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Everything posted by smashly

  1. If using the archiver in CK then after it's created your bsa check 1 directory up for the bsa. eg: You told the CK archiver to create the new bsa in \Skyrim\Data\your.bsa Then check: \Skyrim\your.bsa. It's like the archiver is using the working directory instead of the save directory you chose. The whole CK, it's archiver and that pos memory leaking Papyrus compiler all suck and are so damn quirky it's hard to believe an actual company made the whole crapware package and released it. I've seen more predictable and stable tools released for game modding by back yard hacks. /rant over, sorry about that, just one of those CK days.
  2. /me anxiously taps fingers and counts impatiently, twiddles fingers and resumes counting. Awesome news flexcreator, really looking forward to your release. Thank You for keeping us all updated about your mod.
  3. Use any Follower mod so you can have multiple followers, UFO, AFT, FLP etc. There's so many out there, it's hard to which is best depending on what your after in the way of multi follower managing mods. I use my own mods I wrote to nab as many followers as I like. iWant to Duplicate any unique character (iWant is also handy for duplicating or spawning beds and other vanilla game items). iWant: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60728/? Then I use Disposition Ring to make the duplicate npc a follower. Target just about any Actor or Creature and then ask them to follow, even hostile actors like attacking bandits, falmer, thalmer, forsworn, giants, bears, sabre cats etc can be pacified and asked to follow. Disposition Ring: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59831/? I also use another mod I revamped called My Home Is Your Home to give my followers new homes. MHIYH : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59914/? 4 Mods give me all I could want in the way of followers and somewhere for them to hang while they are not following me.
  4. I only found the SKSE Set/GetDisplayName in someone elses code. After looking high and low and everywhere but the skse scripts, I thought it must have been a custom user function called from another script. After scrutinising 11 scripts of someone else code, I slapped my forehead and did what I should have done in the start! Checked the source of the skse scripts....lol
  5. SKSE has SetDisplayName that only sets the display name of the object reference and doesn't effect the BaseObject name. ObjectRef.SetDisplayName("My Bed, Keep Off!") SKSE also has GetDisplayName So if your using SetDispalyName, use GetDisplayName to retrieve the object reference display name. I'm honestly not sure how persistent the SetDispalyName is, so it may need maintenance code to check or renew the display name on cell loads.
  6. Her vendor list doesn't have the keyword for your robes so it doesn't show in her inventory for sale. Arcadia is in ServicesWhiterunArcadiasCauldtron faction. ServicesWhiterunArcadiasCauldtron faction has the Vendor settings. VendorItemsApothecary is the list of the type items she sells via keyword. Ways you can add your robes to inventory vary and I'm honestly not sure which is the better way. You can edit your Robes in CK and add a keyword she already has in her list. For example add the keyword VendorItemAnimalPart to your robes and she will offer your robes that you put in her chest. Or add a keyword that your robes already have to VendorItemsApothecary list Or create a new unique keyword and add the keyword to your robes and the VendorItemsApothecary list. I think I prefer the first option as I don't like the idea of editing vanilla VendorItemsApothecary list that every merchant can use unless that's what your trying to accomplish. But bad side of the first method is your item Keyword could be called by other things in the game and be offered when not wanted to be. Surely someone will step in with better advice. But the first method does work. Add the keyword VendorItemAnimalPart to your robes: http://nsae02.casimages.net/img/2014/12/16/141216122642911138.jpg
  7. Check for: \Data\Scripts\dialoguefollowerscript.pex If that is there remove it (back it up somewhere else). As for only 1 follower at a time with UFO, If you have any followers dismiss them save game and exit. Disable UFO, load game and save, exit game. Change UFO position in your load order to further down the list. Enable Ufo and load your game again. I've seen the same with ufo at random times. The issue where I tell a follower to follow and they say ok, but its like they haven't been asked to follow. For me it was because of a loose dialoguefollowerscript.pex script. The issue with only 1 follower following for me was because of load order. It seemed hit and miss as what position in the load order corrected the single follower issue. But most times further towards the end of the load order worked. But regardless I had to disable, load save exit, change load order enable and load again each time to resolve it when it happened.
