCs as they are there to determine how NPCs behave. Blank ones are fair game however, but it could cause conflictions if other mods use them too. The book method is possible but would be clunky and kind of bland. I think there is an SKSE event that detects when a menu is opened so it could be used to force a GUI over the normal skill menu. I'm in favour of this mod and want to see it implemented so I'll have a look at the scrip as soon as I can.
  19. No problem, feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
  20. I wasn't aware that the was an OnEnable event for papyrus (unless it's an SKSE event). You could use an {url=http://www.creationkit.com/IsEnabled_-_ObjectReference]IsEnabled[/url] condition to check to see if the object is enabled, for example: Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (MyObject.IsEnabled()) Debug.Notification("The object is enabled") endif EndEvent Of coarse the event can be changed to suit your needs, but the script must extend ObjectReference.
  21. Here is a good tutorial for a script based skill system: http://tesmods.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/tutorial-creating-skill.html?m=1 I have never seen anyone create a new skill menu. While this doesn't mean it's impossible it does mean that it's up to you to figure it out. One possible way to track skills would be via an mcm menu as I've seen in many other mods or perhaps as lofgren said you could code something it flash (MAYBE I've never heard of anyone attempting this before either.).
  22. So was I, now that I fully understand what tour trying to do I'll also take a look to see if I can turn anything up.
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