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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. My character is an undead Breton warrior who calls himself Sir Killsalot. In the 1st era, he was among the most formidable warriors in Tamriel. He was revived in the 3rd era by a Necromancer and now seeks to exterminate all life in Tamriel. So far, he's commited over 17,000 murders (using ShadowyDoom3's Respawnable NPC mod). His preferred weapon is a bow. His preferred armor is AlexScorpion's Sneaking Gear, although he has been known to use the Hashshashin and Ranger Armors by Dimitri Mezieres. He is currently Tamriel's Most Wanted.



  2. I've seen problems like that before. They're usually due to the armor/clothing not being properly rigged to the Player skeleton. Sometimes a bad texture will cause a similar glitch, but that usually draws the bad texture into the crosshair.

    However, the skeleton guardians in the screenshot have 170 Health PER LEVEL.


    That's the problem. In the vanilla game, the PC Level Offset flag is not checked, which means that the skeleton's health is static (won't increase as player levels up). If the skeletons in your screenshot have 170 Health per level, that means the PC Level Offset flag is checked. That is likely a simple typo in whichever mod changed that. Load MMM and see if that's the one changing it and deselect the flag if it is. If not, then Haunted House is the culprit.




    He used that already. RefScope only tells you where a base object comes from, not what mods affect it. The skeletons are part of Oblivion.esm, but they are being modified in some way by MMM and Haunted House, which Refscope does not reveal.


    Still good advice, though.

  4. Mythic Dawn guy: "Dawn is breaking."

    Me: "Then fix it. Hurry, before dusk starts to fall."


    Bandit: "What can I do for you?"

    Me: :blink: "You're not going to attack me? Cool. Hey, I know an Ayleid ruin with some sweeeet lot. Wanna help me get it?"


    NPC1: "Hello."

    Ulrich Leland: "I don't know you and I don't care to know you."

    NPC1: I've heard others say the same."

    Me to NPC1: "And yet, you didn't get the hint. I'll spell it out for you." *punches NPC1 in the face*

  5. Hello, everyone. I'm trying to get myself established as a voice actor, and in order to help get me towards that goal, I've decided to offer free voice acting for Oblivion mods.


    Why me?


    Well, I've got high quality studio microphones. A wide vocal range. Moderate acting and voice acting experience. Audio Editing Experience. I'll send multiple takes of each line you request, all in separate files. And... I'm Free!


    All I ask is that I be credited (as Vicious88) for handling your voice or voices.


    If you want to give me a try, give me some lines, and I'll upload the recordings as soon as their done. They're yours to keep from that point on, all I ask (again) is that if you use them, you credit me. Deal?



    If you're interested in doing voice work, you should join the Voice Actors Guild at TES Alliance.


    "Dead link" on TESNexus when I tried to download it today.



    I hate it when that happens. Try downloading the TES4Edit_2_5_3 file. it worked for me a minute ago.


    Even if I find what might modify the Skeleton Guardian (RefScope says it is defined in Oblivion.esm), it's not guaranteed that whatever mod is doing this actually changes the Skeleton Guardian record. It might be some glitch by a mod that gives actors a token to do things (e.g., I believe Attack and Hide Easier does this). Or maybe a global script.


    RefScope will only tell you which mod something comes from. It won't tell you if another mod alters it. Since the creature in question is from the Oblivion.esm, the culprit could still be any mod you have. For instance, let's say I made a mod that gave Skeleton Guardians a Summon Dremora spell. Let's say you download this mod and click on a Skeleton Guardian with RefScope. RefScope will say it's from the Oblivion.esm, even though my mod is the one that changes it. TES4Edit is a better way to check for this kind of thing.


    I'm a bit suspicious of MMM because it seems to be able to put creatures in non-Vanilla worldspaces that are completely new Internal cells from other mods.


    Creatures are spawned from Leveled Lists. The higher your level, the more creatures there are that might spawn. MMM alters the vanilla leveled lists, so any mod that uses vanilla leveled lists will now have MMM creatures in it.

  7. Why on earth would they condemn it? I thought the mod would have required a copy of morrowind, meaning that it would if anything, get them more sales. I remember i was planning on buying morrowind when i heard of that mod, but now i'm never going to touch it because i'm to used to oblivion graphics


    They condemned it because it used resources (i.e. meshes, textures, etc.) from Morrowind. Using resources from one game in another (even if it's the same series) is illegal. And it would be impossible to require that Morrowind & Oblivion be installed for Morroblivion to work, since Morrowind and Oblivion use different engines to run. Think of Morrowind as a Laserdisc and Oblivion as a Blue-ray disc. A laserdisc is 11.8 inches in diameter; a Blue-Ray disc is less than half of that. Would a Laserdisc play in a Blue-ray player? Nope. Would a Blue-ray disc play in a Laserdisc player? Not so much. In the same way, Morrowind would not play on Oblivion's engine (not without hacking the source code, which is illegal) and Oblivion would not play on MW's engine (again, not without hacking the source code, which is illegal). Hence, the condemnation.


