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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. I'd worry more about the cow hormones and steroids they use to fatten those suckers up. If you eat crap like that and start to notice more utters on your abdomen than usual, call a doctor of medicine. CBS Cares.
  2. You better drink some hot tea or coffee or microwave some mountain dew, otherwise digestion will not be happy. Especially if that burger is from a cafeteria at your place of education.
  3. I haven't said this for a while but I win. :armscrossed:
  4. Cake is better though - no fruit or squash if you do it properly. Just SUGAR and then DIFFERENT SUGAR. Hello DIABEETUS. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t224/cameronjaywiley/wilford_brimley_want.jpg CBS Cares.
  5. No, the Pie is the truth told to you in a way that makes you think it's a lie, when in fact it is true.
  6. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_JbfKdSBkoWQ/TMMi322OtpI/AAAAAAAACQY/_kEjVn9HlBM/lisa-homer-pi%28e%29%5B7%5D.jpg
  7. So..... In this dream..... I'm Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams...... White armor with the red stripe, surly disposition and everything....... Femshep's in one of those stasis/escape pod thingies nearby.... we're on some Earthlike planet with trees and junk..... and I-as Ashley- am playing XCOM: EU on my omni-tool(which occurred to me is a great insult to use on someone when calling them a tool just doesn't do the job)....... Then I'm like, "and they called it Mass Effect: Enemy Unknown" BOOOOM IDEA BOMB...... then Liara comes and Femshep gets out of her pod and we totally do it..... we make a mod for XCOM:EU with Mass Effect Aliens, units, and weapons....... and then there is lots of licking.....celebratory Ice cream..... and then Liara and Femshep are all like, "why don't we do sex?" and I'm all like, "No thanks,I'm saving myself for space marriage."...and then Space Oddity and Moonage Daydream are playing over each other as I strangle Kaiden Alenko to death while shouting "DIE CARTH, DIE!".......That is my dream.
  8. I think I have been incepted.... inceptioned...... inceived. I've got this Idea in my head that just won't go away. I blame the rap music! CBS cares.
  9. And Hulk Hogan made a sextape. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cOgSXAek3iQ/TFMdv-JS6hI/AAAAAAAAAcc/eW7cKeV6Lrc/s1600/unseen18.jpg
  10. Exactly my point, the wheelchair is not a good emblem for 'disability' any longer.
  11. :unsure: Maybe it isn't selling well then....
  12. The wheelchair symbol has always bugged me since it is used as a general 'handicapped person' symbol. It seems very odd that you have that sort of sign anywhere when the assumption is that the sign is saying handicapped individuals are allowed along with normal people. It's weird is all I'm saying. Also Gender and Sexuality are different. Gender would be how you identify yourself and others with the Male-Female-Hermaphrodite/Transsexual-Ryan Gosling(He's too sexy to be any single gender) definitions in your local social biome. Sexuality is your proclivities in regards to using your genitals and sock-puppets: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, Ryan Gosling, Autophilia, Robosexuality, that thing where the lady sits on a cake, et cetera. So unrelated: Does Sleeping Dogs suck? Because it's half off on Steam right now.
  13. Completely agree. At first I was just getting frustrated with the Mutons and their grenading habbits, I thought they were overpowered, but now I see that it's part of the genius of the game. People die, doesn't really matter how careful you are with your guys, if you want to get the mission done you'll have to lose some good soldiers. It's really tough, after coasting through all the abductions and side missions at the beginning of the game, to lose a rookie or a squadie all because you told them to check out a building. The building of course has ALL the Mutons in the world in it and they proceed to outflank and surround your faithful trooper, knocking them down to two health and obliterating their cover. He's/She's all alone because they did their job and they're panicked because a berserker is breathing down their neck. You could send your medic over, but there isn't any cover and you know you don't have the firepower to take out that berserker. But so what if you did? His buddies won't have any problems killing or maiming your veterans (who are now within range so they could get that shot off that you needed to bring that sucker down) with their grenades and uncanny accuracy. So you let the rookie/squadie die, you tell yourself they sacrificed for the cause but, really they just died because you told them to. Playing XCOM:EU is like being Captain Winters during the 'Bastogne' and 'Breaking Point' episodes of Band of Brothers. To put it another way, it is a lesson in the downside of being in charge.
  14. http://fsb.zedge.net/content/6/6/1/2/1-1434458-6612-t.jpg I got another life, ironically by avoiding Second Life all my life.
  15. Yes, they both rely on the gullibility of the common folk. :tongue:
  16. I thought Dishonored would be good but I didn't think it would be so thought provoking. Hmm maybe I'll see if I can get rid of something so I can get it. If I do, Bethesda/Zenimax owes you a commission Pagafyr. :thumbsup: I assume you got it for PC, right?
  17. The menu music for Borderlands 2 is really good. I hadn't noticed it before.
  18. http://www.retainedfirefighter.com/images/smilies/mrbag.jpg
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