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Everything posted by The_Vyper

  1. There's no way to tell without more information. By what method did you install the mod (NMM, OBMM, manual install, etc.)? What other mods are you using (post your load order)? What version of Oblivion do you have? Once we know these things, we can begin to help you find a solution.
  2. Granted, but the bottom right-hand line is missing, so it looks like y. I wish I could control time.
  3. Granted, but it only player Sega Saturn games. I wish for...something that's never been wished for before.
  4. Banned for failing to use numerical digits while typing the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.
  5. My first was the Intellivision II. We had Pacman, Night Stalker, Burger Time, and Astrosmash (my personal favorite).
  6. Granted, you are no longer annoyed. Now you are so utterly enraged that you suffer a cerebral hemorrhage. I wish that lskdjghv would stop poiupoiu my hefytrdgf against my twgregbcxhgfhgfdgfmb. It's really ungkgfhgcxgfdxz.
  7. Banned for banning for repeating 42.
  8. Granted, but it will take fifteen days to fulfill your wish. I wish video game companies would stop shafting their consumers by requiring crap like Origin.
  9. Granted, but its made of stone and falls on you with enough force to reduce you to salsa. I wish something indescribably horrible would happen to the most evil person on Earth (who isn't me).
  10. Granted. Your WiFi is so fast it breaks the time barrier and you end up viewing sites that don't even exist yet as well as old sites that no longer exist. But, no matter how hard you try, you never get to the sites you actually want to visit. I wish everybody would just shut-up about the damned Superbowl already!
  11. You can change faction names, but not in the conventional way. Scroll through the faction list until you find one you need to change, click on it ONCE, wait one second, then click on it again. A cursor should appear at the end of the faction name, at which point you can change it. Once you've renamed it, click somewhere else on the list. You'll still get the "yes" or "no" option to create a new faction entry. Select "No" and your faction will be renamed. Doors don't activate in scripts the same way other objects do. To activate a door with a script, it will need to look like this: Scriptname YaddaYaddaYadda Begin OnActivate Player ;makes sure the following bits only happen when the Player activates the door Player.SetFactionRank AATeamred0 0 Player.SetFactionRank AATeamyellow0 -1 TeamRedDoorRef.Activate Player, 1 ;makes sure the door teleports the Player End
  12. We need a bit more information to diagnose the problem. If you can answer a few of these questions, it would help us immensely :thumbsup: : 1. What browser are you using? What plugins/extensions are you using with it? (some could be interfering with Nexus functionality) 2. What are the exact steps you're using to upload your mod? 3. Are you getting any error messages? If so, what do they say?
  13. This is one of those less than intuitive things in the CS. Here's what you need to do: 1. Make sure your skeleton's health is set to zero. 2. Make sure the "No low level processing" flag is checked. 3. Place your skeleton in the cell and select it in the Render Window. 4. Click on the "Run Havok Sim" button (just to the left of the Light bulb button that makes cells brighter). Alternatively, you can click on the "World" heading at the top of the CS and select the "Run Havok Sim" option in the dropdown menu (it's the fourth option from the bottom). Your skeleton will collapse to the ground. 5. While Havok Sim is running, you can position your skeleton by holding Cntrl + Alt, clicking on a body part, and then moving it. 6. Once you've positioned your skeleton to your satisfaction, turn Havok Sim off using either of the methods outlined above in step 4. This is crucial because the CS won't allow you to save while Havok Sim is on and won't give you warning when you try.
  14. Yes. Midas Magic has some spells that do something similar.
  15. Granted. A cheese gremlin bites your foot off while hiding your car keys. You foot no longer hurts, but what's left of your ankle hurts more. I wish that this wish was incorruptible.
  16. What is a 'question game'?
  17. This can be done, but would require OBSE. The function IsModLoaded can be used to determine if a particular mod is present. I'm not particularly good at scripting with OBSE, so I'm not sure what the rest of the script would look like.
