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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. please ignore more help, alas was not in best mental state yesterday, came on to check what idiotic things i had written and i necessary have them removed.
  2. you can change the tree to block form in view if i remmember correctly and this is easier to find the texture name/path sections in generally you will see oblivion/... for the mod and this is what you should right click on. also on the tree you should have little + signs by parts of mesh click on these to get more bits of the mesh. hope this is of some help.
  3. if you look on the tree to side which lists the parts of the mesh you will find a section for each part of the mesh, so in case of a jacket the sleeves and the main body for each of these is a trishape and also the texture which goes with it, i you right click on the texture name/path you will get small list at the top of which is the option choose, if you click on this you can choose the texture it uses and in this way you can get the original texture to be used instead o it appearing as a white shape. sorry i didn't really explain myself in my first post.
  4. i find clicking on the texture on the meshe and useing the choose texture and reloading the same texture will work, this happens to me as well with morrowind textures when using nifskope.
  5. hmmm, Sky diving on a budget now theres an idea, all to true about the cancer.
  6. hmm i do seem to flatter, but then again some people deserve it.
  7. Great works here, anyone consider doing a sig for me?
  8. That's awful. I generally go through one or two novels a week. Ye Gods! I generally go through 20 - 30 novels/volumes a week, of cause Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffery and Terry Prattchet rule though I must say the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini is Pretty good. Atra gulia un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waise skoliro rauthr.
  9. all to true alas should find more help, this site great isn't it.
  10. should come to this thread more oten, mght help restore mental equilbrium. :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thumbsup:
  11. With Global warming, ever more corrupt politicians and so on and so forth is civilisation on the brink of colapse or is it just a passing fad for the human race (being on the edge of colapse that is)? :confused:
  12. LOL, not even close. Emporer is just outright wrong. true even the publisher Penguin Classics says it is Emperor (root word being Imperator in Latin (ancient roman not medieval).
  13. I thank the artist who has brought much to the world.
  14. I cannot wait to read more of this story. keep it up. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thanks:
  15. To quote the Great Bard "more, more".
  16. Greetins to our Sweddish friend, the english are still mad. :blink:
  17. May you continue to bring things like the rant thread. sight users sanity kept level by this.
  18. "to recommend everyone to choose for study and welcome such treatises as the present, since men have no more ready corrective of conduct than knowledge o the past." The Histories of Polybius Bk 1 v. 1 Loeb Classical Library translated by W. R. Paton, so even the ancients thought history a major thing to know to help understand the present. the quote used is part of the very begining of the work of Polybius' work.
  19. greetings holyone.
  20. aah no books <runs out of room screaming> but would have to be internet if anything (atleast stories get uploaded and written on internet)
  21. most enjoyable, will have to look more often to see what appears.
  22. Greetings and welcome, if you need insane comments give me a shout. :biggrin:
  23. Life, the universe and everything, why 42?
  24. Have just put NWN diamond edition back on mine computer but can't leave drogan's house at beginning of first chapter as it sort of stops loading after activating the transition, both original NWN campaign and Hordes of the Underdark work fine, any suggestions? :confused:
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