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Everything posted by BadPenney

  1. You don't need a car to go places either, it just makes it a lot easier. I recommend getting and using FOMM for installing mods, regardless of how many mods you are running. Many modders, including me, upload mods that are designed to be installed and enabled, and disabled and uninstalled, with FOMM. That doesn't mean that you can't still install manually, we just do it to make your life easier. Some mods are not released as FOMODs for FOMM, so they are not intended to be installed with FOMM. As for myself, if I was to use a mod like that, then I would use FOMM to make it into a FOMOD before installation, just because it makes uninstalling so much easier. That is especially true when a mod has many custom data files included. ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! is also incorporated into FOMM as well. You can also manually do what AII does, but again it is simpler no to do so.
  2. If you know what day you buggered up your file associations, I wonder if doing a system restore from a date earlier than the mistake would reset them properly?
  3. Check to make sure that the NPC has "no low level processing" unchecked. I recommend that you try different sorts of AI packages than Sandbox. If you want an NPC to sit down and stay put, try a UseItem package on the chair. Tell them to sit down and use the chair for 2 hours, then sandbox only idle markers for 3 hours, then sit and eat for 3 hours, etc. Mix up the routine a bit. It seems to be though that you have the smoothest results if you keep NPC schedules simple. Sometimes it seems more natural to me to see one NPC sitting while another sandboxes or patrols idle markers than to have one NPC try to do both. It is possible to thread a series of packages together to get variations in an NPC's daily routine, but I recommend a minimum of 2 game hours at each package to be sure the NPC has time to be active in it before it times out. You might try experimenting with the package flags too. "Must reach location" and "must complete" are sometimes useful, sometimes obstacles. Try unchecking "enable fallout behavior" and select only certain applicable behaviors under it. Try different misc flags. Try restricting allowable behaviors. Studying setups in vanilla NPCs is also very helpful. I especially found checking packages in Rivet City's Marketplace and the Muddy Rudder helpful for my own NPCs.
  4. If you are willing to do new modelling, then maybe it would be simpler to make armor for a human NPC that would make him look like a protectron and give him a protectron voice. Might be simpler than rewotking a protectron skeleton to use human anims.
  5. I don't know if this has anything to do with your situation. It seems to me that I ran into problems by using both FOMM and FO3Edit to swap the .esm flag. Now I only use FO3Edit to change from .esp to .esm and back and don't see the weird glitches that used to pop up when I used both. I had to dump several days of work and restore an older .esp backup to get rid of the glitches. I am assuming the source of the problem, I admit, so it is only anecdotal evidence, but I haven't seen a reoccurance since using only FO3Edit for mastering.
  6. I want to be able to defeat the Claws of Death with the Jaws of Life.
  7. You can make the screen go black with IMAD FX forms. They can be called from a script. For instance: [set timer] imod MQ08AllBlackedOutISFX ;to add a blacked out effect [run timer for desired time] rimod MQ08AllBlackedOutISFX ;to remove the effect and go back to normal vision I just selected that black out FX without trying it in a script. You should experiment with different FX to get one that you like. I prefer fading transition FX to show drifting in and out of consciousness. Combining the FX with a script that advances game hours or sets game time and date can give the impression of lost consciousness for a set period of time. You won't see the time passing sleep animation this way though.
  8. It appears that you are asking about memory storage not RAM, and there is no possible way to know how much disk space you will use up by storing "anything else i will need". File size is listed on each mod's download page. For example, FOMM's current version is 1026kb. Look at the files that you want, write down the specs and get a calculator.
  9. Sounds apochryphal, which is my specialty. Did you delete your sound bsa file?
  10. Yes, you can remove unnecessary Master dependencies with FO3Edit. You can download a manual to help you. Its link is provided on the FO3Edit page.
  11. Here is a quote from Quarn, author of ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated: "If you are using Windows Vista make sure you DO NOT play Fallout 3 from your Program Files folder, this has been known to cause strange problems (if UAC is on/incorrect permissions), install Fallout 3 somewhere else." I tend to trust his opinion. User Account Control was designed to help people avoid installing spyware unknowingly. It seems that people can avoid problems by disabling UAC (which might decrease security) or by always running as administrator (which also can make you more vulnerable online). Installing into a non-default directory creates no additonal security issues while avoiding potential "strange problems".
