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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. Why do I tune out when somebody writes something on their arm?
  2. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkg40c65Lj1qzcdwso1_400.gif
  3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_v-zWDIlT3zQ/Sm6Cb_MP2RI/AAAAAAAAD08/9geWwOvrB6Y/s400/turkey.jpg I have to post this now or else I'd forget to post it in the next three weeks.
  4. Sounds like a migraine. Its not bad, it just means its a horrible headache. Most of my family gets them. My mom and both my brothers. I get them sometimes. Most of the time its a genetic thing. But people can randomly get them I guess. Nothing to worry about though (aside from the fact that they are awful). Too many Sulfates. But hey, you do have to make food edible.
  5. :unsure: [Picturing frail pale wobbly forearms] The radius is always like, "I'ma let you finish but I'm going to break when you hit the ground." What's up with that? Has anyone ever broken a humerus and NOT broken a rib or a clavicle? Something to think about. Not really. CBS cares.
  6. Yeah, hope everything's ok. Her son had a broken arm or something, right? Those kinda things suck because they require a lot of waiting to even see a doctor to get an X-ray before you can get a damn cast. Which sucks having... actually I don't know that since I've never broken a bone.
  7. It's state by state down here in the US. In New York, Virginia, and most of the other original colonies, I think, they have them on front and back. Florida, like Michigan, only requires the one on the back. As far as I've heard from my neighbor(who was a cop in NY and down here)It's an issue of whether or not the police deal mostly with (big)city or highway traffic - ergo if it's really congested, the plate on the front or back comes in handy where as on the highway you really only need it on the rear. Although Detroit's a big city it's really only one of a handful in Michigan so it's not surprising that they only have it on the back. Also, the old people from Quebec(at least they have Quebec license plates) down here only have it on the back too. Are they just doing that to fit in? Or are the separatists trying to pull something?
  8. [Wow, that was weird. Lemme try this again] http://www.acasports.co.uk/images/products/full/metal-whistle.jpg
  10. :thumbsup: I didn't read anything posted except for : "And the vagina, and from bending their penis around to insert it there. ROFLOL " I ran away.
  11. I did the same with the judges. I figure if they're doing a good job then everybody else will save them, if they suck then I'm in the right :dry: ----- I'm doing the correct thing. Edit: If it helps, Werne I kinda know how you feel. I had a friend go not too long ago - drunk driver hit him doing 60mph in his neighborhood when he was walking home from my house. We were friends since the first grade. He turned me on to the Dire Straits and that song hits me in a similar way. But enough of my moping, Now for some Bluegrass: http://www.tenbargeseeds.com/wp-content/themes/tenbarge/images/bluegrass.jpg
  12. :ohdear: Here's some Metal: http://www.triamericasteel.com/Images/stainless%20steel.jpg
  13. Ah you Brits don't have to put up with Gerrymandering, right?
  14. No... I watched Breaking Bad. You have to be smarter than the people who vote for Todd Akin to know how to use a Bunsen burner or even a reduction flask. No it's just the party system, a dumbass with an "R" next to his name is preferable to a kind gentleman of reasonable intelligence if he has a "D" or god forbid an "I" next to his name as long as he helps you maintain a "majority". We have a guy kinda like him down here, Allen West. He doesn't always say things about rape that sound offensive but he comes awful close. And to top it off, he's black so naturally any reference to his history of misogyny and aggressive nature is racist. Luckily he wasn't on my ballot. http://lennemi.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/your-member-of-congress-is-a-lunatic.jpg
  15. I concur. Even though I always make back-ups it still wigs me out changing stuff that I don't fully comprehend. I need more lady-soldiers than roided out space marine rejects, this is a fact.
  16. There has been a security breach.
  17. "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. ... Is there no other way the world may live?"
  18. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcrwnwVPlb1r3d2bno2_500.jpg
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