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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. I like my Boyfriend. :smile:
  2. Ban vicICE for banning ytsejam91 for causing another confusion. :whistling:
  3. Dezdimona, There are few things that penetrate my unfortunately twisted mind but all the poems here are beautiful and gies me hope for the world. Must totally agree with Coolystguy and his comment. please give us some more of these beauties. sam
  4. What Ho all, All clicked (whbble) Grand Dragon Mad Man greets new memmber and says all clicked. :biggrin:
  5. What Ho Dezdimona, Seems have got large back log of peoples to click! Hows your dragons
  6. I Thank you Dark Dragon Wizard, Have alas just come out of the Dark depths of mine mind so haven't been on any thing recently ( Was curled up in Ball) :thanks:
  7. All clicked. alas methinks me hit wrong button (whibble) had hoped egg be red ah well may have better luck.
  8. ah, such beauty, you are someone who truly knows how to get so much out of so little. :happy:
  9. banning ytsejam91 for banning me for wanting the world. :biggrin:
  10. Whibble Grand Dragon Mad Man is gratefull for kind reception can't wait for eggs hatching!! hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!!!!
  11. Hail Norther Soul Of Dragon, cute dragons I hopes their wisdom is good?
  12. All Clicked I thank you for your welcome Dark Dragon Wizard and complement you on your dragons. Whibble
  13. Ban Antonkr for quoting Charles V in sig
  14. Note Above Hae = Have the V key on mine laptop, demned tempermental!!!!! :rolleyes:
  15. Welcome to the order! :biggrin: all clicked I thank you O Holy One In return hae clicked yours :thanks:
  16. Dragons Rule Ok! I the mad dragon wish to join as Grand Dragon Mad Man
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