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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. :laugh: Those pics are great, Zuperbuu! You should compile them into a .GIF or something. That would be awesome (and funny).



    NPC: "What do you want?"

    Sir Killsalot: "To end your life!" *kills inquisitive NPC*


    Guard: "What are you looking for?"

    Me: "Trouble. You got any of that, or do I need to make some?"


    Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

    Me: "I've violated more than that."

    Guard: "Pay the court a fine, or serve you sentence."

    Me: "I'm not paying squat, and if I serve anything, it'll be a paragraph, not a sentence." *resists arrest*

    Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"

    Me: "How about I pay with yours?" *kills guard and all of his buddies (and everyone in town)*

  2. I'm working on a purple version that will fire all of the elemental spells in sequence.


    I'm not sure why, but this strikes me as being one of the funnier ideas I've heard in ages. And when I say "funny," I mean funny in the sense of the word that means "will drive players absolutely crazy as they repeatedly get blasted by various forces of nature." Definitely an awesome concept.

    Thanks! :biggrin: I now have a few working versions that fire like this: 1. Fire 2. Frost 3. Shock 4. Fire 5. Frost 6. Shock, wait 3-8 seconds, start firing again. They're pretty nasty.

  3. Hello;


    I'm new to Oblivion, but I've Modded Flight Sims before, at least enough to know to rummage around in the Forums before asking a Noob Question. But I'm going to ask a couple anyway:


    I've installed a Skill Diary (seemed like a good start), but it won't show up in the Launcher to "check" . I'm running Windows 7, and I've tried "Run As Admin" but that doesn't bring up the launcher. So:


    1) Must I have the Crustion Set to run Mods? or


    2) If I reinstall to C:Games is there a way to move Saved Games over to the New Home?

    Windows 7 is indeed the problem. Reinstall Oblivion to a directory of your choice outside of Program Files. Your saved games are stored in your "My Documents" area, so moving save files should not be necessary. The CS is not necessary to run mods, but it's fun to use. I sometimes tweak mods I've downloaded to better fit my play styles. I also recommend Oblivion Mod Manager (or OBMM) if you don't have it already. A lot of mods also require the Oblivion Script Extender (or OBSE) to run, so you might want to check into that too.

  4. That is really good work.

    Thanks! :biggrin:


    If you have permission you should release that skeleton as a resource so other people can use it.

    The Skeletons without armor use textures from one of Meo3000's mods, so I'd have to get permission for that.

    The Skeletons with armor would be a bit more difficult. The mesh is from JGreybear's Ayleidoon Karan mod, the bone textures are by Meo300 (as stated above) and the skeleton.nif that determines how the mesh moves is by NateNeurotic, from TES Alliance.

    I needed a new skeleton.nif because the armored skeleton would do this upon "death": Aaahh! <---That happens because the arms are still attached to the body (and the armor), even though they don't look like it.

  5. I've updated the look of the Skeletons:




    And I've made Ayleid versions of each, made possible by a new Skeleton.nif provided by NateNeurotic and modified textures from Meo300's Ayleid Clutter Resource.


    Fire Warrior and Fire Scout:




    Frost Warrior and Frost Scout:




    Storm Warrior and Storm Scout (I still need to tweak the "eyes" a bit):




    Revenant Warrior and Revenant Scout:




    So, what do you think?

  6. LOL Those are great, Zuperbuu!

    Me: You know the rules to playing Bandersnatching the Jabberwocky?! 8D

    Is that a Final Fantasy XIII reference, or a reference to the poem? :tongue:



    Okay, time for more:


    NPC: "You're a sneaky looking sort."

    Me: "You weren't supposed to see me." *kills NPC- can't leave witnesses*


    Me: *kills everyone in the IC Market District, then another NPC enters*

    NPC: "Looks like you're handy with a blade."

    Me: *gets a real good laugh* "Yes, I am." *kills NPC*


    NPC: "Everybody need a copy of the Black Horse Courier!"

    Me: "Why? To wipe with?"


    NPC: "You're talking to me and I don't like it."

    Me: "Do you like this better?" *puts arrow through NPC's eye, NPC dies* Me: "Guess not."



    ME: "Help murder? Okay, I'll help. Who's the target?" :devil:

  7. i need help using the consruction set, how do i alter things? like simply changing the colour of a werewolf, or size or making things valid pluggins? :sweat: (help appreciated)

    The CS does not allow you to edit textures, so you can't use it to change the color of a werewolf. But it does allow you to do many fun things. As Mccrab said, check out the CS Wiki. You'll learn a lot just by going through the basic stuff. You should also check out TES Alliance. They have the first (and to my knowledge, only) modding school. There are a lot of people there who can help you out.

    Additional free programs you'll probably want are:


    GIMP to create or modify textures. You'll need the free .DDS plugin for it.


    NifSkope for modifying meshes.


