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Posts posted by MizerD

  1. I had a dream last night I was using the CK. In my dream it has changed a little, for one the windows didn't start out as floaters. the cell view was contained in a drop down, and the object window was docked to the left hand side. I doubt that will be accurate. But I'll just throw it out there now so that if it is right I can be a prophet. And if it's totally dream BS, I can say well what did you expect? :psyduck:


    hahaha i want to know what mod you were making in your dream!

  2. How about some decent stealth options? If previous elder scrolls games are any guide then Skyrim won't have any options aside from the insta-win invisibility spell. How about some interesting ways to make yourself less detectable other than invisibility? How about sound and darkness illusion spells? You can make the lights suddenly go out and a loud noise appear on the other side of the room that all the guards suddenly go over to to investigate.


    Yeah I like that idea, even if there was a spell to make us visible as a friendly. Kind of like disguise on assassins creed :) would be good


    Whatever .. you clearly have never priced those "mass produced plastic statues" .. Plastic doesn't mean crap o_O .. You are just mouthing off about something you don't even know about .. if you add up the prices of everything on that list carefully they are only overpricing it by about 10-20 bucks

    Before you start acusing people of just mouthing off and not knowing what there talking about, you should understand that just because you slap a price on something doesn't mean that's what it's worth. I personally love the elderscrolls, but I think that anyone who's going to (in my opinion) waste there money on plastic junk, is nuts. However I understand that the (plastic junk) is worth something to some people.



    And yes, I WILL say that a mass produced plastic statue is a waste of money, for the kind of money they are charging for the CE I'd expect something made out of a more quality material. I don't honestly think that these CE items are going to be an investment in years to come.


    I agree. My point exactly!

  5. well map isnt very valuable or nessesary. "the making of" will be on the internet after a week or less. the statue is plastic.... I wont waste my money on this. i will just get the game.


    At least your still supporting Beth! :D thats all thats important right?

    yeah i love beth its just this isnt a good way to spend money.. still will buy the game though ofcourse.


    Fair enough :) Welcome to the Nexus btw! :D

  6. Is anybody else getting bored of seeing/hearing about the preview of Skyrim? I have just started playing Oblivion again, and that will keep me content until Triple Elevensies.


    Nope .. But I think most people in these forums have played both oblivion and morrowind dry by now .. even with mods


    Yep I have!!!! :(

  7. Xbox because my comp is terrible ill get pc when i get new computer


    Haha same situation here....except my old gaming computer got owned during a flood LOL so I'm rocking my new PS3 lol :wallbash:


    My faithful comp that i enjoyed many hours of morrowind and oblivion with suffered a mysterious death by shotgun! that'll teach it to have a re-accuring graphic chip bug! :D


    LOL holy s***, you owned it with a shotgun!?!? that's bad ass! What system are you going to play it on? Ps3 or?


    Your damn right i did! was sick of fixing the damn thing lol I think the nail that held it to the tree might have killed it first but the 12G kill shot felt necessary :D

    I am going to get it on both I have it pre-ordered on both, ps3 first. and i'll tell you why....


    Its basically becuse on the pc I destroy the game with mods (self made and otherwise) before i've really had a chance to play it, and enjoy the game as it was built.

    I dont have much self control you see :D

  8. Xbox because my comp is terrible ill get pc when i get new computer


    Haha same situation here....except my old gaming computer got owned during a flood LOL so I'm rocking my new PS3 lol :wallbash:


    My faithful comp that i enjoyed many hours of morrowind and oblivion with suffered a mysterious death by shotgun! that'll teach it to have a re-accuring graphic chip bug! :D

  9. You seem jealous of my glorious modlist


    oh wait you cant mod because you play on a console.


    Oh man I am so jealous right now , f*** I wish I was as good as you :facepalm:


    But you can be! Just buy a decent gaming PC! It's so simple :D :D :D


    Thats all i ever wanted from you.


    Maybe when I'm done college, right now I'm more focused on banging sluts, partying, and gaming on my Ps3 :confused:


    Yeah, im sure you pull mad pussy :rolleyes:


    Already have there smart ass, you think everyone on video gaming forums are 40 year old fat clowns. Get a grip on reality man :whistling:


    No dude, im sure you get all the "women" :dance:


    Why dont you tell me more about your glorious adventures?


    No thanks, wouldn't want you to get too hot and sweaty sitting there next to your keyboard as I describe my sexual experiences. Goofball lol :thumbsup:


    You just don't have anything to tell.


    If you did, you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place.


    Or weren't they women after all? :wub:


    I think the fact that you're asking someone to recount their sexual experiences on a forum is quite disturbing, you're either very immature or you have some kind of mental disability (most likely that choice). I asked you to share your mods with us, seeing as we are on a Skyrim forum.....and then you decided to ask someone to share their sexual experiences? Man you really are some kind of weird ass person. And anybody who goes sharing sexual experiences with a stranger is just f***ed .....much like yourself...




    Here's a little video you should watch , it pretty much sums up who you are :) Enjoy






    Heh, no dude, you just told me how much you get drunk and laid. Upon further request to verify these claims you backed out.


    Also, family guy. really.



    They let anybody into college these days.


    I guess if you call backing out not wanting to share sexual information with some queer on a forum , then yes I did back out and thank goodness I did lol haha how old are you mr. sexual predator?


    People who are unsure about their sexuality tend to brag about sexual achievements.


    A queer is you :dance:


    LOL that's all you could come back with? holy s***....trolls keep getting weaker and weaker :wallbash:


    Good enough of a troll to have you argue with me for this long and good enough to have you this upset




    Upset!? LOL that's a good one!



    Hahahaha omg this is the longest repy count i've seen on the Nexus for a freakin long time!


    Keep up the good work lads!

  10. I'd still love to see them explain why the CE is so outrageously much more in the UK and Australia than it is almost everywhere else (I believe we are even more expensive than the rest of the EU here in UK).


    Maybe due to shipping? or the fact that places like the uk are full of.. and indeed run by money grabbing bastards!



    Just saying...


    Might have something to do with it :D

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