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Everything posted by BadPenney

  1. I start with the simplest explanation first: The bridge to Rivet City is not extended to the scaffold on the shore when you first arrive. You have to activate an intercom at the top of the scaffold before the bridge will rotate into position. Have you done that? Sorry, if that is not the issue that you are having but simple minds think of simple solutions.
  2. Impossible to say what might be wrong with your script without seeing it. Are you using "say to done"? Personally, I think that it is much easier and more reliable to make NPCs talk amongst themselves by using the Conversation feature of a quest rather than scripting it all,.
  3. I am guessing that it was a celebratory posting to demonstrate his relief in overcoming the many discouraging obstacles that he encountered while attempting to navigate the GECK in order to make real his mod concept. He possibly expected some sort of congratulory response from like-minded individuals in the FO3 modding community who have encountered the same sort of difficulties, naively throwing his elation into a pack of ravening dogs to be torn apart before his eyes. Congratulations lad.
  4. I've never had a problem with the white out transitions that you have mentioned, but then I've never downloaded FOOK2. So if you are right and the problem was caused by that mod then perhaps a bug in the ear of the FOOK2 author or team about the bug might be a good idea.
  5. I think that this mod was made with that in mind: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6460
  6. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=187069
  7. At approximately $3000 US it had better not.
  8. You can solve it most often by following the installation instructions that are included with the mod, usually in its readme file. If you do not install the custom meshes in the proper folder then you will see exclamation points instead of objects, In some cases, mods are made so that they can be installed quite easily with Fallout Mod Manager. Check it out for download if you have not done so already.
  9. If you open the GECK and look at the list of things in the Object Window, you will see Imagespace and Imagespace Modifier listed under Special Effects. An Imagespace is the lighting that you see when you are in a particlar area, like the Wasteland during the daytime. An Imagespace Modifier is something that modifies that lighting, like when your character is thumped on the head, or when you are in a dark subway and are using NV goggles that brighten everything up with a greenish light. I'm not sure if there are any tutorials that apply to Imagespace Modifiers, but you might do a search for some. I created a power suit with a helmet that toggles color "nightvision" in my mod "Return to Shady Sands". If you would like, you are welcome to download it, see what I have done, experiment and modify the Imagespace Modifiers, scripts or any other part for your own purposes. I suspect that there are better and more versatile NV mods out there, but mine does have the advantage that it does not require the use of Fallout Script Extender, which means that there is less for you to learn right off the bat. Maybe when you are farther along with your skills you could learn FOSE to make a more sophisticated version.
  10. I admit that I am a bit rusty, but I never said anything about RGB did I? I use DXT1 for Pipboy icons, but not much else. I have removed alpha channel altogether when modifying normal maps for clothing, as in when getting rid of the underlying 101 of a vault suit. For the most part I believe that dds files that I have retextured have the same filesize as the original, rather than ballooning to great size. I do like to have an alpha channel in a diffuse texture when retexturing armor that has transparent parts to show more female flesh, or on posters that have ragged edges. Is that wrong? Sorry for the error in mip maps. I believe that I do not generate them for Pipboy icons, but in general they are needed. I think. If you are more knowledgeable by all means speak up and correct me if I am wrong. But is it necessary to assume that I said something then vilify me for your assumption? Welcome to disinformation. Actually, I can live with that. There are those that are more knowledgeable than me about most every aspect of modding. I have taken to saying less and less (probably for the best), mostly speaking up when I see that someone has asked a question that has not already been answered a million times and yet has received little or no response. I also post less because people here can be quite feral at times. As my "title" mentions, I am known for giving out misinformation. In fact, I believe that a great deal of the information presented in forums by posters is apochryphal (incomplete, misleading, or completely wrong) even by those who speak with great authority. Forewarned is forearmed. Or was that four armed?
  11. It is a way of saying something naughty without getting in trouble, as in "Oh FOOK, I'm scrooged!"
  12. Yes it is possible to make power armor toggle something that looks like Night Vision. You will need to experiment with Imagespace Modifiers in order to get the look that you want. I have found that one custom Imagespace Modifier does not give the same results in all areas, so in my efforts I had to make several setups that apply in different locations ( exterior, interior, caverns, etc.) in order to give the appearance that the view is the same in all locations. I've never tried to create a thermal imaging view such as you see in the Predator movies. Causing living bodies to glow would be a challenge I think. All I can recommend is that you experiment until you find something that you like.