  12. You can use PlaceAtMe for explosions also, which should include MarkForDelete. Pretty obvious why you don't need them to be saved. It seems that Cipscis is well versed in how PlaceAtMe should be handled, and is also an excellent scripter. His tutorials might mention it.
  13. I can't speak about how those companion mods work, but I think that custom races is the way to get different bodies for NPCs with the GECK.
  14. Thanks a bunch. So it's recommended I should go with the FOMOD file? Yes. An advantage to installing FOMODs with FOMM is that it will place all of the support files in the proper subdirectories so that the mod works properly to begin with, and it will also make removing a mod very easy if you decide that you don't want it anymore. Without using FOMM and FOMODs you must hunt down and delete any supporting files yourself if you want to uninstall a mod. Using FOMM to uninstall FOMODs does all of that work for you. I didn't post because of your threat. I'm already dead.
  15. As Tony said, installing in a directory other than the default Program Files directory will avoid trouble with Vista's UAC.
  16. Placing the exact same post in multiple forums is ne kulturny.
  17. I recommend posting your questions in the comments portion of that particular mod's download page, if you haven't done so already. Better chance of getting the attention of someone who knows the answer, perhaps.
  18. I tried placing water sideways once in hopes of making a reflective wall. It didn't work. Not sure why you would want floating islands in the sky and oceans that you can fall out of, but that is your prerogative. Picking a first mod that does not attempt to defy the limits of the game engine might not float your fancy as much but will promise a greater chance of success. If someone uploads a mod and says "This is my first mod. It has lots of bugs. Take it or leave it." I will leave it. But thanks for the warning.
  19. I'm not entirely clear about the fictional history storyline of the pre-war Fallout universe, except that Canada is annexed by the United States and China attacks the US in Alaska. Hard to believe that Russia could stay out of the contest. A website devoted to Fallout lore and canon would be helpful for details. Those sort of details will appease canonists, who can be very sharp and vocal critics of mods that do not conform to Fallout lore. If the player were to travel back in time to an active war zone rather than to a peaceful city then that what provide more combat opportunities. You might have a scenario that pits the player against both Chinese and American military NPCs. Or you could travel back in time to find yourself in a secret military base with a large group of people who have travelled from the future and made contact with the pre-war government and military, so that the player can get involved in combat as an authorized agent of pre-war forces. Involvement with organized crime could provide quests like ones in New Reno from Fallout 2 which could allow combat and give the player a way to acquire money, false identification and new supplies and weapons.
  20. There are quite a number of mods that you might like adding to your game. It sounds as if you played Fallout 3 unmodded and without downloadable content (DLC). If that is the case, then downloading Broken Steel will raise the character level ceiling to 30, extend gameplay past the end of the Main Quest and introduce higher level opponents. Many mods aim at level 30 player characters and content from Broken Steel and the other DLCs also, so downloading and playing the DLCs extends the vanilla game and gives you more choices from the selection of good mods.
  21. I think that the Fallout 3 General Modification Talk forum and the Fallout 3 Modification Requests forum might be good places, too. There was a thread about a voice acting resource attempt: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...hl=voice+acting not sure if it got anywhere. Female voice actors are often sought after, as they seem to be less common. Might be nice to have a pinned thread for voice actors to offer their assistance to modders.
  22. Using the search function on these forums can actually save you a lot of trial and error, because a lot of the questions that you are likely to ask have already been asked and answered here. Modder's love free programs like Audacity that work with Fallout 3 so I would not be surprised if you were able to find at least one thread that has information that you can use. You might still need to read through a bunch of posts to find what you are looking for, but it's often much quicker than waiting for someone who knows the answer to read your post. You will often find more than one solution to a given problem that way too, and solutions are not all equally good.
  23. The Constitution is under continual interpretation but believe me, a citizen's right to bear arms does not allow free and open access to weapons and armor in public. If you attempted to stroll a city street in full combat gear without being a member of a SWAT team then you would soon be the focus of one and would be all over CNN. Legal carry of weapons is still closely regulated and law enforcement is authorized to use deadly force against uncooperative violators. Simple possession of a great many of the weapons available in Fallout 3 without tightly restricted legal authorization would be felony crimes under current American law. Not to say that stops gangsters from having them, but even they try to be discreet most of the time. Though private citizens can legally own firearms and with special licenses even automatic weapons, handguns are by far the most commonly carried because they can be concealed. There are many places where guns cannot be legally carried under any circumstance by citizens and places and circumstances where they can be legally fired are almost nonexistent in populated areas.
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