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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. Saadus banned for using the avatar of a dog demon/human hybrid.
  2. Granted, you can travel in time, but not space. As a result, you travel back in time and end up outside the Earth's atmosphere and experience explosive decompression. I wish I could cut grass just by looking at it without incurring the wrath of Chuck Norris.
  3. alex2avs banned for being a bird composed of fire.
  4. Granted, the temperature at night/morning is so hot it boils your blood, and the daytime temperature is so cold it freezes you solid. I wish for dirt. Lots and lots of dirt.
  5. Vyper treads water for two days while his eye regenerate, then starts swimming back to shore. On the way, Vyper gets swallowed by a giant whale. Vyper tickles the whale's throat, causing it to sneeze. The force of the giant whale sneeze launches Vyper at speeds approaching Mach 12. Vyper strikes Alex2Avs at hypersonic speeds, transferring all of his momentum in the process. The now hypersonic Alex2Avs goes flying out of control and lands in the middle of Egypt. A bewildered Vyper resumes kingship of the hill.
  6. Granted, but you did the wrong assignments. I wish for cheese. And clouds made of butter. Oh, and a puppy.
  7. Granted, a psychotic clown throws a hot apple pie in your face, giving you 1st and 2nd degree burns. I wish the Sandman would stop throwing me out of the Land of Nod every half hour.
  8. Granted, your eardrums explode and you can no longer hear. I wish the Boogeyman would stop chasing me.
  9. The twin Vypers combine while being digested by GamingGriffin. When Alwx2Avs dragon slams into GamingGriffin, the new Vyper is released. Over the next few days, the reborn Vyper becomes stronger and stronger. In a heretofore unheard of feat of strength, Vyper pick up the hill and throws it into low orbit. Alex2Avs suffers immediate explosive decompression. What's left of Alex2Avs burns up when the hill reenters the atmosphere as the hill comes crashing back to Earth. After it hits, Vyper once more assumes kingship of the hill.
  10. Vyper's severed head grows a new body, while Vyper's decapitated body grows a new head. The twin Vypers then go to a neighboring hill, set up a giant slingshot, and fire a giant rubber ball at Xilleto. The ball strikes Xilleto, who is then launched halfway across the continent and lands on top of Maharg67. The twin Vypers are now joint Kings of the Hill.
  11. Granted, the bowl was tasty but the chips were terrible. I wish for peace of mind.
  12. Try these: Oblivion Mount Project White Stag Mount Elytra Mounts Daedroth Mount Mammoth Mount
  13. Granted, but all reputable reviews are profoundly negative. I wish for butterflies. I consider anything that tracks your browsing history and reports it to a third party to be spyware. AdBlock does that.
  14. Granted, you have all the poker chips. Now goons from every casino ever are coming to get you. I wish Chrome had extensions that didn't include spyware.
  15. Granted, a griffin comes out of the sky and eats you. I wish for that one thing. You know, the one with the stuff.
  16. Granted, but it's a T-1000 whose mission is to terminate and replace you. I wish for all the luck.
  17. Granted, but you will implode unless you wish: 1. that you can never again play any kind of game, 2. that you will be forever alone, and 3. that you cannot understand any form of language at all. I wish the FAA would let be fly planes, helicopters, and anything else that qualifies as 'powered flight'.
  18. Did you remember to activate the mod in the Data Files section before launching Oblivion? (I constantly make that mistake, and I should know better :blush: )
  19. It sounds like you just need to adjust the MoveTo command with some additional coordinates. That particular line would look like this: NPCRef.MoveTo DogRef 0, 36, -52 That coordinate setup will (hopefully) put the NPC's face right where the dog's face is. Other creatures will require different offsets for this to work with them. The easiest way I know of to find the appropriate offset is to: 1. Place a version of the "talking" creature in a blank cell. 2. Manually set the creature's coordinates to 0 (all three axis positions). 3. Place a race appropriate NPC in the cell and move it around until its face is positioned in the same spot as the creature's face. 4. Double click in the NPC and record the coordinates (X should be 0, while Y and Z should have positive and negative values respectively). ^That's how I obtained the above coordinates. it should be noted that I used a male Breton NPC to obtain them. The coordinates will be different for races with different heights.
  20. Granted, but it tastes like really flat Root Beer. I wish for answers.
  21. Granted, you are completely fluent in Dolphinese. Unfortunately, all dolphins now speak Orca exclusively. I wish for a new keyboard.
  22. Use Wrye Bash to manage your load order and build bashed patches to handle mod conflicts.
  23. GECK will not work for Oblivion files. There were too many changes to the Gamebryo engine between the games for them to be compatible. Try this link.
  24. This project is dead. It is no more. It has ceased to be. The OP hasn't even been on these forums in four years. As cool as this project sounds, it ain't gonna happen.
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