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Everything posted by urbex

  1. Consoles games have no DRM whatsoever once their OS is broken. They're almost always leaked a week before their release dates. Consoles don't stop anything.
  2. A more true sentence has never been spoken.
  3. if its me u adress, no i dont! But i bought a lot of games that i regretted becose of there low quality, but TES games is another issue those i played i loved and would easly pay twice the amount. Why i dont like steam is becose our online gameing clan requierd of for one game a few years back, we all had issues with lag and other stuff so we stoped playing that game and all uninstalled STEAM. Yes it was a few years back but NEVER again. Back to piracy: like i wrote, STEAM mever stopped any piracy did it? Steam doesn't stop piracy. Steam doesn't try to stop piracy. Steam prevents games from being cracked pre-release. I don't get why you guys can't understand this.
  4. The Great War occurred on October 23rd, 2077. It should still exist. Read the fallout bible.
  5. I think it's safe to say the majority of us prefer the current layout, but I'm under the impression that the ease of coding for a fixed with site is the main reason for the change.
  6. Except Morroblivion was a direct port of morrowind's resources to oblivion. It could potentially cause a loss in sales of morrowind. For this mod, textures/models would obviously need to be recreated along with audio. The only thing in question is use of the IP which (don't quote me on this, soulless copyright lawyers) if used in a non-profit way is legal. There's a ton of re-created content mods in other games (ex. CoD4 Star Wars mod) that go on alive.
  7. Publicly traded companies like bethesda really don't have much say over DRM. It comes down to whatever the clueless investors deem "failing to protect their assets".
  8. It looks better. The tabs are still unalligned in opera next. http://i.imgur.com/csebv.png And uhh, the current CSS rarely gets updated, why exactly are we loosing it? Dagon69, the new site is fixed width.
  9. I don't think anybody was arguing that it was alright to rip the mod, just that it was removed and whatever effort put into it was lost. Anyways from what I read recently the content that was added by the ripper was pretty bad, so I guess you could say nothing of value was lost.
  10. lol That sounds like a dream come true; free gaming content. But most modders I know of mod because they can't seem to stop doing it and would much prefer to make money doing it. This isn't a big charity organization put together to ensure that poverty stricken gamers never have to go without extra content for their games. At least, that isn't why I mod, and frankly that would never motivate me to do so. However, it does work out well for you and me that mods are free and that a lot of modders are pretty obsessive in their enjoyment of modding so that doing it for free isn't a problem for them. You are dead wrong about the ego thing. Most modders around here are very generous with their work and are happy to share if they are asked beforehand and are credited with the work. It's well known that a modder should never take another modder's work and try to pass it off as his own. Don't want to argue with you on the ego thing, but like you said a lot are obsessive of their work and tend to over react to criticism. Not all, but that's the stereotype.
  11. It will be exactly the same as New Vegas. Which is a game I never played. I have seen it played exactly once, and that was on a 360. so you haven't answered my question. Oh, sorry. Anyways, all you have to do is link the game online through steam once. Then you can play offline whenever you like. Doesn't effect modding at all, OBSE included. You can install games in other directories but you have to go through an extra step of creating junction points with the command prompt, at least thats how I did it. Extra step? oh boy. This will be fun to install. What is this extra step? this was linked to earlier in the thread: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=664376
  12. It will be exactly the same as New Vegas. Which is a game I never played. I have seen it played exactly once, and that was on a 360. so you haven't answered my question. Oh, sorry. Anyways, all you have to do is link the game online through steam once. Then you can play offline whenever you like. Doesn't effect modding at all, OBSE included. You can install games in other directories but you have to go through an extra step of creating junction points with the command prompt, at least thats how I did it.
  13. It will be exactly the same as New Vegas.
  14. Already Preordered, just preload it with steam a week or so before and play at 12:01 on Friday morning.
  15. Anyone care to enlighten me on what this "C" word is? My imagination isn't helping me any... "Crack", as in the files used to bypass DRM.
  16. Oh how terrible for you all. I'm pretty sure the goal of the modding community is to enjoy generating free content for fellow gamers. Not inflate our egos over who stole what from who.
  17. Except he didn't completely rip the mod, just the area. From what I read he added a huge quest and tons of new creatures. Sure, it's wrong and the author deserves to be banned, but now none of us will ever be able to play it. Anyways, the endorsement topic is still up (albeit locked) and you can read into what happened.
  18. Well, there's really zero market for used PC games anyways. I bought the collectors editions of Fallout 3 & New Vegas, but $150 for a mostly plastic dragon statue seems a little crazy. They need to learn from CD Projekt.
  19. Just a longer title for Steam. Not quite. Steam = Digital distribution that you choose to use. Steamworks = DRM that forces online registration of physical retail purchased games and prevent their resale. Well you can make the link yourself, saying "Skyrim requires steam" and "Skyrim runs steamworks" imply the same.
  20. Don't think there will be enough river space for boat traveling to be effective.
  21. I like seeing everyone be okay with this. A year ago it was just a ton of people jumping on the "steam sucks" bandwagon starting redundant petitions. Steam is the ideal DRM. Prevents games from being pirated before release and isn't overly intrusive like Ubisoft's. Just a longer title for Steam.
  22. Thanks a ton for directing me to the GST mod, it's exactly what I needed. 225% feels perfect.
  23. Morrowind even had levitating, albeit it broke the game.
  24. FWE in Fallout 3 included this and it was perfect, however I can't find anything in New Vegas that does. Arwen's doesn't have many weapon damage options and Project Nevada's settings menu is really dumbed down. I'm pretty sure it's not modified by just a command or simple script. Thanks.
  25. Only the leaked one... The official feed hasn't been released yet. Thanks, and, uh, yeah, I realized that.
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