    Morrowind is still worth playing. The Dark Elves sound a lot better in that game (when there's audio for them), the quests are fun, the storyline is great, there is a much greater diversity of weapons and armor...Well I could fill several pages with reasons to play Morrowind. I've been playing video games for 29 years (yes, I'm that old :tongue: ) and I've found that a games content is more important that it's graphics. I've seen games that have great graphics but horrible gameplay and games that have bad graphics but awesome gameplay. Can you guess which ones are the most popular? That's right: the ones with better gameplay. The graphics of MW may no longer be the stuff of legend, but the gameplay still is.

  8. Well I only posted part of the script. I have:


    Begin GameMode


    (other script not affecting it)


    If (Player.GetInCell Cheydinhal == 1)

    If (GetStage ADA01 == 30)

    SetStage ADA01 40




    (other script not affecting it)




    That script is almost correct. The problem is that there are at least 16 cells for the city. What you need instead is GetInWorldspace CheydinhalWorld. Try this:


    Begin GameMode
    (other script not affecting it)
     If (Player.GetInWorldspace CheydinhalWorld == 1)
      If (GetStage ADA01 == 30)
       SetStage ADA01 40
    (other script not affecting it)


    That should do it.

  9. SetAV means Set Actor Value and refers to skills, attributes, health, magicka and fatigue. SetAV can be used for any of those. Reflect Damage, Sun Damage and Weakness effects are all magic effects and can't be modified with SetAV.
  10. Might be a bit of topic, but isnt it weird, even when your wearing full deadric armour carrying an axe the same size of the guy, that he still thinks he can threaten you?


    Well, Highwaymen aren't exactly the sharpest swords in the armory. :laugh:



    Bandit: "Why! Won't! You! DIE?!"

    Me: "Because I'm immortal." *kills bandit*


    Guard: "Let's hear it."

    Me: *pulls out Ocarina, plays Song of Time, goes back in time, approaches guard again*

    Guard: "Let's hear it."

    Me: *pulls out Ocarina, plays Song of Time, goes back in time, approaches guard again*

    Guard: "Let's hear it."

    Me: *gets tired of the repetition, walks away*


    NPC: "What can I do for you?"

    Me: "See that guard over there? All he knows how to say is 'Let's hear it'. Teach him some new words."


    NPC: "Looks like you're handy with a blade."

    Me: :blink: "The only weapon I'm carrying is a bow. What makes you think I'm good with a blade?"


    NPC: "You have the hands of a healer."

    Me: "Are you sure? I cut these off of an Illusionist."

  11. Your best bet would probably be The Alliance Enclave (A modding school). :)


    Modeling Session 1

    Modeling Session 2


    The Enclave also has many other great sessions for almost anything, as well as other classes where you can learn stuff. :D


    I highly recommend this. I have ADHD and have found the tutorials and people at TES Alliance to be very engaging. I have had very few bouts of OLAC (Oh Look! A Chicken!) while going through their tutorials.

  12. Hey guys, I successfully installed better cities and loaded it up using obmm. Now the problem is when I load up a game, the only thing that shows up is the crosshair and the health bar at the bottom of the screen. Can someone please explain this? And what I need to do to fix it. Thanks!


    That may be due to a conflict with another mod. Post your load order so we can see what could be conflicting with it.

  13. Okay, so I made some simple spells and made them sellable in stores, and I'm wondering of instead of making items/spells spawn in other places for you to find items and picking/buying them, I thought of making them spawn in the Player's Inventory. I tried using 'PC Start Spell' command, but that doesn't work. How can you do it?


    There are three ways. 1. Add the spells to every race in the Race menu (this will mean every NPC in the game will have them and will most likely cause conflicts with other mods). 2. Make a quest script for it. 3. make your own Spell Tome and have it add all of the spells. Then just place the tome somewhere in game.

  14. Sorry it took so long to post back. Yes, I think that's what you need. The easiest way to see if you've got a NormalMap texture is to first look at the anme of the texture and then look for another texture by that name ith _n on the end of it.


    Basically, you'll look for:


    TextureName.dds <--- this is the texture you see in game.