  8. Hi, I don't have an answer to your question. But for future needs when you want a bookcase, display case, weapon rack or plaque etc. Maybe have a look at : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23254/? Just load it up with your own plugin in the CK and copy what you need from it easily. Since the resource plugin uses just standard base vanilla items, if you don't change anything in the resource plugin while loaded, then your mod won't be dependent on it. Takes all the ass around of creating book cases and such.
  9. Thank You so much. That's exactly what I was looking for. I tried searching skse, CK wiki, papyrus and skyUi and I didn't see any mention of it. All the best and thank you once again
  10. Hi, I have a mod I updated and I'm now adding translation support for the mcm side of things. The problem I have is when I want to add some text to a translation string it fails. Example: In my translation file: $Evict EvictIn my MCM script: sClear[0] = "$Evict" + " " + (idx + 1) + " " + (nthAlias.GetActorRef().GetLeveledActorBase().GetName() As String)I was hoping it would produce: Evict # NameBut instead it produces: $Evict # NameObviously this is because the translation is looking for "$Evict # Name" and not "$Evict". So how do I get the $Evict string value so I can expand on it. Is there a expand variable flag or something along the lines. In most cases I can work around it, but surely I'm just missing a simple flag to expand the string variable before appending text to the end of it. Any input is welcome.
  11. Thank You for taking the time to provide input, it's appreciated. My initial thoughts were the same as you mention. Placeatme will only work with a BaseID and the BaseId is the collisionbox that I can't size or specify Navcut. There's no way that I know of that I can specify a predefined size, navcut collisionbox new BaseId in the object window so I can call a baseid. MoveToMe will work with an item in a cell, but then I'd need to create for example 100 predefined navcut boxes for each item type. Then I'm limited to 100 of each item, not to mention the user may never even use some items. By the way it's going it's looking like my only route is the way I dreaded doing.
  12. The tracing part is easy enough and I already have the code in place for it. It's generating the Collision Box that's the problem. I can generate it, but I can't set the Primitive Overlay type or set the Bounds of the box.
  13. Hi and thank you for taking the time to read my post. I'm creating a mod that offers the user to drop static items in the world as wanted. I would like to add a Navcut collision box around the item when placing tables, chairs, planters, etc it into the world. I was wondering if there's any way of placing and editting the Bounds/Origin of a collision box via papyrus on the fly as needed. I could add a cell with predefined navcut collision boxes that get moved to my newly spawned items location. I really don't like the idea of it as limits how many navcut collision boxes can be used with my mod by the limit of how many predefined navcut collision boxes I have in the cell . Not to mention the bloat of collision boxes that may never be used. My initial thought was I'd be able to use placeatme the baseid of the collision marker and set the primitive to navacut and set the bounds and origins as needed on the fly. But I just cant see a way to do it with papyrus. Any input welcomed.
  14. The script name is why it's failing now. Going by the error the compiler is looking for JogOnBernard.psc and not Bernard_Dismiss.psc as posted in my example. This line needs to have your script name: Scriptname Bernard_Dismiss Extends TopicInfo HiddenChange To Scriptname JogOnBernard Extends TopicInfo Hidden
  15. The reason the fragment script wont compile is because your calling pDialogueFollower in the fragment and you have not declared what pDialogueFollower is. As already mentioned by Terra Nova. At the end of the fragment add Quest Property pDialogueFollower Autoexample: After compiling don't forget to set the property value for pDialogueFollower.
  16. LL is very easy to access, I never had a problem. I created an account and started downloading. It was no harder to sign up there as it is to sign up here at nexus. It's all free and no requirements that I could see. I must admit I was hesitant to sign up, but after using SexLab framework I have no regrets. It's a damn fine regularly updated framework that does what it's meant to.
  17. SexLab Framework surpasses AP in every area I'm afraid to say. It offers user created plugins that utilize the framework. There are some plugins for SexLab that actually do exactly as your saying. Lovers Comfort is one that comes to mind, but there are other plugins that cater for different tastes. Don't get me wrong as I loved AP and modded it to my own taste, but after trying SexLab and many of the available plugins I could never go back to using AP. AP is a hard coded source and SexLabs is a Framework that a user can build upon. Be it a Yarl or Lowly beggar, it's great having a random NPC approach you and let you know they find you attractive and are interested in you. Or even the other way that a random NPC is repulsed by the sight of you. Something that AP never had.
