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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. Alas, I find that if you haven't fallen ass-backward into an existential or philosophical debate on any message board at least twice, well then poor lad/lass, you just aren't using the internet properly.
  2. Not to argue further or defenestrate all you do, but adversity is pushing you. Things are happening to you, that have you push your children. What I'm talking about is the kind of existence where no forces push one way or the other. No pain, no feeling, no motivation for the creature to pull itself out of the hole. A sort of sick contentment without joy or sorrow - just anger. Anger and jealousy at nothing. But you are right about only looking forward, you don't have to watch as the dog bites your ass. P.S. Nobody ever wins a debate when both sides speak the truth.
  3. [edited for time and formatted to fit your TV] AHHHH but you are only partially wrong. In life there is balance. There is GIVE and TAKE. Those without purpose cannot simply will purpose into their lives, it has to be GIVEN to them. We are stationary until we are pushed, and once we are moving only another force can stop us. We are at the mercy of chaos and stasis. Yes low self esteem leads many to feel unworthy of TAKING anything for themselves, but you can't truly fix your own self esteem problems now, can you? People don't change, circumstances around them change. Just ask any Alcoholic that hasn't been brainwashed. Generally the people who say, "nothing comes to you" or "I wasn't given anything in my life" do not know the sheer bowel shaking, skull crushing weight of nothingness: enlightenment, true apathy, true lack of purpose, not the "this is one of my sad days :sad: " kind of existential worry, but the realization of looking inward and seeing only stark, blank emptiness. Being completely unable to take anything, having at some point given away everything that you had without noticing. Ah but these are the ramblings of a madman and those of you that have life and hope, tonight is for you.
  4. Then you need to find a purpose, decide what it is you want, and go for it. Only you can do that. Others can support and nurture, but the rest is up to you Finding purpose is like looking at a goat and yelling "TALK OR I'LL KILL YOU!" He doesn't understand because he's a goat. You can't make purpose out of apathy. Meaning and purpose have to come to you.
  5. Almost every video I try to embed here from YouTube all of the sudden has it "disabled by request." How dare they rob you, the great people of this forum, of the opportunity to share in my delusion!
  6. That'll be our little secret, BlackRampage.
  7. There's no place to get a decent sweetroll in this skeever hole of a city.
  8. HAH that was a decoy! When I left you, I was but a learner. Now I am the WINNER.
  9. You must feel that you are getting away with something, a lie perhaps, something your sub-conscience mind feels you will be tortured for. Either that or your body is trying to tell you something that you do not yet realize. These psychiatric tips come from Professor Edward James Almost, arch-dean of Wassamatta U.(Yes, Bullwinkle's alma mater)
  10. If you want your child to be a supervillain name him/her Victor. :devil:
  11. When it's not randomly set to hidden. BAZINGA!!
  12. No one but me and the tumbleweeds, aaaaaaah they say they win.
  13. That is so adorable that I cannot go on living knowing that nothing will ever match it's adorability! Or maybe I'll just make a pizza.
  14. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! ...... oh wait let me check the numbers again.... yup your statement is true in a cross-eyed opossum kind of way.
  15. :armscrossed: :wallbash: :thumbsup:
  16. Cats look far dumber than dogs when they have their tongues out.
  17. Same problem, and I just did a clean install before even using Dawnguard. I only have cosmetic mods, armor replacers and stand alones, and Auto unequip ammo - made with Dawnguard in mind. This is really frustrating. the first time it was like ten minutes of exploring and now it's like you say every three to five minutes it just .................................................................................................................................freeezes. I left it for an hour to see if it would snap out of it(cuz sometimes I get lucky) and no cigar.
  18. :ohdear: I've seen what those things do to hot dogs.
  19. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
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