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Posts posted by MizerD

  1. Damn my temper! Must get new PC pronto!


    Yes! In fact you should be banned from this forum for not getting a PC for Skyrim! We don't need your PS3 filth contaminating the PC version!




    haha charming!

    but i just cant stay away from the forums when there are such fine taven wenches to talk to ;)


  2. <snip>

    It was literally a couple of seconds, here is the video it's at 1:40



    Oh yeah would you look at that! :P

    How could i possiably have missed that ONE second clip lol Must have blinked or something haha


    I think it's probably that you have a life, then people like me go frame by frame :rolleyes:


    If it wasn't for folk like you i'd miss out on SO much! lol

    Thanks for keeping me up to date! :D

  3. <snip>

    It was literally a couple of seconds, here is the video it's at 1:40



    Oh yeah would you look at that! :P

    How could i possiably have missed that ONE second clip lol Must have blinked or something haha

  4. Thanks for the scans! I found this pic on the Gamespot site too. hadnt seen it before. :)


    that was one of the first photos shown of skyrim



    also mud crabs


    really? wow... and there i was thinking i was keeping up with the info lol

  5. Fondling his "apples" and his daughter... It's not going to turn into incest is it? lol


    Na... doubt she'd be up for it lol i'm sure her old mad wouldn't say no. proably try and high five half you half way through :tongue:

    How do you know she's not "daddy's" little girl lol.


    Hahahaha Skyrim is said to be a strange land (full of wonderful things) :D


    Anyways before we all get a little too... off topic have any of you seen the ice wraiths yet?



  6. Fondling his "apples" and his daughter... It's not going to turn into incest is it? lol


    Na... doubt she'd be up for it lol i'm sure her old mad wouldn't say no tho. proably try and high five you half way through :tongue:

  7. hahahah well you'd still have to play your part in the mischief :laugh:


    In game or in life? I'm genuinely concerned now that after gorging on Skyrim for months on end if I become friends with a shopkeeper I'm gonna steal his apples and grope his daughter. Good times :thumbsup:


    Ah, if only that was all there was to life... i'd be a happy man! apples and daughters, what more could you ask for lol


    Yeah that made me laugh too!

    I also found this friggin hilarious


    "...he likes you now, and doesn't mind you manhandling his apples"




    Lol! Well at least it wasn't Spidal Sticks.

    All immersion will be broken when I meet that man, see his shop, and burst into tears of obscene laughter lol.


    You will naturally still do the quest tho, to impress the daughter, maybe he wont mind you manhandling.... :whistling:

    Well.... you get the picture lol

  9. <snip>

    Thank you!

    If only they had the sense to give BethesdaGS $75mill, think we would finally get the continent of Tamriel....


    Right! they'd proably stick to the lore then as well. Only problem is right....

    if they had $75M and made the most awesome game, where you could play the full continent of Tamriel

    my life would actually be over! Skyrim is going to steal god knows how many months of my life.

    If i had the whole damn continent to expolre, that would be it. Live over! lol

  10. Dont know if this has been posted already but here you go!




    The best part of that article for me was:

    "Babies are like that. They'll try to charm you, despite being completely rubbish at everything."


    Not to diminish the Skyrim parts too.


    Yeah that made me laugh too!

    I also found this friggin hilarious


    "...he likes you now, and doesn't mind you manhandling his apples"



  11. <snip>

    I really ain't though lol!

    I always try to give a balanced account/positives & negatives. Dragon Wars is one of the films I really cannot think of a single good thing to say about it;

    poor models (dragons)

    poor plot (predictable)

    poor characters (as a viewer you don't feel attached to any of them)

    the back of the DVD case says it cost them $75 million (wtf)

    it's basen on Korean legend but set in Los Angeles (?)


    I'm really not hard to please but if anyone has seen this film please back me up!!!!


    I know I watched it tonight to see what you were talking about and i dont need to comment on it lol everything you say, i agree with lol


    and whats that $75M !! How the hell.... no way! the doller must have been f*cking worthless when they made that lol

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