    TextureName_n.dds <--- this is the NormalMap for the texture. Basically, it tells the texture how to conform to an object.


    Without a NormalMap, most textures can't be properly conformed to objects. In such a case, they won't show up in game, since the game doesn't know how to apply them. Exceptions are textures applied too static objects, like dungeon tilesets. Textures applied to anything that moves (even clothing/armor) require NormalMaps.

  15. Ouch, I feel sorry for you man. In a situation like that, I can understand your feelings. I hope things get better for you.

    Wow...holy crap...that's just...horrible-I feel sooooo sorry for you


    Thanks guys. :smile:

  16. Well, to say I'm having a bad day today would be a severe understatement. My trusty desktop got attacked by another virus that McAfee just let right through. Every file on it was either corrupted or erased. The result? Shadow Of The Ayleidoon is gone. My backups? Gone. Everything I've worked on for about a year? Gone. Right now, I just don't have the heart to start from scratch. So, for the time being, SOTA is dead. To all those who were looking forward to the release, I'm sorry.
  17. I changed the arms and legs to make them less skinny, so the upper body and lower body are invisible.


    The invisibility issue sounds like you're missing a NormalMap for the textures being used. In what way did you change them? Did you just modify textures? Did you just modify the meshes? Did you modify both?

  18. I have a question about downloading the official DLC's, but I wasn't sure where to post it, so I'm just going to post it here.


    If you download some of the official DLC's from Bethesda's online store, and then you have them removed, (for example: accidentally deleting the files or dumping the computer or changing computers) is there any way to get them back? Or will you have to pay for them again?

    Contact Gstaff over at the Bethsoft forums. He'll help you get it sorted out.

  19. NPC1: "I heard there were some Goblins around here recently."

    Me: "There were, but I took care of them."

    NPC2: "Disgusting creatures. I hear the Altmer train them. I can't imagine it."

    Me: "Umm.. You're an Altmer. Why can't you imagine it?"



    Dunmer NPC: "You remind me of my homeland. During the blight."

    Me: "You mean I'm better looking than you? What a wonderful compliment. Thanks."


    Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

    Me: "All I did was touch a cup!"

    Guard: "Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence."

    Me: "Pay a fine for touching a cup? Bite me!"

    Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"

    Me: "No. I'll use yours." *kills guard*

  20. NPC: "What is it?"

    Me: "Dunno. I was hoping you could tell me."


    NPC: "I saw a mudcrab yesterday."

    Me: "How special."

    NPC: "Nasty little creatures."

    Me: "They're prettier than you."


    Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

    Me: "Yeah? Well, you're next!" *violates guard's face with a sword*


    Bandit: "Jump on my sword while you still can!"

    Zayede (my female Imperial Battlemage): "Thanks, but I'm not that desperate." *summons clannfear, watches bandit die unfulfilled*


    Marauder: "Don't feel bad. No one lives forever!"

    Zayede: "Speaking for yourself?" *casts Doomsday spell, marauder dies horribly* Zayede: "Thought so."


    NPC who's just standing around: "Everybody needs a copy of the Black Horse Courier!"

    Me: "Well then, stop shouting and start handing them out. Go on. Get moving!"

  21. @blacksmithkazuma: Those are good. keep 'em coming. :biggrin:


    Guard: "Hail, good citizen. I speak for the Emperor. At least, I did."

    Me: "Listen, pal, I met the Emperor and he didn't have any trouble speaking for himself."


    NPC in SI: "If you see a Shambles dying, get real close. They'll heal you."

    Me: "Care to demonstrate that?"


    NPC in SI: "I know where Sheogorath is. He's hiding in my house. In a cupboard. But he's invisible."

    Me: "Really? Yeah, that sounds like something he'd do."


    Khajiit just outside the gate to SI: "You can't see me. You can't see me. No one can see me."

    Me: "Who said that?"


    Bolwing "Gorble. Can't you hear them gorbling?"

    Me: "Gorbling? It sounds more like a game of Bandersnatching the Jabberwoki to me."


    Bolwing: "I've got a Quintat that says they can ipanate."

    Me: "Oh yeah? Well, I've got an Octat that says they can't."

  22. What stage productions might there be? Here's a few of my ideas:


    Survivor: Oblivion - Who can survive the Planes of Oblivion the longest?


    Deadliest Warrior: Tamriel - Necromancers revive the greatest warriors in history to determine who is the Deadliest Warrior.

    Tonights match: Gaiden Shinji Vs. Pelinal Whitestrake


    Pirates of the Abecean


    Guards (Cops)


    CSI: Anvil



    So, what are some of your ideas?

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