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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. HAH EB Games still exists in Canada! Sometimes I feel like Canada is like that friend who watches the same TV show as you, but they're always a week behind. It's not a bad thing, it's just amusing. I really notice it in the 80's/90's hairstyles that the Canadian tourists wear when they come down here. I had thought poofy hair and poofy mullets died out a long time ago, but apparently they are alive and well in Quebec. Spoiler alert, eh?! EB Games will eventually get subsumed into the Gamestop conglomerate in season two of Real Life. Oh and Circuit City is the shady hill strangler, but you don't find that out until the season one finale. I have my awkward whimsy back, along with my intentionally unintentional insults! :woot:
  2. My PC actually said "F**k you." No it didn't, I lied. :(
  3. It's funny how different accents within the English speaking world differ. We don't have near as many different regional accents as your little island here in the US, but it's always amusing to hear someone with a Georgia drawl talking to someone from South Boston. "Did ya'll park the cawr in the yarwd?" - "Yeah, I pahked the wickehd Cah in the yahd." and then a person from Brooklyn comes in to ask if you want some "Couffee(coffee)" Where I live, Florida, hardly anyone has a single definitively "Floridian accent". People that live hear all their lives tend to develop a weird neutral accent that makes you pronounce certain words in a redneckish way while others come out in a New York way. Me personally, I spend most of my time affecting an accent for different sentences and I agree, the serious Irish accent is my favorite to do other than the "Kennedy" or the "Gollum". If I could talk like Brynjolf without effort I'd be irresistible to myself.
  4. I believe you, if and when McAffee expires, I'll definitely give that one a try. At this point, if this computer dies or gets all sorts of badness in it, I will just give it a burial at sea. :pirate:
  5. Oh craps, looks like Origin isn't causing all of my funk, it's just a coincidence. Don't get me wrong it's still being a cant that won't install things or work as it should, but McAfee is my problem. If it wasn't free for me, I'd drink their milkshake, I'd drink it up. They apparently also scrooded the pooochies when they last updated. GODDAMIT PEOPLE! QUIT RELEASING UNFINISHED OR BROKEN SOFTWARE! THAT IS AN ORDER! Jee wiz cripes, son of gosh! What is the matter with all these corporations fecallating down our dusty neck holes? And there, the only response to any criticism is to spew their corporate jargon and rehearsed half-apologies and ask you to re-install everything! The only thing I can say is: K00L, :mellow: This is all I can manage right now.
  6. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lho1frKCBh1qgcxlx.gif
  7. I feel really screwed over, because when I decided to buy all the Sims 3 expansion packs, Origin didn't exist and now I have to use it. :verymad: Now Microsoft office doesn't work, McAffee can't scan, and the games don't install properly to my ssdd. A POX ON ALL THEIR HOUSES! DAMN THEM, THOSE SUITS AT EA! FIrst they ruin Pandemic and Bioware and now they take away roughly, by their estimate (if I were to buy them again), $235 of Sims 3 stuff. I WILL HAVE NON THREATENING VENGEANCE! BTW an easy way to get around Origin for Mass Effect 3 or Battlefield would be to play them on a Xbox 360. You dyspraxic, militant mouse and keyboard guys are weirdos, controllers every day, son! Mouse and keyboard = spreadsheets, Controller = Games, Motion controls = you are a sap go run around the block instead. In case it was not clear, the BAZINGA! is implied. :teehee: Well, at least I saw this today: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhm31trVBV1qgcxlx.gif
  8. I'm done. I'm all washed up. Origin is making me reinstall programs completely unrelated to Origin/EA/ gaming in general. I renounce computers. I e-hat everything right now.
  9. The whole system is fricked up the Ang Lee.
  10. Reapers is real, I see's em with my ownly two eye!
  11. I don't understand how my anti-virus software is supposed to keep me safe if Origin can just turn it off. And since I decided to make a clean install of The Sims 3, I have to use it. For every other gaddam EA game I have I can just use Steam! I am so St. Anger right now. When it comes to supporting Origin, I'm Bob Dylan (I'm Not There). Borderlands 2 on 360. If I has any moneys by then, I'm running out of games to trade in.
  12. Origin sucks, just so we're all clear. EA really screwed the pooch on that one.
  13. Oh GODS I'm back on The Sims drug! All I end up doing is building a really cool house and then have immortal rockstar lesbians live there! All is lost! Flee! Flee for your lives! Afternoons and Nights are done! OH GOD I forgot about the aminals! Did anyone say lesbian cats?
  14. Fact: I have never made a Kajiit or Argonian character that I actually played.
  15. And Amy would be Liara, Farnsworth would be Mordin, Mom would be Sovereign, Lrrrrrrrr would be the Rachni queen, Zap Brannigan would be Conrad Verner, and Kif would be Thane, I assume. :geek: :geek: :geek:
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