    Blender and its NifScripts plugin for creating custom meshes.

  8. Got some more:


    NPC: "It has words? It can speak?"

    Me "It also has a dagger. And It can remove your tongue."


    NPC: "The prey approaches."

    Sir Killsalot: "And becomes the predator." *kills NPC*


    NPC: "I saw a ghost once. Seemed to suck the life right out of me."

    Me: "Sounds like you got to close to a Will-O-The-Wisp. Not your brightest idea."


    NPC (while I was trespassing): "You shouldn't be here!"

    Me: "I know! That's half the fun!"


    Beggar: "One more coin and I can buy a pair of shoes."

    Me: "That's what you said just before I gave you one yesterday. I still don't see any shoes on you."

  9. You gota like this guy


    This is the last picture on the Imperial City Courier Newspaper cameraman.

    Xcaltar don't like paparazzi and when he saw that guy... well I'll let you guess :D

    Wow. Sir Killsalot might actually try to avoid this guy.


    Back on topic:


    NPC:"What can I do for you?"

    Me: "Nothing you'd enjoy." :devil:


    Bandit: "I fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!"

    Sir Killsalot: "You're the one who killed my pets? I'LL KILL YOU TWICE!!" *kills bandit four times (Sir Killsalot isn't good with numbers)*


    Arena Opponent: "Is that the best you've got?"

    Me: "No, but you aren't worth my best." *kills opponent without taking damage*


    Dremora: "Your flesh is mine!"

    Me (female character): "Not on the first date." *kills Dremora*

  10. LOL, theses are all great! Keep 'em coming!


    NPC: "Looks like you're handy with a blade."

    Me: "Wanna see how handy? Try something...funny"


    Here is a funny conversation I overheard:

    NPC1: "I'm done talking to you!"

    NPC2: "I've heard others say the same."

    Me to NPC2: "And yet, you didn't get the hint."


    Blade1: "Good morning, sir."

    Blade2 about 3 seconds later: "Good evening, sir."

    Me: :huh: "You guys can't even agree on what time it is and you're the ones protecting Martin? We're all doomed."


    Blade, when asked about Cloud Ruler Temple: "Aye, she's a beaut. A few men can hold her against an army for days."

    Me: "Umm, yeah. You'd need bows for that and you guys only carry swords. So what, are you going to wait until they're already inside to fight them?"


    Me to Jauffre: "Where will Martin be safe."

    Jauffre: "Nowhere is truly safe against the forces arrayed against us."

    Me: "There must be somewhere." (or whatever the line is)

    Jauffre: "Cloud Ruler Temple, I think. A few men can hold it against an army."

    Me: "Umm..yeah, let's think about that. It has only one way in or out: the main gate. If the Daedra open an Oblivion Gate right in the door, they can send multiple armies through. Renault, Glenroy, Baurus and myself couldn't save Uriel Septim from a few Mythic Dawn agents. The 10 or 11 Blades there won't last long against the Scamps, Clannfears, Dremora, Daedroth and Atronachs that will be pouring out of there. Oh! Let's take Martin to the Shivering Isles instead! Mehrunes Dagon will never look for him there."


    NPC: "I'll kalicrack the findoo! You terratet it!"

    Me: "You do that. I'll be...somewhere else."


    NPC: "Fribble! Just fribble."

    Me: "Boogle chicken."

  11. I noticed that your NPCs are wearing amulets of some kind. If those amulets (or anything else they're wearing) are set to cover the "Head" slot without actually having something there, the result will be what that screenshot shows. Other than that, I don't know what could cause them to lose their heads (unless they visited the Shivering Isles- it's hard not to lose your head there :wacko: ).

  12. Those are great! :thumbsup: I may try my hand at making a few. Until then, here's a screenshot of my insane character's crime stats: Behold Sir Killsalot, Scourge of Tamriel! Maybe he and Godo should get together.


    Back on topic:


    Altmer NPC: "You're a traitor to your own race!"

    Me: "I'm a Bosmer, you moron!" *kills Altmer twice for mistaking me for an Altmer*


    Marauder to my Argonian: "You'll make a fine pair of boots, Argonian!"

    Me: "I'll use your ribcage for a hat and your skin for a tapestry!" *kills marauder, removes ribcage and skin, wears ribcage as a hat, gets weird looks*


    Imperial Watch: "Why! Won't! You! DIE!?"

    Me: "Because you're too slow to hit me and too weak to kill me anyway!" *puts arrow through Imperial Watchman's eye*


    NPC: "I have a feeling you and I are about to become very close."