  18. What web browser are you using? Also list any plugins/extension you're using with your browser.
  19. I don't know...Speeder bikes float using an anti-gravity system. It stands to reason that, on uneven terrain such as a planet's surface, there would be some vertical wobbling.
  20. The closest mods I know of that do something like this are Exnem's Runeskulls and OpGrunt's Random Sigil Stone.
  21. Reclaiming Sancre Tor is a post-main quest addon that (IMO) is far superior to the main quest itself. As already mentioned, Knights of the Nine: Revelation is also very good. It's a post- Knights of the Nine expansion that greatly expands the Knight's role in Cyrodiil, as well as greatly expanding the story. If you're looking for new quests and adventures, look through this list. If you're looking for new lands to explore, look through this list.
  22. You're welcome! :D I'm glad I was able to help. "Short" is just a type of variable. Its spelling is not case-sensitive as far as scripting goes, so there's really no difference between the two. The only reason the first three "Shorts" are a different colour from the fourth "short" is the capitalization. The [ code ] system here automatically colours things depending capitalization; all words that start with capitalized letters appear in purple, while words with all lower case letters appear blue or black, and numbers appear teal. Example: Purple Words blue and black words blue black and Purple words 111,111,111 Aside from being all lower case, I'm not entirely sure what specifically determines the blue and black colouring of the words. Edit: typo
  23. The purple is an indicator of a missing texture, and the "invisible torso" would seem to indicate a missing NormalMap. What mod is this misbehaving apparel from?
  24. Hickory is correct; the file paths are setup wrong (I've done the same thing :blush: ). To correct this, follow these steps: 1. Open one of your new meshes in NifSkope. 2. Click on Render and select Settings (it's the last option in the dropdown menu). 3. In the window that opens, make sure the Rendering tab is selected (it may be selected by default). 4. On the right side you will see a number of file paths. On the left, there as a button named Auto Detect File Paths. Click it. 5. Check the texture path of your mesh. If it still starts with C:\games\data\textures, direct it to the appropriate textures again. The file path will now start with textures\armor\knights d'eit\. 6. Re-save your mesh (overwrite the original). 7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 as needed with all of the new meshes included in your mod. 8. Repackage your mod and replace your currently uploaded file with the repackaged one. Also upload a "corrected meshes only" file for those who have already downloaded your mod.
  25. It sounds to me like you're trying to set things up so that the quiver never runs out of arrows. The problem with running scripts on arrows is that their scripts will only work if/when they strike a creature or NPC. The solution is to have a unique bow scripted to refill the quiver. It will need to be an Object Script attached directly to the bow rather than a magic script attached by an enchantment. The script would look like this: Scriptname WasiInfiniteArrowBowScript Short CurrentCount Short BaseCount Short AddCount short myStat Begin OnEquip set myStat to 1 End Begin OnUnEquip set myStat to 0 End Begin GameMode if myStat == 1 Set CurrentCount to Player.GetItemCount ArrowID ;replace ArrowID with the EditorID of your arrow Set BaseCount to XX ;replace XX with whatever amount you want the quiver to have If CurrentCount < BaseCount Set AddCount to BaseCount - CurrentCount Message " " Message " " ;the double Message segment prevents the ItemAdded message from displaying Player.Additem ArrowID AddCount ;replace ArrowID as described above endif endif End This will get you the "unlimited arrows" effect, but there are two drawbacks: 1. Only bows with this script will replenish the arrow supply, so your arrow count will decrease if you use a bow that doesn't utilize this script. Solution: re-equip the scripted bow when running low on that particular arrow to replenish your supply. Not the ideal solution, but it works. 2. If you enchant a bow that uses this script, the bow will lose the script and cease to replenish the arrow supply. Solution: Give the bow an enchantment of its own so the Player can't add one. Again, not necessarily the ideal solution, but it still gets the job done. I've used this setup on multiple bows, so I know it works. :thumbsup:
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