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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. Here, take this or something.
  2. What breed is your cat? Is it a Russian Blue? I must know.
  3. People are nothing but writhing masses of emotions, you can't be blamed if one crawls out and bites someone. I don't know what I'm saying. I just promoted five characters as per Operation: Alloy. You are welcome, huddled masses of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. They were promoted and I'll never see them again, they're going off to die so you can deny the Reaper threat in your little cozy condo on the Citadel. Are you happy? Huh? http://images.t-shirts.com/bazinga-with-sheldon-tshirt-logo-hr.jpg
  4. Here's the plan for getting a better computer, we wait until Thor. is asleep and then we sneak in to where ever he has his awesome computer and then we takes the precious for ME! - I mean for us, yes precious, for us, gollum gollum (spits). [lots of names reading, seven wow.]
  5. I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now! My bowels are very photogenic and so is my esophagus, or so I'm told. SSD is only faster if your motherboard can make it so, my motherboard cannot.
  6. This looks bad only because there is so much of it. If there were only like two or three slices of spam then it wouldn't look so bad. If you take any meat or even some vegetables and present them like this, they look terrible. However, Tetradite, I only eat spam when camping or I have to. It tastes good but it's not something I go seeking. Does that make you feel better? And I put the image up again because it looks like a colonoscopy image and everyone over thirty-five should get regular butt exams, CBS Cares. http://www.cbs.com/base/files/styles/596xh/public/feature021.jpg
  7. Yeah, old people can't handle the Internets. I remember a time when this was all pornfields. (wistful stare, sigh)
  8. Y'know before Youtube, crazy people couldn't reach gullible people as quickly. My dear old Mum is convinced of all sorts of notions simply because she did a search and this lunatic popped up.
  9. My brother's back at home with his Beatles and his 'Stones, we never got it off on that revolution stuff. What a drag, too many snags.
  10. That stuff is just AWFUL in any form. YOUR AWFUL IN ANY FORM!! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it! :tongue: ........ and ended up getting a Mocking Jay pin for my mom as well. She was happy :biggrin: If only the people in the Hunger Games had Spam, they wouldn't be hungry. (I don't know anything about the Hunger Games except that Mocking Jay is a thing in it. And the characters have terrible names) Spam needs to be fried/grilled to be enjoyed properly, Macaroni and cheese and spam is also good.
  11. The tiny purple fishes run laughing through your fingers, and you want to take her with you to the hard land of the winter.
  12. I just watched the Futurama episode "Jurassic Bark", now I'm going to be sad for the next few days. :facepalm:
  13. Back in the olden days, they let you change your Gamertag once for free. Those were the days.
  14. You killed the guests, now they can't join us. There seems to be a stink aura that's keeping them away now. All is lost, abandon your posts, flee, flee for your lives.
  15. Isn't a 'parsec' a unit of distance? Edit: Never mind, they mean it as a unit of distance in the context presented. They are granted amnesty.
  16. Chris Pine did a fine job of ruining Star Trek for me. But I liked Unstoppable, however I this more: SNL Unstoppable Trailer Requiescat in pace, Tony Scott. But back to Bana, He was in the Hulk movie that was bad enough that they rebooted the franchise only five years later. Also, while there were many flaws with Blackhawk Down(See inevitable Ewan McGreggor rant) and Hanna, his vacant stares and bad accents completely take you out of the experience of otherwise enjoyable movies. We should exile him to entertain polar bears at the north pole. CBS Cares. BAZINGA!
  17. :mellow: Tooo many peoples just reading and leaving. It gets so lonely and cold here when nobody posts.
  18. What is foreign? Think about it. Now we all learned something. It's a better world. Pass the Bugles. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/24187006.jpg
  19. Words were never so useful, so I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before. http://iconbug.com/data/31/128/0b456f8325bb8f72e52988f378aea5f5.png
  20. That made me cry, such a tragic story. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8k823SbD41rsc4f6.gif
  21. Yes, Jane Fonda is horrible, but why do we need to read that? As hard as it may be for some, those things are best left by the wayside, not forgotten, just overcome. There are too many fires burning now, and too many people stoking them. Completely unrelated(as far as I know), This man is a horrible actor and ruins every single project he touches: http://www.nndb.com/people/174/000026096/eric_bana.jpg Go ahead, defend him.
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