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Everything posted by milogrim

  1. I love how Trump constantly points out that the King is wearing no pants. He doesn't kowtow to the media or his constituency. I love love how Sanders is true to his convictions and unyielding in his principles. It cost him much in money and votes but he keeps pushing forward. I am strongly against socialism and marxism. So, I could never vote for Sanders, I am way too libertarian and right. I still respect him and Obama. What you have to ask yourself is when I give government more control what happens when the next guy gets in and abuses it? The answer for me is always less government, even if it hurts a little. It's like the first amendment. Sure, there is lots of stuff I wish people wouldn't say but outlawing free speech, of any kind, would soon result in a nightmare world. As far as I'm concerned Hilary is a felon who should be in federal prison, and Cruz is not an natural born American citizens. Both are slime-balls, two faced, liars, out to milk the presidency for all the power and money they can. The other candidates might be nice or smart or genuine but they are losers. I'm a loser, trust me you don't want me running the country.
  2. Have you ever told a lie? Then you know you must constantly feed it and nurture it to keep it secret. Soon others unknowing spread your lies, maybe they believe them. It grows and grows now many people are involved and committed to keeping it secret. Now the lie is institutionalized its too big to fail, it becomes a tool of leverage for opponents, lies become the new currency of discourse. True for relationships, true for business, of course it is gonna be true government. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton
  3. Gave up on it myself. Had some close calls, came away pretty unscathed, seen people go down hard. It's me though I'll admit, I'm too narcissistic for it. And since I don't want kids it's pretty useless to me. I don't think I feel more lonely than anyone else, to me not having personnel space makes me feel the emptiest. Also, it is empowering in a way be outside this game looking in. Really this is totally subjective, every one will have different needs and circumstances.
  4. I second guess my judgement sometimes, because I have played alot of games that in principle I should have loved, but actually became bored of quickly. I think it comes down to immersiveness and control for me. I like to be in charge of things and driving them in the direction I want, and I want to be able to hone the game as much as possible to my tastes. I think that's why I found myself here. Bethesda and the modding community offer a personalized experience unparalleled by anything else. I remember buying Fallout3 game of the year addition back in 09', and searching for guides and loot lists, and coming across Nexus. Changed everything, I went nuts and downloaded 300 mods, basically broke my game and filled my hard drive. And I loved it. I've had other flings with MMO's and FPS's and been thoroughly hooked. Story is what trumps everything for me, graphics help some with immersion, ethics can carry a game even farther, like Last of us or Walking Dead.
  5. Pre-judging things is a natural reaction most mammals have. It serves us well in nature. When we encounter something that we can't identify or relate to we evaluate it with extreme caution and make guesses to mitigate any bad results. Not being able to identify or relate with someone can have bad results if no understanding is reached. Cause like Yoda said, what you don't understand, you'll fear, and what you fear you'll hate, or something like that. So prejudices are natural and thankfully so, or foolish humans would have died off long ago trying to pet the cuddly looking lions and bears. But unresolved they can lead to racism. Which is a completely irrational line of thinking. But this is not so if you travel to a land of different people, different customs, and different values be prepared to make quick and defensive pre-judgements about them. It's a safety mechanism, and it there for good reason, lions and bears aren't the most dangerous mammal out there.
  6. Same here. I use Win7 and didn't move Steam. I did however do a system restore and the problem started right after that. Your solution worked, glad I tried it before the suggested Steam fix, which looks scary.
  7. To the OP question, Who woulda thought Bosnia could be the catalyst for two of the most apocaplytic wars in history? Archduke Ferninand certianly didn't. So from little things big things can happen. Who's to say North Korea can't start WW3. My fear is that we are all so desensitized to this war stuff it's easy to forget how serious it can become. Some of us have lived threw half a dozen wars already, numbers like millions dead get thrown around like it's a game. Now that WMD's are part of the equation you'd think it give us some pause, but no, everyone is still eagar to kill and die. World's gotta grow up fast, or crash and burn. But as far as anyone being a threat to the U.S.? It would be suicide to fight the U.S.A. The united rest of the world would struggle agianst us, we are that powerful and then some. At a drop of a hat we could vaporize this world several time over, and leave it a toxic waste for millenia. I'm not sure if that count's as winning, but thats our stradegy. Like I said lot's of growing up to do. To me the whole situation looks completely insane, I have to pinch myself to make sure it's not a bad dream. Take it seriously folks.
  8. I think the empire versus storm-cloak idea is heavily influenced by the Roman Empire vs Barbarian conflicts. And Ill say this, though many a times it seemed Rome was the aggressive condescending bully, I'm very glad for western society that they where. They gave us so much, with their ancient Greek influences. The birth of a republic, scientific method, philosophy. So if the skyrim empire represents a pysdo-Rome then I support it, at any cost. Because sometimes the means do justify the end.
  9. One of his/her pics High hrothgar is completely black except compass. And as for the rest, they resemble my game exactly ; pitch black night. Maybe my other modded play-threw had a mod I'm missing now, that made the night brighter. Its not a game breaker, it actually reminds me of when I went camping up in the Rocky's. It gets so dark away from the city, I can't Imagine how our ancient ancestors survived the nights. You'd literally have to crawl on your hands and knees to find anything, hopefully not a 50ft cliff or a pack of wolves. I do have a few realism mods in place, so being completely helpless at night, except for following a road is very immersive, and terrifying.
