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Posts posted by MizerD

  1. Skyrim Unboxed :( :( :(


    I think i'm a bit jealous, because at about 6 mins in he says:

    " I'm a little bit disappointed I didn't get the collectors edition "

    at that point I shouted at my screen:

    " F*ck you and your disappointment, you have it two weeks early a**hole! "

    Then I realised I was talking to my screen haha

  2. Wow, a LOT of new footage (new to me at least). What really stuck out to me is how epic the environments are going to be. Its sometimes hard for a videogame to convey scale, and Skyrim seems to be handling it very, very well. I wish the idiot commentators would shut up though.....


    it still seems like the world will feel really unpopulated again :confused:

  3. Sorry don't know how to spoiler on this forum, still getting used to it...


    That's a Intel Core i5 2500k 3.30GHz

    Corsair vengeance 8gb RAM

    AsRock Z68 Pro3, LGA1155 motherboard

    and ati radeon 5870... I think... I always forget :verymad:




    sounds like the blue version of my pc lol



  4. @Mizer: OMG it's green! I love it. Quite an unusual colour.


    Got a plush toy in my blurry pic too haha... hanging over the right monitor...


    I got that exact same Seagate harddrive that's on top of your rig btw.


    Does the soundcard help a lot? I've been considering if it's worth buying one just for perfomance gain...


    @Illiad: Thanks, looks a lot better with a real camera though... the lights are way more discreet than they look like in my pic...


    My rig is pretty cool and quiet at the moment... very pleased with it.


    Yeah i know :D love green! most of the options i was given when i was trying to source bits for my rig where either blue or red, but i wanted bloody green! so thats what i got..... (eventually) lol

    haha im not the only one with odd lucky charms then.... phew!


    ur's might be a bit better than mine, mine is a 1T external. i bet you got something bigger?!Yes sound cards do help a lot!!!

    and mine is standard nothing fancy.

    Illiad pretty much covered the sound card talk :D

  5. http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h332/ImMizerD/MyRig.png


    Before anyone says anything...... Thats a lucky cuddly toy hanging on my wall..... :armscrossed:



    Inside the computer I have:


    Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.30GHz

    Memory: Corsair Vengeance Blue 8GB DDR3 1600MHz

    Motherboard: Gigabyte Z68A-D3 Intel Z68

    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 1024MB

    Sound card: Realtek ALC889

    Monitor Size: 22" LCD UMC

  6. I hope its like a HC mode...both you and the enemy take damage at higher rates, healing isnt as effective etc...


    I hope for that too, but I keep getting told that there will not be a hardcore mode :confused: oh well i'll just have to wack that slider up to its limits! :biggrin:

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