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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. OH balls, Pagafyr has defeated me with this: >:- {|) Well, I guess we cannot continue without bloodshed. It is fated, from a (crappy) internet personality test I took an hour ago. I call upon the Great WHITE shark, Snow WHITE, Jaleel WHITE, and a WHITE wolf!
  2. You won't get away with this! Since I took that personality test I find that I care about stopping such plots. Your schemes won't prevail! I don't know how I'm going to de-nuke a city, but I'm here to show you that we aren't going quietly into the night! HAVE AT THEE, Villain! ALSO DO NOT GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH "Have at thee villain", apparently it is a sex thing.
  3. I'm also in Gryffindor, to whatever purpose that information may help.
  4. naomis8329, I was looking at your stuff in the spoiler thingy of your sig, :unsure: how is it that you can be both a Magician and a Priest? Are you cheating :geek: ? BTW, My color is also white and I'm a rogue. I'm Lovable too, whatever that means.
  5. At your command, save the Welsh jelly biscuits. Couldn't find any of those.
  6. I'll be the nurse, they have such pretty white shoes. Oh you want a female nurse? Women can't be doctors? hmmmmm? You've just been proved sexist by the sexist prover!
  7. Unofficial Dawnguard Patch may help us and others like us: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23491/ I got through the Soul Cairn by doing the old save move five inches - set quest stage past the keepers - move five inches, crash, load, move five inches, save, move ten inches, crash, and so on and so forth. It's not much better than your flying method, TheDarkNexus, so I hope the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch works out.
  8. All I could think of when reading this article is: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120831053008-rnc-protest-02-custom-1.jpg HORSE ARMOR! This picture is from the article.
  9. I wish I could use threats of violence against the guests and their families, but that wouldn't be proper civil conduct.
  10. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/055/932/ComboBreaker.gif
  11. The white stuff that forms at the corner of your mouth when you are thirsty, that's what I vote for.
  12. Arkham City is even better. Skip the Harley Quinn DLC unless you get the GOTY edition though. Unless you are like me and just love hearing Harley talk then moar is moar. However, I do agree about the DLC being underwhelming but since they did a good job with Robin's character I think it's still worth getting GOTY over a used old Arkham City, if you somehow can find a used GOTY edition with both discs then you win. Oh Harley :wub: , the only person I ever truly loved. BTW Thor., did you find one of Link's unused gadgets? AND K00L, IF YOU DON'T FIND ME WEIRD ALL THE TIME, THEN I MUST COMMIT SEPPUKU WITH A Wii®-MOTE. Seacrest out.
  13. You've fallen into one of my BAZINGA!s. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1477799_o.gif
  14. Prostitutes have to do anything you want them to do, right? 'Cause I've got this thing, like a pimple or an in-grown hair on my back and nobody is willing to pop it. I figure a prostitute would be ok with something gross like that. Just asking.
  15. I do, but it's not exactly safe for work - or for hardcore porn sites for that matter. I am a degenerate. Lol. ALSO, what would you guys say is the appropriate amount of time for a comment to exist on your profile page before deleting it?
  16. You can't stop me from looking.....
  17. Who in the seven kingdoms would want to see genitals out of context? :yucky: To not have notice and find yourself staring at some sort of wrinkly cave :blink: , gods no. I hope you made a counter offer to test the waters by finding the weirdest most nightmarish phallus on google and sending it as reply. Well, that's what I would do were I the kind to get involved with gals that have photogenic vulvae.(settle down it's scientific) BAZINGA!
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