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Posts posted by masoncravens

  1. The topic says it, but i dont know if its a mod problem or not, it dosent happen when im walking alone, its only when i turn left or right, looking up and down is unaffected..


    I have high fps regularly and this is not a "Certian area" only thing, any where i go it does this.


    Any help is appreciated, and i thank you in advance.


    This will be posted here as well as the mod troubleshooting section just in case its more suited for there than here.

  2. The topic says it, but i dont know if its a mod problem or not, it dosent happen when im walking alone, its only when i turn left or right, looking up and down is unaffected..


    I have high fps regularly and this is not a "Certian area" only thing, any where i go it does this.


    Any help is appreciated, and i thank you in advance.


    This will be posted here as well as the mod talk section just in case its more suited for there than here.

  3. I cannot, for the life of me, find the texture for Med-X..


    I have a bsa browser, i know the model is surgicalsyringe01.nif, but the texture dosent match up with the model name...


    I was assuming it would be somewhere along the lines of:







    Something like that at least...

    But it isnt...


    Does anyone know it?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I need a bit of help, im trying to get something to work a bit like the ammo use to casing thing where you get empty shells after shooting, but with other items,an example would be Med-x being used, then u get an empty syringe in return..how would i go about doing this?
  5. So i found this kinda late but i am using the backgroundload mult-threading and the only issue i have is i am only able to load games, i can no longer start a new game, after selecting it, the interface dissapears but the mainscreen and music persist, after removing the threading tweaks i am able to start a new game, i get great fps, but would like to know if anyone has gotten this and if there is a solution
  6. Its a twohanded spell, or master spell so u cant move while casting unless you changed it in CK to a single handed version. Like lightning bolt or fireball, it would be the same just not two handed



    Oh and ud b able to dual cast like flames or sparks or frostbite and get a bonus to damage.

  7. I use Dual Sheath Redux and immersive anims' dual sword on back combo so i was wanting to know if someone could make an animation that reflects the animation from 3rd person, into a 1st person animation, just the unequip and equip anims. So they will draw and sheath the same way.


    Just to be clear the animation plays as each hand reaches back and grabs a sword kinda like tbe two-handed equip and unequip, just one hand on each sword

  8. So ive been playing with RS a while then i got Bandit children, and Forsworn Children, and they conflicted horribly with RS, and i was wondering if there was a compatibility Patch lying around anywhere? Ive tried google and got nothing good so yea...
  9. ok so i saved and exited skyrim for the night and then the next day, without modifying any files or anything at all, when i opened Skse loader to launch skyrim, it loads and CTD's before playing the BGS logo, no mods conflict with it that i know of, and it ran great beforhand my load order is here: http://pastebin.com/wWZtNs7W Any help is appreciated ill answer all questions you may have to the best of my knowledge thanks.

  10. So not many ppl may be modding but im just starting to play FC3 again and here are a few things id like to see:


    -wingsuit unlocked from beginning

    -all weapons unlocked(not free)

    -second island unlocked

    -all crafting free or already unlocked(holsters, wallets, ammo packs, etc)

    - max $$ wallet increased to 20,000 or more

    - all gambling bets doubled or tripled so novice bet is like $250

    -ammo carry restrictions increased

    -all perks unlocked, not used, just unlocked so i can pick them

    -hunting and gathering prices, raised a bit so i can sell a bunch of cassawary skins and get a bit of money



    Thats all sorry if its alot, or if some cant be done, but thats what id like to see, if anyone can do this for me id be very greatful..thanks :)

  11. When i launch NV via Launcher it will fail and tell.me ," Fallout: New Vegas failed to start (error code 51).....

    I also use NVSE, new vegas script extender, and whem i launch using it, it fails and says," Application load error 3:0000065432"....


    The last time i had NV working was about a month ago, which was also the last i played, other steam games, i.e. Skyrim, Unturned, The Forrest, etc..., all still launch perfectly fine through steam and skyrim still works through SKSE, so i havent the slightes idea why NV isnt launching.


    Additional info:

    NVSE is up to date.

    Fallout: New Vegas is up to date.

    File Integrity is all good.

    Video drivers all up to date(this isnt a hardware problem)

    I have all DLC, if that matters at all.

  12. Is this a mod conflict or just a bug/faulty script? Only mods i have that alter and/or modifies magic are:


    Replacer Visuals for Spell Effects(Cloaks and mage armor only)

    Animated Weapon Enchants

    Better Summoning Visual-The Grey Light


    Lost Magic-part1 & 2


    The only one i can see that would be even close.us the Better Summoning Vusual mod, but i fully uninstalled it and still i get a CTD.


    Any thoughts on how to fix this?

  13. So i just installed SOS, Shlongs Of Skyrim, and when i load up the game, all goes well for a few seconds while i wait for it to initilize and install , then i hit up the MCM menu for SOS and take a look around... this is where the problems start:


    1. When i try to alter my character's Schlong, the only option avalible is "No Schlong"

    (Same with every race)


    2. For my character only, when i am wearing armor/clothing of any type, default or from a mod, my characters ass clips through the armor/clothing, mind you all other NPCs are fine and have no clipping issue


    3. When i un-equipped all my items/armor/clothing, except for the underwear, i found that i was in fact wearing the new underwear, which was expexted looked good, then i wamted to heck on my hardware, so i un equip the new underwear and nothing changed, no nude textures? Or is that a seperate file ussue that im missing for the nude player model?


    What should i do to fix these problems?


    I appreciate all help and thanks in advance :)

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