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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. WHAT ARE THOSE?! The WiWi looks more fun to use than the Wii.
  2. I'm going to back to playing civ 5 for a game that should take a while eight years. It's the only part of my life I have control over.
  3. Look what you did, you made this happen again: http://www.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1468381_o.gif
  4. Oh I get it Ford Mustang.... mmm ok. I thought there'd be Skittles.
  5. Liquid cooling systems make me nervous. :ohdear:
  6. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7tqzvn0Ot1qmg4ti.gif
  7. I am ten minutes away from this.
  8. HEY! Pepto-Bismol My stomach exploded this very morning and that pink chalk water didn't help a bit.
  9. I wrestle with your conscience. You wrestle with your partner. Sittin' on a window sill but he spends time behind closed doors. Check out Mr. Businessman, he bought some wild, wild life. On the way to the stock exchange, he got some wild, wild life. Break it up when he opens the door, he's doin' wild, wild life. I know that's the way you like it, living wild, wild. Peace of mind, it's a piece of cake. Thought control, you get on board anytime you like.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYnNIWKK8sw&feature=player_detailpage
  11. They say they don't need money. They're living on nuts and berries. They say animals don't worry. They're living on nuts and berries. You know animals are hairy? They say animals don't worry. They think they know what's best. They're making a fool of us. (I'm guessing no one will get this, unless they have a fear of music)
  12. You know the animals, they're laughing at us. Don't even know what a joke is. I won't follow animal's advice, I don't care if they're laughing at us.
  13. How many does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop Mr. Owl?
  14. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, then Skyrim is like gravity... all it takes is a little push.
  15. Soul Cairn in Dawnguard keeps freezing for no goddam reason. I pretty much explored the whole place and then freeze - I restart the game and take five steps, freeze - I restart again and walk around for four minutes or so and FREEZE. I made a clean install with minimal mods specifically to avoid this kinda crap. This is the kind of error I expect from Morrowind or Oblivion on the 360 but not now a days. This error cannot be reasoned with, it just wants to watch the world burn. Like a baby's arm the size of a tangerine. Oh man my train of thought is like a Chrysler building the size of the Chrysler building headed for 405 Lexington Avenue New York, that's the Chrysler building.
  16. Autumn's sweet, we call it Fall. I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl.
  17. I don't get the "PC gaming during winter" part. One would assume it would look the same as the Summer. Oh and by the way, Winter is Coming.
  18. Take my blood, I really wish you would - the stuff is killing me.
  19. The World Ends With You is really good according to my friend, but yes play CHRONO TRIGGER and Final Fantasy X then retire from Jrpgs for if you play another you will weep at how crappy they've gotten. Any old 16-bit Jrpg is pretty good as long as it doesn't rhyme with smantasy shtar.
  20. Where am I to go, now that I've gone too far?
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