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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. i will be! and i know, even the perks didn't seem to shine to well for a stealthy character :confused:
  2. I like your style! :thumbsup: :laugh:
  3. My character will make friends by beating civilians to the ground with his paws until they surrender to his great might!
  4. I hope for that too, but I keep getting told that there will not be a hardcore mode :confused: oh well i'll just have to wack that slider up to its limits! :biggrin:
  5. Holy crap thats amazing! I want one of those :woot:
  6. second person mode is watching someone you know play, while your rocking back and forward waitin for your copy of Skyrim :ohdear:
  7. OMG 3 weeks today!!!!!!
  8. 21 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Do you guys think when you sprint to the edge of a cliff in skyrim your character will stop and look down like he does in the trailer?
  10. I care lol Dave's article was frigin awesome last time, n I really want to read his next one!
  11. Heresy!!! How dare you mention that possibility! :P Even if beth stopped the series im sure our faithful modding community wouldn't let it just perish into history.
  12. Well fair enough then :) Your right its awfully close to notice a difference. I thought it was a tad better than that lol That guy should be fine with it for skyrim tho wouldnt he? (i know, i know, no one knows the specs yet) but roughly?
  13. I wouldn't say "plenty" .. it will run it I'm sure but not much better than a console... that GPU is just about on par with a console GPU except its DX11... which doesn't really matter with skyrim since it wont make use of any DX11 effects. Really?! a 430GT is on par with the console gpu's? Xbox 360 use a custom 500 MHz ATI gpu thats similar to the sapphire x1950pro. Ps3 runs a 550MHz 7900gtx from Nvidia. The GT430 has higher clock speeds, higher standard memory than both of them. I mean I know the GT430 aint the best but surly its better than the console gpu
  14. na man that'll be plenty for it. CPU : Intel Core2Duo E8400 3.0GHz GPU : 430GT RAM : 4gb DDR3 1600 RAM yeah thats still better than a lot of pc's
  15. if this is the case then what is this i see on the guys arms? doesnt look like chain mail to me. http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/RiftenGuard.png
  16. Yeah you'll be fine! Not bad for a laptop either, little bugger packs a punch!
  17. kingston have been in the industry for quite some time, besides here in OZ we aren't exactly fat on choices,the only other choices I have are G.skill - which I don't like at all. I could go for Corsair - they do produce decent DDR3 ram with well designed cooling, which in case you haven't noticed is a rather important thing for me. Yeah i did notice, I just figured you'd have Corsair in there :) Ah, see now i know near to F*ck all when it comes to clocks (can hardly operate an alarm clock!) is that why you went for kingston? better clock results?
  18. am i the only one who thinks that the PSU in that list is a tad small?!?!?
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