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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. Congrats on your place, can't help but think of getting my results bou was I nervous!!!! :biggrin:
  2. Can't help but agree with sexy fictional guys. nice personal picture.
  3. LordTenaim


    The community madman greets you and looks forward to seeing your mods. hope you enjoy your stay! :biggrin:
  4. Erm, Micko some of the earliest ideas of space travel come from the 1600's in some of the earliest sci-fi books. Even zero-g dates from the stuart period by one of the English sci-fi authors mentioned above. :thumbsup:
  5. nice photo great poetry as ever.
  6. hmm, i read alot on the internet including stuff on Aliensloff's site (pure greatness) and of course the brilliance in Druid's Garden on this site.
  7. pratically all my teachers were eccentric but a physics teacher got us to do a holiday broucher on the Sun! i mean really it's hot and a nuclear furnace what more is there to say. :biggrin:
  8. nice easy to read I can't wait to see how it developes.
  9. Who is he I see across the room? What is it that catches the eye? That cheeky grin, That gleeming eye, Maybe that well turned arm, That well muscled leg. Or is it that glow of joy in this dreary world. She tries to catch my eye, what does she see? Could it be she fancies me? Will I have to let her know? Will she Hate, Or will she not. She's just not my type. Why the glare from that guy across the street? What is it that causes it? Am I to obvious? Is it my roving eye? Maybe he's straight, Maybe not. Are parents the cause? A little gift for this great thread. :biggrin: Hope this works.
  10. as one who has self harmed listen to all the other posters on this thread it is much better for you to get a tatoo the n go for scarification as a slight mistake can be very dangerous for instance if the blade slips and nicks a major blood vessel. so really consider not doing it or getting your friend to do it.
  11. Hmm, methinks you right Marxist b*stard they do read like they be by same poster :confused:
  12. Alas, Philosopher101 history is not a fable agreed upon, as a Fable as decribed by a dictionary is; 1. a short moral story esp. one with animals as characters. 2. a false, fictitious or improbable account. 3. a story or legend about supernatural or mythical characters or events. 4. legends or myths collectively. also a collection of historians can be described as a debate, argument or war, as they are often not in agreement about what is and isn't history not even fact is exempt from this as one historian will find something which adds to the facts already given or disproves some other fact or will bring out a new hypothesis about the same facts, so history is more fluid then a fable, myth or legend it is much more compairable to science where a hypothesis becomes a theory which may get supplanted by another theory (like gravity replaced by general relativity) or may become a law (a very rare thing indeed) in history there are no laws as an advancement from theory as new information from other sources or new interpritations of old sources change the pool of information and/or taking things away, destroying one or more theory and opening up ways for yet more hypothesis and theories. the best thing to compaire history to is life. the fluidity is possibly why it helps us to see what is happening in the world around us in different lights and views.
  13. Mmmh, Elisean Fields here i come, gorgeous as ever. Keep thes works coming.
  14. alas for you Thor I the Swallower of Worlds win!!!
  15. My friend is wanting to know if it is possible to place enchantments to objects while in game by using a script? This is for an amulet he is making that is providing unlimited ammo of varying types/enchantments.
  16. Mwah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I win And put Fluence on all as Evil Incarnate and right Evil B*****d, and of course because am king of Hell. Mwah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha!!!! Mwah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha
  17. Greetings and may keep on posting.
  18. All clicked, hmm that took awhile maybe should visit more.
  19. You, my good sir, are the fleetest reader that ever lived. Reading Starfish, by Peter Watt at the moment. Nah, More often then not I am reading more than one at a time.
  20. For this mod I am creating an underground race called the Tenmer with an offshoot called the Tenmakim, so far I have created the actual races, a star sign "the sign of the archmagus", a class Archmagus, started a faction called the Magi, began the books with lore to do with the Tenmer and what they are doing in Vvardenfel and finally started work on the first underground city with an entrance near Khuul. the help I need is for someone who can create a script to stop the Tenmakim from becoming vampires (they are only males (some genetical whatsit) with alot of magicka). I am willing to give help on thier mods to anyone who can do this for me. :thanks: Edit; i no longer need any help or this script as someone else i know has produced one for me.
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