  13. If FWE installed itself then it must be a FOMOD file that has been tailored to work with FOMM. Easy to install and easy to uninstall. The other mods that you mention are quite popular and I would be surprised if they do not have FOMOD versions. If not, you can learn to make them into FOMODs. I expect that many of those mods may also require Fallout Script Extender (FOSE). Considering how often those plug-ins have been installed properly by other users, patiently re-check the documentations. Technical rule of thumb: Nine times out of ten the problem is operator error.
  14. I notice that your fail warning says "Try again later, or contact the server administrator" Have you tried the second bit yet? Rumour is that he is quite intelligent and one would think he knows the system rather well.
  15. I rechecked my save settings for armor retex and I do have it set to generate Mip Maps. My mistake. I have my settings as DXT5, ARGB, 8 bpp | interpolated alpha. I always keep the resolutions the same as default FO3.
  16. Here is an object script that I attached to a trigger box that displays a message repeatedly with only a short delay between events. It could be modified easily to play a sound repeatedly: scn TombstoneSCRIPT short TdoOnce float Ttimer Begin OnTriggerEnter Player if ( TdoOnce == 0 ) ShowMessage EpitaphMessage set TdoOnce to 1 endif End Begin OnTriggerLeave Player if ( TdoOnce == 1 ) set Ttimer to 6 endif End Begin GameMode if ( TdoOnce == 1 ) if ( Ttimer <= 0 ) set TdoOnce to 0 else set Ttimer to (Ttimer - GetSecondsPassed) endif endif End If you replace "ShowMessage EpitaphMessage" with "Playsound Whatever" then it would play a sound one time when the trigger box is activated, and reset within a matter of seconds once the player leaves the trigger box. If I remember correctly, the timer was necessary to allow the player to clear the trigger area before attempting to reset.
  17. In some cases DXT1 simply will not cut it. I haven't found generating Mip Maps necessary, so if you deselect it in other modes then you may save additional memory. You will want to retain alpha channel if you are working with any texture that has transparencies, as in many clothing or signage textures.
  18. I know that FO3Edit can change a plug-in from an .esp to .esm and back, so if you are asking how to change a mod that you have downloaded to an .esp so that it can be edited then that might be what you are looking for. FOMM can also flip the .esm master flag, I believe.
  19. Unfortunately, the problem with neck seams is not only a matter of matching the head and body meshes together. It is also a lighting issue that is inherent in the Fallout 3 program. The head is illuminated separately from the body. The head and body will not cast shadows on each other, neither will they reflect light onto each other. So unless you view the combined parts in exactly the right conditions, the seam will still appear regardless of how you have manipulated the mesh. Following are examples to demonstrate this lighting problem that I created for an earlier thread on the same subject. The image on the right is the neck seam as it appears in game under hard shadow conditions. The image on the left was Photoshopped to show a more realistic appearance that would be viewable if the head and body were lit as one solid object. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/1103832-1246211272.jpg
  20. When you create a new voicetype there is a small box in the center of the window that is followed by "Allow Default Dialogue". If you don;t want your NPC to say any generic greetings then perhaps not checking that box will do the trick. Just make sure that you really are creating a new voicetype and not overwriting an existing one. That mistake can be easily made. If you want an NPC to remain silent try selecting "None" under voicetype in the NPC edit window.
  21. Perhaps you have never read the book or seen the movie called "On the Beach". It was a cold war story from the 1950's about an American submarine that survived a nuclear war because it was submerged during the exchange of missiles between the US and USSR. The boat and crew settled in Australia because it had received no nuclear strikes and was intact. But even though most all of the missile hits were in the northern hemisphere, the radioactive fallout was circulated by the weather until it reached down under and killed everyone there too. The story was based on science of the time. I don't believe that current global nuclear strategies of "superpowers" spare the major cities of Australia. Even with the so-called disarmament there are still more than enough nukes to spare for allies of enemies.
  22. Tectonic forces great enough to raise mountains on both the East and West coasts of Australia are not very plausible. The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that caused the massive tsunami in 2004 shifted the ocean floor about 20 meters, caused the whole earth to vibrate, and triggered secondary earthquakes as far away as Alaska. Earthquakes that could cause mountain ranges to appear in short order would be vastly more devastating to life on earth than a nuclear war.
  23. A red diamond with a white exclamation point inside it means that the game cannot locate a referenced mesh. If you have Archive Invalidation Invalidated installed then it's probable that a mesh has not been properly placed in the correct subdirectory. Recommend that you review installation instructions for the affected mod.
  24. Use Update FaceGen model Availability under the Character pulldown menu of the GECK.
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