    Me: "Well yeah. I have to get close to kill you with this dagger." *kills amorous NPC*

  13. I've wondered at the lack of serpentine critters, too. With a Birthsign called "The Serpent", you'd think there would be something slithery it was named after (unless they were hunted to extinction). I've also noticed that there are no birds flying around, despite the fact that you can occasionally hear them when you're out wandering around. And what about cows? Sometimes in battle, you'll hear someone say "You move like a pregnant cow!" but I have yet to see a cow (pregnant or otherwise) anywhere in Cyrodiil. How can anyone know how a pregnant cow moves if they've never seen one? For all they know, a cow has 8 legs, 2 heads, 12 eyes, a poison tipped tail, razor sharp teeth, purple fur, breathes fire and shoots lightning bolts from it's rear. And are we really to believe that there is only one species of fish in all of Cyrodiil? Slaughterfish are obviously predatory in nature, so what is there prey? Clams? Mudcrabs? People diving for clams? People diving for Mudcrabs? (mudcrab legs...yum) All in all, the animal kingdom of Cyrodiil seems to be a bit lacking in the way of animals.
  14. Bandit: "You move like a pregnant cow!"

    Me: "Never compare me to your mother!" *kills bandit*


    Emperor: "You are the one from my dreams."

    Me: "Seriously? You're hitting on a prisoner? What, did the Imperial Concubine kick you out or something?"


    Merchant: "I have the best goods and lowest prices in all of Cyrodiil."

    Me: "So does everyone else."


    I dont know how to reduce my infamy from its sky high 500... without using cheats...

    If you have Knights of the Nine, you can do the Wayshrine pilgrimage to remove your infamy completely. Or you could download this mod and buy a spell from Calandiil to do it. Oh, and if you think 500 Infamy is bad, check out my psycho character, Sir Killsalot.

  15. I sometimes think it's funny to reply to things said by NPCs. Here's a few examples:


    NPC: "You have quite a bounce to your step. You must be an acrobat."

    Me: "Why are you watching the way I walk? Are you attracted to me, or something?"


    Imperial Watch: "You have my ear, citizen."

    Me: "Do you want it back?"


    NPC: "You have the hands of a healer."

    Me: "I also have the ear of a guard. Wanna see what else I've got? "


    NPC: "It's you. the Hero of Kvatch! This is truly an honor."

    Me: "How did you know it was me? I don't recall seeing you at Kvatch."


    NPC: "Why are you bothering me?"

    Me: "Because I'm not bothering someone else yet."


    Imperial Watch: "You. I've seen your type before. You have blood on your hands."

    Me: "Yep, and I believe it's yours!" *kills guard*


    Imperial Watch: "What are you looking for?"

    Me: "The Dark Brotherhood. Have you seen any of them around?"


    Imperial Watch: "If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay on the roads. The wilderness just isn't safe anymore. We've had sightings, you see. The Daedra.."

    Me: "How much do bandits bribe you to say that?"


    Imperial Watch during Persuasion: "Talk tough to me. I like tough guys."

    Me: :blink: "Okaaay, I'm leaving now."


    Bandit: "Throw yourself on my sword while you still can!"

    Me: :ohmy: "Taht's just wrong." *kills bandit*


    So what are some of yours? Or am I the only one who has fun doing this? :biggrin:

  16. I tried to take a screenshot but can't find it. I changed "bAllowScreenShot=0" to "bAllowScreenShot=1", saved it and exited the notepad. I took the screenshot during the game (the words came up that the screenshot was taken), but I can't find the screenshot anywhere on my computer. I have windows vista. :huh:

    According to the CS Wiki:


    Vista Users will commonly find themselves unable to find their captured screenshots. The Solution will require you to restart your computer. Firstly, click on the start button and enter the control panel. Then click on the user accounts and family settings. Then click on user settings and you will be displayed a number of options. Click on turn user account control on or off and lastly tick the box off saying "use user account control." After restarting the computer, you will be able to make screenshots that will appear in the main oblivion directory! For "safety" reasons tick the UAC box back on after you are finished.

  17. It irritates me how there is only one stalking around in the lobby... I tried adding a "DarkGuardianSanctuary" from the list of "creatures" in the TES Construction Set. Which I believe is the file name of the first guardian, but the one I added was hostile. Is there any way to change it so it isn't hostile to me or any of my CM Partners? I didn't do anything to it except add it in the lobby. So I probably need to edit it right? When I opened the Reference box on it I noticed a tab saying Ownership. Do I need to set the ownership to the Dark Brotherhood faction? I don't even know what that does since I've never edited a creature so far. :unsure:

    One thing you can do is create a new Dark Guardian and a new Faction that's friendly with the PlayerFaction, add the new faction to your new guardian and put as many of the new guardians as you want in the Sanctuary.

  18. The vest and the "skin" under the vest is invisible (the rest of the chest is visible). The mod doesn't require any body type, and none are installed. I tried it with the UAC disabled and enabled. It still doesn't work. I redownloaded the mod, and it is still invisible. I have tried everything I can think of. Any other ideas would be very appreciated.

    Can you post a screenshot so we can see the issue firsthand? (or second hand, as the case may be :tongue: )

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