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Everything posted by Madcat221

  1. Uhm.... what's wrong in the picture?
  2. I have an ancient Photoshop CS3 and cannot possibly afford the latest Photoshop version that the Intel texture plugin requires. Are there any other options for opening and creating a BC7 file? As long as it can convert to/from an uncompressed DDS file, I think it'll be good to go.
  3. I'm on my first playthru and I had my first encounter with them and was irradiated pretty bad. I came back later when I remembered... I had a HazMat suit in my inventory. Their horrendous rad damage is reduced to scratch rad damage in that thing. Every hit only brought out a "<1 Rads" warning instead of the alarmingly huge rad hits previously. No stompy tin can required.
  4. I found the issue: I had not in fact extracted all the textures; it was unable to find the envirocube maps. Once those were pulled out, all was WYSIWYGy with it. I progressed rather well in figuring out the weapon mod system, and got it implemented and functional in-game... mostly. What governs the order in which weapmods are listed? And also, what governs what a generic named weapon will be called with the mod attached?
  5. I have done much of this rodeo before in Skyrim, FONV, FO3, and Oblivion. I am only unfamiliar with the novelties in FO4 modding. All typical rendering options are enabled. Oldrim NIFs properly WYSIWYG for me (I just checked again to make absolutely sure). I opened the unaltered vanilla BGSM for the sniper barrel with the material editor by Ousnius and all textures appear properly pathed. I deleted all texture paths in the BSShaderTextureSet in the NIF, for both the regular and copper parts so the BGSM is the only texture info source. I even plopped all of those material and texture files in as loose files into the Fallout4/Data folder. Still no WYSIWYG, just the diffuse. Could something left over from Dev 5 be interfering? Could it just be something wrong with this mesh? I think a few other FO4 mod mesh files that were put in loose appear to be WYSIWYGing for FO4
  6. After a long while, I finally got myself Fallout 4, and am considering my first mod: "Plasma Carbine Barrel". Basically, it's gonna be somewhat like the Laser Rifle Long Barrel is a midway between the Laser's Short Barrel and Sniper Barrel. I'm doing it mainly because I just want a "service rifle" type plasma gun, but not have that squirrelly little excuse of a short "barrel". I'm aiming to chop up the Sniper Barrel a bit to serve the purpose of the "Carbine Barrel"'s visuals, but am running into some snags. I finally updated from Dev5 to Dev6 of NIFSkope 2.0, and am wondering... how does one get WYSIWIG rendering for it? I tried extracting all the relevant textures and these newfangled BGSM material files mentioned in the plasma sniper barrel NIF to a test folder that is pathed to in my NIFSkope resource list, but I am still getting just a diffuse rendering; no normals, specs, or any other more advanced rendering. Also, I have 3DS Max 2010... is there a FO4-compatible import/export plugin out there for it? And lastly... why is there a SniperBarrel.nif and a slightly larger SniperBarrel_1.nif file?
  7. Frank already indirectly invoked Hitchens's Razor. I'll put in another poke: What part of SkyUI would another mod need "long before MCM"? What about it is buggy and unstable? Furthermore, it is entirely relevant. There is a method to revert everything about SkyUI to Vanilla except MCM functionality, and the download count is a drop in the bucket compared to SkyUI. You don't get to dismiss diametrically contrary evidence simply because you don't like it.
  8. As of this post, SkyUI-Away, a fork designed by one of the SkyUI team members for those who just want MCM, has 179,473 total downloads. It does require SkyUI still to overlay on top of. SkyUI itself? 14,486,608. Two orders of magnitude more downloads. SkyUI-Away has ~1.2 % the total downloads of SkyUI. So... not really.
  9. Looks like you are primed to truly appreciate SkyUI. It's the #1 Skyrim mod of all time here on SkyNex for a reason
  10. Currently, the Old Skyrim has the better modding infrastructure, though simply because it's been around for over five years. SSE is still developing, though not quite as completely from-scratch as normally when moving up to a new BGS game release. Eventually, SSE may overtake. It has the promise of better stability simply because it is a 64-bit program instead of 32-bit like Oldrim.
  11. Does this happen to anyone else? At the last couple days of every month, it seems to skip every other month in the list page for all previous FOTM winners and then fill in with a duplicate of an adjacent month. It's currently doing it now for me. I've seen it do this on several Nexus sites; most recently for Skyrim, Skyrim SE, and Fallout 4 to my recollection. Here's a direct link to Skyrim Nexus's hall of FOTMs to see if you have it too: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/modsofthemonth/?
  12. You will need the Unofficial Hi-Res Patch too. We'll know you didn't put it in when you come back talking about the Markarth banners. :P
  13. In response to post #46414175. *deleted nevermind*
  14. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940, #46379215, #46386540, #46389205, #46389595, #46389810, #46392420, #46393260, #46397745, #46399790, #46400835 are all replies on the same post. Thumbs-down voting option was tried... it was abused. Hence, why it's not around here anymore.
  15. In response to post #45348405. It's no mystery if you know how to navigate user profiles between the front site and the forums. ;)
  16. I'm betting the other party realized that if one person figured it out, then someone else could, or that you would inevitably report the mod and they didn't wanna get the wrong kind of admin staff attention.
  17. It may be because it has no 1stperson mesh data in its ARMA. I ran into crashiness when I was altering it to have a proper sleeveless version for female characters in Dawnguard Arsenal, and traced it to that. To fix it for yourself, the ARMA for it has the FormID 0200F3FC (assuming you have a correct load order for DLCs), and paste Actors\Character\Character Assets\1stPersonMaleBody_1.NIF into the Male 1stperson and Actors\Character\Character Assets\1stPersonFemaleBody_1.nif into female 1stperson.
  18. I have a bug report in my old Nepalese Kukri mod where the kukri item is not for sale. It was previously when I first made the mod. There are no alterations to Ulfberth's faction list, to the warmaiden's services faction, or to the vendor item keyword list in any of my myriad of loaded modules. Is it a game setting that controls whether or not vendors will sell stuff in their store instead of just stuff in their vendor chest? Is another mod interfering with this, or is it an official bug fix I am not aware of?
  19. The script logger is a poor tool to use for diagnosing crashes, as the crash may not be related to Papyrus, and because the logger crashes at the same time as the rest of the game.
  20. In response to post #41272325. #41274465, #41275065, #41275135, #41275585, #41276745, #41277095, #41278320, #41278875, #41281935, #41282870, #41282905, #41301515, #41302665, #41318530, #41344390, #41362530, #41385930, #41395050 are all replies on the same post. It is "broke" (as in flawed) because of one critical aspect based on a trend citing obsolete data about users' screen sizes that refuses to go away across the Internet. I for one am glad that the garbage mashers on the detention level will be shut down. Even with a zoom of 120%, the current layout still feels so cramped into the middle on my screen.
  21. Is it just me, or does it look like this problem that plagues the current layout has been fixed in the upcoming new layout?
  22. The vanilla Skyrim UI is so abysmally awful that I consider SkyUI porting to be more important than the 64-bit powers of the SSE engine. I for one won't be moving over until/unless that moves over, the vanilla UI is that horrendous.
  23. Probably... Something tells me that discretion is not the Vigilants' strong suit.
  24. Waiting three days for the vampirism to become permanent also cures all diseases since vamps are immune to all disease.
  25. ESMifying for use in the game itself can ONLY be done with TES5Edit. The ONAM header subrecord needs to be properly formed, and TES5Edit is the only tool that does that. Wrye Bash only flips the ESM bit flag in the module header.
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