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Posts posted by MizerD

  1. Ok so I’m just curious to find out how many girls are on the nexus forum. :P just kidding, I was told that although gaming was mostly dominated by blokes (Men), things are changing and there are more and more Women hitting the scene. Well.... is there??
  2. My two cents.

    No it doesn't.

    I've played Violent videogames since I was 7 years old when I got my hands on A copy of Mortal Kombat II.

    Playing violent videogames disperses my agression into the game.



    exactly i think there good for you. there certainly good for me.


    video games help me vent but im restricted because of my mother... and my mom still has liability of me..



    so are you saying cartoons are to blame or video games

  3. My two cents.

    No it doesn't.

    I've played Violent videogames since I was 7 years old when I got my hands on A copy of Mortal Kombat II.

    Playing violent videogames disperses my agression into the game.



    exactly i think there good for you. there certainly good for me.

  4. NO WAYS!! VATS was the biggest fail EVA


    If its put in TES V i will spend all my time finding a way to delete it. It made combat so borring, Bethesda if you see this take my advice dont put it in.



    dont get me wrong i agree with you, however i think for it to appeal to the masses it should be in but heavily reduced, like if it was slow mo

  5. I first joined nexus back in august 08, and originally made this account just so I could download bigger files. Only after almost two years I started to comment and endorse files, so now, 50 posts and endorsements later, I tought I'd drop in to finally say hi, so..


    Hi there, Nexus Community! ^^



    Hi, I too joined for the bigger files back in March of 2009 and my first comment in the forums was today! Good old curiosity for news on TES V got me searching the site again. :biggrin:

  6. I hope there is a H/C mode. finally i would be able to use the bread and cheese in my pockets for something more useful than a damn restore fatigue potion! :biggrin:
  7. If they took fast travel out and had other modes of transport like horse and cart, boats and maybe even dragons. because when i 1st had oblivion i only found out that there was fast travel a few missions into the game, and by god did it take long to get around?


    I agree. I think that would be much better even if you still had the choice to skip the journey. I really hope they include a Hardcore mode like New Vegas! I thought that made the game 100X more epic lol

  8. I have seen a number of members comment on this before with mixed opinions. I'd like to see just how it splits through the TES community.

    I personally vote Hell Yes! because I would love to be able to play, and enjoy my favourite game series together with my friends. Even though we would spend most the time trying to pickpocket each other and plant stolen good on each other lol (I have some good friends :laugh: )

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