  18. Manual installs 4me 4ever. Each their own. Blind faith one click solutions are great and save time, but those solutions also make users depend on help from others more often. eg: I used XXXX app to dl the mod and the mod didn't load in my game, what did I wrong? how do I get it going? So instead of debugging the mod problem, your now debugging XXXX app problem before even getting to the mod. My logic, the more 3rd party solutions used to install a mod, just adds more to what can go wrong. I'm also a strong believer of Murphy's Law and Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
  19. NVM, I've decided that it's not possible to do what I'm after via the default methods in the CK. Or at least without chasing my tail in circles. Basically I ended up working out how the vendors do their filtering via vendor lists. I managed to add a new vendor list with just the one item to a custom vendor faction. Put my container npc in the faction and used a link Ref from my activator to the container npc. But this not what I wanted at all. I can't believe how silly the CK is when it come to doing something that should be natively straight forward. So now I can see why people that do mods don't have filters on their containers. Sure they have a name on the container, eg: Apples. But when you look in your inventory while in the Apples Container all the crap that isn't Apples shows. Sure you can make it so you can't add other crap apart from Apples, but you can't actually filter it in the inventory to start with. I can't believe that there's a gift filter but it only works 1 way at a time... how lame. Quite discouraging really. /vent over :)
  20. Hi, I'm trying to filter a custom container I've made, but I'm not having luck. Basically the container only needs to store 1 type of ingredient. I was trying to make is so the container invetory only shows that item when in the container or player inventory regardless of what the player has. So I tried using an activator with Link Ref to hidden NPC and the gift menu and the filter works fine. But the gift menu seems to only work as give or take and not both at the same time. I had a look at the OnAddItem and AddInventoryEventFilter but I'm after to filter the items in the inventory, not as they are being added to the container. So how do I add a filter to the Container/Player inventory. Like when you buy from a merchant then only items that the merchant trades is displayed in yours and theirs inventory. I'm not after someone to write a script to do it, I'm looking for pointers in the direction of where I should be looking to accomplish what I'm after.
  21. Fav Group hotkeys in Sky UI MCM have F1 to F4 as default and the other 4 are left unassigned for you to assign as you like. For me, I set my light armor, bow, enchanted ring & necklace (Greater Bow Damage) on Group 1. I then set my Group 1 Key in Sky UI MCM to L (Sky UI MCM Default Group 1 is normally F1). Then I add my heavy armor, sword, shield, enchanted ring & necklace (Block and One Handed) on Group 2. I then set my Group 2 Key in Sky UI MCM to H (Sky UI MCM Default Group 2 is normally F2). While playing I run around and tap L or H keys and my groups change to what they are set as fine. So I go distant and sneaky with L key (Light, Bow Group 1) and when I get pissed off I hit H key (Heavy, Sword Group 2) and run in for close and personal. Aside from that I also have some single rings necklaces and potions on the normal quick 1 to 8 keys Sky UI group keys are a bonus once you get your groups of gear sorted.
  22. Another one for moving your family in to a custom house. Custom Family Home: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47621/? I use it with Heljarchen Farm mod. (nice mod imho)
  23. The only reason I responded was I had only just done the Notepad++ setup myself. Had the same failed compile, but is was due to trying to compile a script that wasn't in my Data\Scripts\Source directory. But when I compile the script succeed or fail I still get the script name in the cmd window. http://nsae01.casimages.net/img/2014/08/05/140805093150514742.jpg
  24. Sorry edited my post above yours.
  25. As a guess, your missing %1 in the ScriptCompile.bat file. example PapyrusCompiler.exe" %1 -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg" Edit: I re-read your post and see you have the %1 So it leads me to believe you tried compiling a script that isn't in the Data\Script\Source directory? The reason I said originally missing %1 was because of the cmd window screenshot and there was no script name between PapyrusCompiler.exe" and -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg"
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