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Everything posted by Dracula420

  1. i was watching star trek voyager and i had an idea: what if when you picked the cyborg perk the upgrades showed on your body? and it had a few levels to it so the first level of the perk you got this: http://www.startrekdesktopwallpaper.com/new_wallpaper/Star_Trek_Voyager_SevenOfNine_JerryRyan_desktopwallpaper_800.jpg and at level 2 or 3 you go full on borg like this: http://fandomania.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/borg3.jpg http://www.geocities.com/joe2622.geo/7of91.JPG if not full borg then maybe just the eyepeice seven of nine has in the first picture as an equippible item like sunglasses maybe with some sort of enhanced vision mode or a slight green filter.
  2. puting megaton in with the rest of the world would be pretty cool but thats like the only city that needs opening. rivet city is inside a ship and tenpenny tower in in a building. i would like to see megatom moved to the rest of the world but it requires mor modding expertise then i have. you would have to alter everything about megaton to achieve it. copy all quests, markers, navmeshing, characters, routines, and it might be hard to blow it up if its opened.
  3. a master scripter might be able to freeze all npcs in a certain area at once to "Stop Time" but killing somebody and reversing time to bring them back to life is most likely impossible. i hope a modder make a time stop mod like the bullet time mod. i would love to stop time, slice everybody up and start it again to watch them all die at once.
  4. like timeshift? that would be cool but with this game engine i doubt its possible. slowing it down with a bullet time mod is as close as it gets.
  5. what would look good on this armor? http://www.majhost.com/gallery/dracula420/insults/fallout3_2009-09-14_21-11-07-68.jpg
  6. Animated Protitution Link i think this is what your looking for.
  7. i'm exracted the enclave power armor meshes and textures to mess around with. i made a new texture with some decals on it but i don't want to replace the original ones. i want to make a unique looking one for my character. so i loaded the enclavearmor01 nif into nifskope but the option to change the texture doesn't show up. i made a few custom paintings for oblivion so i know where things should be (I think) but the option isn't there. please help! http://www.majhost.com/gallery/dracula420/insults/untitled.jpg
  8. well that good to know! i thought they looked pixelated too but i couldn't figure out how to fix it! i just started experimenting with paint.net and i'm still tring to figureout all the ins and outs of the features and effects.
  9. i need the most basic script for a force push effect to add to a gun. i tred setting it up myself but i'm no good with scripts. i want to make a force gun using the mesmatron model but i just want to make it fling people away for the fun of it. can somebody please write one for me? and please no linking to the geck wiki, i already looked. it explains the effect but not how to apply it in idiot proof terms.
  10. i downloaded a body and head replacer (both of which i liked) but neither one had any sort of tattoo option. so i started creating my own. i'm very new at retextures and the only retexturing i've done is the pipboy background so i just backed up my body textures folder and started experimenting. the only program i have for editing a dds is paint.net so the quality isn't the greatest (yet!). i woud very much like some feedback on them. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=7326 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=7327 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=7328 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/im...d=7331 - contains nudity
  11. i recently came across a mind control mod (LINK) and i had an idea: what if you could put explosives like a frag or plasma mine on an remote control car and drive it aroud to blow things up? of course there would be no regular remote control cars, so they would all have to be made of junk and this would probably require a high science repair or explosive skill to build. is this kind of a mod possible?
  12. i have audacity and me and my little brother could do some voice work for you.
  13. i second this. i would love to see the silent hill nurses in fallout. and i would S**t my pants if pyramid head came after me.
  14. never mind i found it. you got to the geck ini and Change bAllowMultipleMasterLoads from 0 to 1
  15. i want to help with a mod someone else is working on and it requires that i load all the DLC but the GECK gives me the message"multiple master files selected for load. load operation aborted." is there a way arround this? or something not set up correctly with the GECK? Whats going on?
  16. i've been modding oblivion for a few months now (mostly for myself) so when i got fallout 3 i had to try modding it. this is my first attempt. its a gatling gun that shoot fatman mini-nukes. it has zero practical use but it sure is fun with godmode and a whole bunch of megaton settlers. Youtube Link
  17. load the mods esp as the active file in the CS and save it. you would be modding the original esp instead of creating a new one. and back it up be fore you mod anything to make sure you can fix any mistakes.
  18. ren mystic elves comes with a long braided hair style. its not exactly like lara crofts but might be worth checking out.
  19. Bump? anybody else like this idea?
  20. i really like the leagacy of kain series and would like the outfit Kain wears throughout most of the Soul Reaver games and Defiance. i would perfer it be for the vanilla male body amd if somebody decides to make this maybe take some artistic license and create a female version too. or if somebody knows how a one-peice armor (like the knights of order armor) that makes you look exactly like Kain. and possibly gauntlets that make your hands look like the 3 finger claws he has? anyway heres some pictures. BTW if this has already been made plz post a link. http://www.nosgoth.net/Defiance/images/Kain.jpg http://s361.photobucket.com/albums/oo59/mappster131/kain_screen4.jpg http://customs.creaturesh.de/kain-org.jpg
  21. thanks those are cool but i was looking for more vampire like fangs not orc teeth. sorry i should have been more specific. but kudos to the quick response.
  22. does anybody know where i can DL some fangs? i should be able to put them on my character myself so no esp is needed but i would like to create my own race for personal use and i want some fangs. and if the fangs are part of another mod thats ok too i'll just delete the rest and save the fangs thanks for taking the time if anybody finds this.
  23. acually i was thinking like zelda chests, like a big chest in some dungeons with a unique weapon or set of armor or clothing. not just placed where ever as a repacement for the ingame chests. and i was also thinking more for player homes too.
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