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Everything posted by tarsis31

  1. If you don't mind me popping in, I'd like to see a few Super Mutant converts, Supers in robes, hanging out at the podium/rad barrel/aircraft engine, waiting for service, scratching unmentionables at a guard post, etc. There would be a few, don't you think? I could possibly make that settlement build at the disposal site to help out as well, should that be needed.
  2. I think we should put a synth component in Maxxson and wash our hands of it.
  3. They don't mind the ones in Vault 81 at all. Any of them. As long as you nav mesh them correctly, even new ones you add.
  4. Ah, Legacy changes. When you make a Legacy change, be sure to put a note about that everywhere, so when you keep getting bug reports about it from people doing exaclty what you explicitly told them to not do, you can point them to here, here, here, AND here where "I told you not to do that." I mean, they read enough to install it, and update it. So.. what's after that? My personal thought on pages is KISS. Write it at a 6th grade reading level, most important at the top, least at the bottom. Keep in mind that most people seem to have about 25 seconds attention span and read about 25 words per minute. I went fairly long and in-depth on RRS and about 1/3 of the actual downloaders likely never got to the 3rd paragraph. Changelog.. I hate the changelog. Why do I hate the changelog? Because it is a great and wonderful tool that I use carefully and well. I post my changes before updating the file. Then I get asked what changed when I post an update. I get asked where is my list of changes. Really? I have to tell people that changes are in the changelog? Who's the numpty putting changes in the descript so everyone needs it spoon-fed to them there? All these great organized tabs and relegate yourself to spoiler tags, or not even do that and just put them at the bottom of a 30 page syllabus? Doesn't matter how cool your page is if I can't find what I need. Now my descript pages are just going to be something like: Read the title. I don't do install instructions until it goes beyond normal NMM/manual install. I also don't do tutorials on how to turn on your computer. In case I've not offended someone yet, Comment tab, and bugs tab. If you are too damn cool to let the users of your file comment on it where they can easily find and read other's experiences with your file, I won't be downloading it, sorry brah, your file is just too cool for me. If you are too scared of bugs, or would rather let people suffer the effects of them and not worry about fixing them, that you have no bugs tab, I won't be downloading your file. I'm smart enough to look at your bugs tab and see that the first 1/3 of your bug reports are from people who can't be bothered to read the description, and 9/10 of the remaining bug reports are mod conflicts. If you can't put on your manties (or big girl panties for the fairer) and deal with a bug, you won't be wasting my time either. Endorsements. If you beg for endorsements, I feel obligated to not give you any, otherwise, if your mods works like it says on your page, I think I can take the half a second to endorse it when NMM reminds me. If I really like what it does, or it does something different, I'll come to your page, endorse it immediately, and throw you a comment. "Atta boy, really like what ya did thar!" Wish everybody would. Rant off, coffee wore out, going to bed.
  5. Hey, sounds fun, I'll do.. oh wait.. never mind. I've already rebuilt it all I'm going to.
  6. I think speedy is probably sniffing in the right direction here. The only time I have had this issue is when my navmesh either a) was not connected to the surrounding cell or b) was not connected to my portals inside and out. (That's the gold triangle connected to the gold teleport marker). I have a couple of interior/exterior settlement mods in development now, and settlers and companions will happily use portals in the midst of sandboxing while you are building there. I also have a couple released mods dealing with similar issues. In WRVR Broadcast settlement, settlers will portal to an interior, pass through the interior you cannot build in, and portal back out to get on top of the roof of the building, entirely vanilla behavior with no alterations from me at all. In Bradberton Overpass, there is no portal, only those elevators you actually ride in. When I had separated the build area boxes and sandboxing areas, settlers would simply vanish trying to make it to where they needed to be, never to be seen from again. That tells me if your settlers are standing still, you have a hard block of some sort stopping them, because they will teleport through walls, to the top of buildings, and any other manner of magical travel to arrive most of the time. Genolune pointed me this direction as we were corresponding over the Institute Concourse Settlement, and he may have done an end-around past the problem there, if so (and more testing will bear it out of course) we may have another possible solution soon.
  7. In all the posts I had found before this they had said to just link every workbench in the game to the container in diamond city, so you could remove the provisioner system entirely. Well, it doesn't seem to work that way, and I like the provisioner system. I just hate the giant stupid brahmin stuck in my office, stuck in my bathroom, standing on my bed, standing on roofs in every settlement I go to. For my own personal game I remove the navmeshing form settlement roofs and remove all brahmin recruiting entirely. There are some nice mods to replace the pack brahmin with dogs or robots that have small enough collision to actually get out of rooms and things, which sort of eliminates my biggest complaints. Back on track though, yes, it seems to have to be chained, I can't link them all to 1 workbench, which is frustrating, but I can force ownership in a certain order to make it work out this time. Note: Linking 2 workshops via workshopitemkeyword seems to result in unusual behavior of settlers and companions. Settlers of 1 workbench deciding to sandbox at the other workbench, companions going to idle at the other workbench area while you are building, settlers farming crops belonging to the other settlement, etc.
  8. Right on, I think we've got it with linking all the workbenches instead of everything to a container. I'll keep workshopitemkeyword in mind, but I think we've got this one with workshoplinkedcontainer to each workbench, as long as they are all connected to the first active workbench. If any of them are connected to a workbench that is not setowned yet, surprise, surprise, it won't work. Thanks guys.
  9. No, I've not tried that, I'll give it a whirl. Last time I linked workbenches together the Director and all the Mr Gutsys moved out of The General Atomics Galleria and into the Bowling Alley.
