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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. http://arherring.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/slow-day.jpg
  2. AHHH stuff I won't be able to afford until it's obsolete! I can't even afford what I've got.....
  3. http://snigs1spot.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/halloween-straight-jacket.jpg Something like this? :biggrin: ......That may be insensitive :unsure: Oh well, too late. :cool:
  4. I am an evolved creature that does not need Ethyl Alcohol to have an incredible headache in the morning. :biggrin:
  5. You know that thing where you wake up, you can see and hear but not completely and your arms and legs are still power lines Paulo lies paralyzed. I both hate and love that feeling. It goes away in like five seconds but it's so surreal. ALSO http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/30373298.jpg
  6. http://cdn.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/tumblr_lmtmppQDi81qagg3yo1_.jpg :tongue: OHHHH ARE WE DOING SPIDER-MAN AGAIN? :woot: To distract us from things that you don't have to read anyway. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/9265169.jpg
  7. First of all: Thanks bokauk, for checking out this thread, I really enjoy your "Toolboks" As for clarification on my thought: It has very little to do with the spawning of characters and more to do with the customization.The idea would be making all the skin tones available for each race individually OR making it so the Caucasian, Asian, African, Hispanic(or Middle Eastern) heads would be unlocked for all the races allowing for a greater combination of character appearances since the Caucasian heads are so numerous and the others so few in comparison. Either way there would be like 24 skin tones for something like 30 different heads (for females at least, I used your selective recruitment before I had this Idea so I don't know about men) across the four races. Drakous79 and I, through some digging found Unitpalette.[insert race]Skin controls the stuff I want to change and it is referenced in several places, but we haven't been able to find the place to change that value to get the desired effect.
  8. HOLY FLAPJACKS! I started watching that, then I looked down at the duration. :blink: I didn't know YouTube videos could be that long.
  9. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/30342012.jpg
  10. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3eyuqWsBG1rq8ceio1_500.gif
  11. :mellow: Things are annoying and they are everywhere. THINGS!
  12. So... those guys were found guilty of war crimes in Yugoslavia, sentenced to prison, then won their appeals and were allowed to return to Croatia? It seems like that took a long time for nothing to happen. Remind me not to get arrested in eastern Europe.
  13. FarCry 2's Story mode was really boring. You just walked everywhere - ran out of ammo then set things on fire then died because a sniper shot through a tree. And walking everywhere took forever thanks to the fact that everyone in Africa drives a pinto wired with bottles of nitroglycerine, apparently. I really only used the Multiplayer map editor. But never played any of the maps I made - http://www.wearmeme.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/wearmeme-forever-alone-black.jpg
  14. GTA V will be on pc. It has to be. Otherwise everything that has happened, everything we've worked for, every single moment here means nothing! :ohmy:
  15. Looks good but........... I don't want to shoot/stab/beat with a baseball bat/run over a dog :ohdear: .That would make me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SAD.
  16. http://wvu.hilltopper.net/graphics/snow_miser.gif Nope.
  17. My friend wrote the majority of a book when he was but a tween. From time to time he'll read excerpts from it and we lose our minds. It's funny because he's a writer now and it was TERRIBLE, imaginative and probably better than most kids would write but terrible none the less -Well, better than Eragon. To this day anytime we hear someone utter the line, "And one for good measure." we can't prevent the laughing fit. :laugh: At about the same time I was basically writing Gundam Wing/Mobile Suit Gundam: 8th MS Team fanfiction novella. It didn't involve any of the series characters but it was heavily based on the concepts and I aped most of the plot points. Save for the fact it was about fifty pages and the words were chunked into only five or six paragraphs, my technique wasn't that bad. If I had bothered to edit it, I may have been the next Ira Baldwin1. But hey, at least I could let the words flow then. I've had writer's block for eleven years. :dry: I think school killed my muse, whatever it was. Stupid Flanders School. 1 Ira Baldwin is the fifth Baldwin brother. He does not exist.
  18. I'll go with emotipros or .... emoticake: http://jenniepperson.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_1325.jpg It may or may not be the truth. W h o's t o say?
  19. Instinct only goes so far, it's clear to anyone who has ever had more than one cat that they develop well defined personalities that can be as similar or as different as possible to each other. The same with dogs. I believe that their domestication and close proximity to us has lead to some of our "free will" rubbing off on them.
  20. 1. That sounds like Woody Harrelson. 2. I know that Dogs at least, can be trained to have a basic set of morals. My chocolate Labrador knew when he did something wrong the second he did it. My golden retriever just doesn't give a flying frick.
  21. I'm trying to get out of Thanksgiving with my judgmental Grandparents and depressing Uncle, any ideas?
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