  10. Real quick question. Does the second and third pic in claralux photo profile look completely black to you? I suspect my monitor, but like you say I've not noticed significant problems across the board, but nexus pics, many of them are pitch black now and I dont recall that before.
  11. Hey, I'm having trouble with my nights being too dark. Dungeons and interiors are just fine. I suspect my monitor or graphics card is at fault, because I've disabled enb and still have problem, I've adjusted settings in sky launch to no effect. Is there something I'm missing?
  12. Updated version. Fixed weapon racks. Rearranged some things a little bit. Comming along, but still my greatest fear is the exterior navmesh.
  13. I have some static bugs but I still can't get them to stop flapping their wings. Anyone know how?
  14. Man all the work it takes to make just one building, you put it in dozens. Impressive stuff, looks unique and interesting. Hats off.
  15. I'd like to make a static moth. Or fake it. Do I unpack the bsa and find the moth mesh and make a new static? Are the niffs named in a intuitive way, is there one for each moth-type? Should I find a way to make the moth dead with no havoc? Can I change a creatures animation pose before making it static/or faking it? I just want various moths to sit still in a display. Any direction in these regards would be much appreciated.
  16. Pretty easy really. Some mods wont work together though. You have textures (most common) and meshes. Meshes will change the shape of things, textures will "paint" that shape. If the shape(mesh) isn't the right size "canvas", it'll(texture) paint it all wrong and look silly. Some mods paint certain things, brows, lips, scars, eyes, skin, hair. Some will paint the same thing, when they do you'll get an option to replace that file. Which ever you choose the last one "wins", unless of course you choose not to replace, then the first one "wins". Thats why you should unpack & place textures and meshes by hand , so you can choose to replace some and not others. Some textures paint different things on the same thing, but are named different. Like one dds. file might make you look muscular and the other adds color and texture to the skin. Even though they are packed together you can pick one and not the other. As far as which dds. file does what specifically, IDK, I just experiment. Keep a backup of your character folder, try different stuff. Just remember that the face you choose might not be compatible with the body you want, and the body you want might not be compatible with the armor you want. So you are making three choices at the least. None of this is a mystery so don't worry its clearly detailed in the mod's descriptions what mods work with each other and which don't.
  17. Vampire is a race, maybe the textures you are using dont support the vampire race. Should have something in your folders like breton, then breton vampire, nord, then vampire nord.. etc. I could be wrong but its just my hunch you are missing the vampire textures. Maybe find a face mod that supports vampire race and your body mod? Or maybe there is a way to copy your not vampire textures into the vampire race folders. I'm no expert.
  18. Your in for a treat dude. I remember when I stumbled on to here some years ago, felt like a kid in a candy store. Some amazing folks around here too, a lot of talent, a lot of giving and asking for nothing. I'd like to add that whatever mods you pick, if I where you I'd stick with them threw the game. Adding or removing mods mid-game can be done, but isn't easy or a very good habit. Also treat every mod as a possible problem, ask yourself is it worth it? Maybe at first you might wanna try every mod you see and that's fine, but plan on starting a new game, like a complete wipe of Sky after you've had your fun testing and choosing. Another tip, there is a whole other creature on this site, pic-posters. Check em out, they will often tell what mods they are using to get the look in their pics. Read read read, everything. Good luck out there and be safe.
  19. Tuff question, kinda like asking what is the best music. Whatever you like is best but keep in mind not everything works together. Some body mods don't work with some facial mods, some armor mods don't work with some body mods. So by picking one, you might actually be picking three separate things. But not always is this the case some work across the board.
  20. Well a lot of it comes down to personal taste, do you want your character to look like a 12 year old girl with a fox tail and a sword the size of a lamp-post? So aside from the different stroke for different folks factor, if you want you textures to look better, better lighting, better magic and water effects, Id start with STEP. I can't over recommend it. The STEP team will hold your hand all the way threw, all you need to be is a good reader, and in the end you'll have an amazing looking bug free game, maybe even learn a thing or two. After that you may wanna choose a body re-placer and some armors to go with it, or some mods that nerf or super charge combat difficulty, all personal preference. There's something for everyone here that's for sure.
  21. Try this S.T.E.P. He has most of the mods you listed, he goes threw installing them step by step, and has a whole team of testers checking for compatibility. Plus there are lite options for slower rigs and extreme options for a beast. I can't over recommend it. By the time your done you'll get a feel for what mods are safer. For instance a mod with a lot of game impact that hasn't been updated in 5 months, might not be so safe. Or a mod with 500 endorsements and 1600 comments ending with a "?", might not be so safe. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  22. So wait Dark0ne was 13 when he started this? Amazing, congrats and happy birthday
  23. I'm not sure if I need to add credit yet so just to be safe. Thanks to Oaristys for his resources, Harvey2112 for his Activators, & Blary for his open books.
  24. I could use help. See if your interested> Test
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