  10. I'm trying to link multiple workbenches together in a place where having brahmin supply lines just wouldn't make sense, and would be a frustrating pain in the backside. Everything I've found when searching says just to have each workshopworkbench linked to a single workshopresourcecontainersettlement via workshoplinkedcontainer. I've done this, and it just doesn't work, I've redone it 3x to make sure, and it still doesn't work for me. Is there something else I am missing? It seems simple enough, I've got other settlement mods working just fine on their own workshop containers. workshop1 workshoplinkedcontainer settlementgroupchest workshop2 workshoplinkedcontainer settlementgroupchest workshop3 workshoplinkedcontainer settlementgroupchest Any ideas?
  11. So, Simplest first. ---> nav mesh check. Bad nav mesh= no function, no animation. Workshop link check. Location check. Alias Keyword check. I've been working on two interior settlements, and they do not both function the same. After those things, it gets more "follow the white rabbit".
  12. Fair enough, all I did was offer you free info to try and make something quicker and easier for you, not half truths and BS. See ya.
  13. I'm just going to keep this here. It is my final response to caleb on his Nakano Residence mod, as I'm relatively certain it will be deleted. Feel free to ignore it.
  14. You work just like you intend. You cannot fool me. Now I'll just template out a settlement for every Nuka location tonight and be done with it and back to what I was working on before.
  15. Yes, Elevators and scaffolding are in some DLC. You'll need to dig deeper I'm afraid. I've been using NMM for so long that I probably would be useless to you for help, as things you might not know to do/not do/do differently, I don't even remember a different way to do them, or even a significance in mentioning them at all. Umm, get your .ini set up for modding, pick a mod that is easy to test right outside of vault 111, make a completely unmodded (easy for you right now :) ) save just before exiting vault. Install easy to test mod with NMM, (switch to plugins tab and make doubly sure it is check marked) launch FO4, check if mod works. I've heard FO4 launcher can give troubles, like disabling plugins, I've not had any though. Sorry if it sounds noob and basic. Those are usually the steps that are missed that cause "nothing works" issues, I think.
  16. I know I had done all that. I'd done it two or three times before. It worked before. I rechecked, I redid it all, again. Still, no dice. I rechecked a 7th? 8th? time? That is when I finally noticed something odd. There was an extra "linked from" that I could not find anywhere. My Xmarker had been broken at some point and needed to be deleted and started over. As soon as I did that, map marker appears and work as expected. Of course you can't right click on a marker and delete whatever non existent thing is trying to link to it, that would be too easy. Thanks guys for reaffirming. Got it squared away now.
  17. I've got a question, I've paged through here a bit, searched around a long while, and not found an answer. I have an interior settlement, i can make it work like a charm, except I cannot get a map marker to work. I want the player to be able to fast travel to and from the settlement interior, and see all the stats of settlement from the map. How do I connect a map marker, to what, and to where, to make it work?
  18. Essentially, what I am trying for, is "General of the Minutemen, having destroyed the gangs of Nuka World, begins resettlement". I'd be far more happy with being able to do it before finishing off the gangs, and being able to use the new settlements as raider outposts/vassals should you choose that direction, when the time comes. Or perhaps, "the settler zerg menace continues to plague all available land." Something of that sort.
  19. s#*! don't work. I spent about 12 hours today tweaking and testing. Making minor changes, major changes, trying to clone Nuka RR, trying to use clones of any of the workshopparent quests, any of the workbenches, altering the workshop scripts, altering of the workshopparent scripts, variations on the radios, jury-rigging alternate map marker systems, making automatic vassals, making vassal excluded, making automatic outposts, making outposts excluded, setting locations wrong, using settings we don't normally use, using ones we do differently, mashing all of those things together with vanilla pieces, while doing all of that at various stages of DLC04MQ04 and 05. I've now spent 10 times as long trying to make a functioning settlement in Nuka as I have actually even playing it. I can get some things to kind of work. I cannot get all the things to work. That's ok, I spent quite some time trying to make a tiny mod that removes the restrictions on what you can raiderize, so you could raiderize everything. Nope, Can't make that work either. I'm too stupid for Nuka World. I'm not going back there this week, maybe I'll do something simple like a 10 settlement, quest interconnected mod in the commonwealth. I guess I should have read your post more closely Blah, I've been working on a Nuka burn out for a few days already. I even played Mordhiem: City of the Damned for a while today because even THAT was less frustrating,
  20. But... don't you already use a cloned workshopparent script? Like, one for each mod? So, if you, say, wanted to change something about one particular mod, you could just go right into the cloned workshopparent of that particular mod, and... change things? Like... what we already do every day? Change some aliases (aliasi?), alter time, speed up the harvest, dogs and cats living together, automatrons only, mass hysteria? I'm suddenly afraid I'm either doing everything terribly wrong or terrifically right and don't even know which one it is.
  21. You make me functioning Nuka settlements, that aren't only raider settlements and have working map markers, and I'll get you your workshopparent script that only requires the 1 to be used for everyone.
  22. I'd say a lifetime membership is far too cheap an investment. There has never been another way to extend the life of a game so far beyond it's lifespan than the kickass group of modders here at the Nexus, and we would not have the services we do without some form of income to pay the expenses. Is there a "if you like my mods, donate here, and the money goes straight to Nexus server upkeep" button? If not, can I have one?
  23. We were here before the hoopla, we will be here after. Thanks for the heads up, I would never have made the connection because the SE has no special meaning for me.
  24. I had to do some major faction work in General Atomics Galleria Settlement if you want to take that apart and see where I branched off vanilla to make your turrets not shoot the bots there.
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