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Posts posted by nemesis6661

  1. Hi,

    For the purpose of my mod, I need to replace or create a new Lining of Power Armor (For exemple, I speak about the "T-60b Helmet" or "T-45d Torso").

    So, I tried to "add" a model, for exemple, to the T-45a Helmet, but, It was pretty... Awkward :










    Any idea how I can change the model of an Item like this ? Or by an other way.

    EDIT : Ho ! And I also tried to delete the model from the T-45 Helm object, but it still appears, and I dont know why because there are now no one reference to this model, no ?
    EDIT2 : I found an other reference to the model in "PA_T45_Helmet", for testing I deleted the model reference, and, In game, the helmet dont appear anymore, but, the Lining A not appear too !!!! It's a little problematic...
    And the X01 Helmet is no more here too, by the was...
    EDIT3 : The Lining A was disapear because I changed the Attach Point to an other, he re-appear, but the helmet still invisible.

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